
jū zhù zì yóu
  • freedom of residence;freedom of choice of residence
  1. 具体来说,就是保障性住房的配售、出租、转让都只能由当地政府处理,不能由居住者自由转移。

    Specifically , it is to say that the sale , leasing and transfer of indemnificatory housings can only be handled by local government , not by residents .

  2. 人作为动物,享有居住和迁徙自由的本能权利。

    Being a kind of animal , human beings have their birthright of the freedom of residence and movement .

  3. 20世纪50年代以来,中国在照搬苏联模式建设社会主义中,建立起城乡分离的二元户籍制度,人为地将农民限制在农村,使农民丧失了宝贵的居住和迁徙自由权。

    Since 1950s , while copying Soviet Union Model in socialist construction , China has built up a set of Dualistic Household-registration System on separating urban and rural . Thus peasants are restricted within the countryside artificially and lost their precious freedom of residence and movement .

  4. 虽然已过八年,但居住在班达亚齐的自由记者穆丽赛尔·哈马斯仍然哀悼他的妹妹。

    Eight years later , Murizal Hamzah , a freelance journalist who lived in Banda Aceh at the time , still mourns his sister .

  5. 呼唤的声音不间断的传来,团结的我们将会挺立,让我们居住并且努力争取自由,就在我们的南非,我们的家。

    Sounds the call to come together , And united we shall stand , Let us live and strive for freedom , In South Africa our land .

  6. 也许他们现在还不太完全了解。但是可以借着这个机会,了解到居住在一个自由国度的真正意义,向为此做出贡献的人们致敬!

    They may not quite get it , but it 's a chance for them to understand what it means to live in a country that 's free and respect those who paid a price for that .