
  • 网络Home Ownership Scheme;Hos
  1. 驻苑职员费用〔居者有其屋计划屋苑〕

    Resident staff cost [ Home Ownership Scheme estate ]

  2. 香港政府已表明,将开始增大面向住宅开发的土地供应,预期还将重启“居者有其屋计划”(homeownershipscheme),即让中低收入家庭买得起有补贴的住房。

    The government has made clear it will start supplying more land for residential developments and it is expected to restart the home ownership scheme subsidised housing that low-to-middle income families can buy .

  3. 不计地价居者有其屋计划屋苑

    Home Ownership Scheme estate granted at nil premium

  4. 由物业管理公司代管的居者有其屋计划屋苑

    Agent-managed Home Ownership Scheme estate

  5. 事务委员会讨论将居者有其屋计划剩馀单位用作纪律部队部门宿舍的建议。

    The panel discussed the proposed use of surplus home ownership scheme flats for reprovisioning departmental quarters for the disciplined services .

  6. 据报道,政府将会出售剩馀的居屋单位,政府官员说没有恢复居者有其屋计划的需要。他说低入息家庭仍可在二手市场购买单位。

    But he did not see a need to revive the subsidized housing scheme , saying low-income families could still buy in the second-hand market .

  7. 事务委员会讨论处理居者有其屋计划及私人机构参建居屋计划剩馀单位安排的进展。

    The panel discussed the progress of the proposed arrangements for disposing of the surplus flats under the home ownership scheme and the private sector participation scheme .

  8. 廉租房作为城镇公共物品的一种,它的有效供给对于实现国家居者有其屋的计划具有重要意义。

    Low-cost housing is a kind of urban public goods , whose effective supply has great significance for the achievement of " Home Ownership " program .