
  • 网络residence permit system
  1. 现行的居住证制度很长时间以来为人们所诟病,认为这是对外来工的一种歧视。

    The temporary residence permit system has long been criticized as a form of discrimination .

  2. 积极稳妥推进户籍管理制度改革,推动实行居住证制度,为流动人口提供更好服务。

    We will actively yet prudently carry forward the reform of the household registration system , implement the residence permit system , and provide better services to the floating population .

  3. 城市实行外来人口居住证制度的公共政策分析&以苏州市为例

    Public-Policy Analysis on the Implementation of Urban Residence Permit for the Floating Population & Suzhou City as an Example

  4. 文章重点阐述了居住证制度立法的基本原则、总体框架设计和具体实施路径。

    This paper also emphasis on basic principles , an overall framework designing , as well as method of reforming and enforcement in details .

  5. 一位专家说到外出者和技工有望从北京的居住证制度改革中获益。

    Migrant workers and skilled workers are expected to benefit from a change in the resident permit system in Beijing , an expert said .

  6. 随着新居住证制度的实施,外来工可以从权利的增多和优惠政策中受益,例如社保,医疗和住房,肖说到。

    With new residence permits , migrants should benefit from more rights and favorable policies , such as social security , medical care , and housing , Xiao said .

  7. 除导论和结束语外,正文共分四大部分,结构如下:第一章是对我国居住证制度的概述。

    In addition to the introduction and closing , the text is divided into four most , the structure is as follows : The first chapter is to outline the residence permit system in our country .

  8. 文章对各地已出台的有关居住证制度的法规、规章和其它规范性文件进行全面梳理,概括归纳了流动人口享有的相关权利,明确了居住证制度的适用对象和条件。

    This paper has introduced the residence permit all over the system of regulations , rules and other regulatory documents , and summarized the related rights of the floating population , clear suitable targets and conditions of the residence permit system .

  9. 按照《引进人才实行〈上海市居住证〉制度暂行规定》引进的人员。

    The talents introduced according to the " Interim Provisions on the Implementation of the System of'Residence Permit of Shanghai Municipality'to Introduced Talented Personnel " .

  10. 其部分原因是名为“户口”的居住许可证制度,这与南非在种族隔离期间的通行证制度类似。

    This is partly because of a system of residence permits , called hukou , that resembles the pass system in South Africa under apartheid .

  11. 《北京市(留学人员)工作居住证》制度的建立,为留学人员来京创业工作提供了便利。

    The formation of Beijing Work & Residence Certificate for Returned Overseas Students provides a favorable condition for the overseas Chinese talents to work or start up their business in Beijing .