
jū zhù dì
  • place of residence;habitation;place of abode
  1. 地震后临时居住地蝇类防治效果观察

    Efficacy of flies control in temporary habitation

  2. 目的了解大学生月经初潮和首次遗精状况,分析与居住地的关系和心理变化情况。

    Objective To study the occurrences of menarche and first nocturnal emission and their relation to habitation , and psychological evolution a-mong university students .

  3. 该研究是为了更好地了解人们选择现在居住地的原因。

    The study is an attempt to get a better idea of why people live where they do

  4. 一个人的谋生手段对于其居住地的选择和生活方式来说有着至关重要的影响,反之亦然。

    What you do for a living is critical to where you settle and how you live — and the converse is also true .

  5. 所有的孩子不分种族、居住地及家庭收入,都应有权利接受高质量的教育。

    All children are entitled to a high-quality education regardless of their race , zip code or family income .

  6. 我们的团队来到加里时,我注意到了这个城镇与居住地的不同。

    When our group arrived in Gary , I noticed how different the town was from where I lived .

  7. 有些人选择家乡的球队,或者他们现在居住地的球队,抑或他们父母或朋友支持的球队。

    Some people choose the team of their hometown , or where they now live , or the team that their parents or their parents or their friends follow .

  8. 目前,接种点不接受个人接种预约。因私出境人员可到居住地所在社区服务站提交申请。

    Currently , health centers don 't accept individual vaccination community service centers .

  9. 当地已经采取预防措施,防止象群进入人类居住地引发人象冲突。

    Precaution measures have been taken to prevent human-elephant conflict as the elephants may well stray into human settlements .

  10. 第十五条公民以他的户籍所在地的居住地为住所,经常居住地与住所不一致的,经常居住地视为住所。

    Article 15 The domicile of a citizen shall be the place where his residence is registered ; if his habitual residence is not the same as his domicile , his habitual residence shall be regarded as his domicile .

  11. 想不想买套房来出租?大多数新房东想要在熟悉的城镇购买第一套房产,通常是居住地,上大学的地方,或者过去曾住过的地方。

    Thinking about joining the buy-to-let boom ? Most new landlords look to buy their first property in a town they know . Usually that means where they live or perhaps somewhere they went to university or used to reside .

  12. 新一期美国《Money》杂志列出了“王老五们的最佳居住地”。

    Money Magazine is out with a list of'Best Places to Live in if You 're Rich and Single . '

  13. •微软公司(Microsoft)联合创始人比尔•盖茨,居住地:华盛顿麦地那。

    • Bill Gates , co-founder of Microsoft , lives in Medina , Washington .

  14. •索尼公司(SonyCorp.)的CEO霍华德•斯金格,居住地:纽约。

    • Howard Stringer , CEO of Sony Corp. , lives in New York .

  15. KIM居住地所在的朝阳法院表示,尚未接到KIM的离婚起诉。

    KIM residence of Chaoyang Court said , have not yet received the KIM divorce suit .

  16. 学龄儿童性别、居住地和年龄对MV效力有影响,男性、农村及≥10岁学生MV效力较低。

    The male , rural living and ≥ 10 year old school-age children had lower MV efficacy .

  17. 不同居住地被试除了在情绪稳定性上没有显著差异外,其余因素都存在显著差异(p0.05)。

    In different living locations , there were significant difference among the rest of the factors ( p0.05 ) except in emotional stability . 7 .

  18. •定位游戏网站SCVNGR公司的CEO塞斯•普瑞巴特什,居住地:波士顿地区。

    • Seth priebatsch , CEO of SCVNGR , lives in the Boston area .

  19. 举个例子,温迪·罗默斯(WendyRommers)和丈夫巴斯·凡·谢尔万(BasvanSchelven)经常交换他们靠近阿姆斯特丹的主要居住地,那是一座船屋。

    For instance , Wendy Rommers and her husband , Bas van Schelven , often swap their primary residence near Amsterdam , which is a houseboat .

  20. 此外,为了帮助用户筛选可能的居住地,DreamMover还扮演了预算规划顾问的角色,为用户提供个人贷款和抵押信息以及其他具有针对性的建议。

    In addition to helping users screen potential places to live , the app acted as a budget-planning advisor , providing information on personal loans and mortgages as well as providing targeted advice .

  21. 国际清算银行(BIS)数据显示,2013年底,中国人持有的国际债务证券总额达2730亿美元,比以居住地计算的总额高出4倍以上。

    Data from the Bank for International Settlements show Chinese nationals had international debt securities totalling $ 273bn at the end of 2013 , more than five times the sum by residency .

  22. 结论年龄、父亲受教育年限、家庭人口数、居住地公厕设施、养狗等可能是儿童H.pylori感染的相关因素。

    Conclusion H. pylori infection for children is correlate with age , fathers ' education background , number of members of family , public lavatory service and dog keeping .

  23. 戴安娜王妃的弟弟厄尔•斯宾塞(EarlSpencer)同其第一任妻子离婚时,是在他们当时的居住地南非提起离婚诉讼的,这着实让他的妻子吃惊不小。

    When Earl Spencer , brother of Princess Diana , divorced his first wife he surprised her by issuing proceedings in South Africa where they were then living .

  24. pylori感染率及菌株分型与民族类别无关,年龄、父亲受教育年限、家庭人口数、居住地公厕设施、养狗及吃肉可能是该地区儿童H.pylori感染的相关因素。

    Age , years of father 's education , number of member in family , public lavatory service , dog-keeping and eating meat might have played some role in infection with H.pylori in children .

  25. 这25个居住地多在加利福尼亚,排在榜首的便是加州的新港滩(NewportBeach)。

    Money Magazine is out with a list of'Best Places to Live in if You 're Rich and Single . 'The top25 is dominated by California , with No.1 being Newport Beach , Calif.

  26. 经单因素分析后发现,年龄增长、父亲受教育年限低、多人口数家庭、居住地无公厕设施、养狗者等的H.pylori阳性率较高。

    Univariate analysis showed high prevalence of H. pylori correlated with the factors of increased age , poor education background of fathers , big family , absence of public lavatory service and dog keeping .

  27. 塔阿法(TalAfar)是大量土库曼人的居住地,他们与伊拉克逊尼派阿拉伯人均与基尔库克和摩苏尔相邻。近年来双方关系一度紧张。

    Tal Afar is home to a large population of ethnic Turkmens , whose relations with Iraq 's sunni Arabs , in both neighboring Kirkuk and Mosul , have been in recent years .

  28. 当今的IBF以及IBO重量级冠军,对他的祖国乌克兰和他的居住地德国来说都是一个大人物。

    The current IBF and IBO heavyweight champion is a big hit in both his native Ukraine and his adopted home of Germany .

  29. 这些儿童在17岁以前均诊断为IBD,年龄、性别和居住地因素校正后作为社会经济状况因素互相比较。

    The patients , who were all diagnosed with IBD before the age of17 years , were matched to a control by age , gender , and location as a surrogate for socioeconomic status .

  30. 由于被公路所围绕,这里很快将成为极易欣赏Guadarrama山景色的郊区居住地。

    Surrounded by highways , the land will soon become a residential suburb with privileged views towards the Guadarrama Mountains .