
  1. 国外社会保障管理体制的运行及经验

    The Operation and Experience of the Social Security Managing System Abroad

  2. 完善社会保障管理体制等。

    And perfecting the mechanism of social security administration , etc.

  3. 构建我国运动员社会保障管理体制的法律制度思考

    The Law System Thinking on Set Up an Our country athlete social Guarantee Management System

  4. 我国目前多头管理的社会保障管理体制,已经给社会保障制度建设及其实际运作带来了不少问题。

    The multi-channel management of social security systems has brought about a lot of questions to social security system construction .

  5. 我国运动员社会保障管理体制现状应随着社会的发展不断进行调整和完善。

    Our country athlete society guarantee management system present situation should along with society of the development carries on adjust continuously with perfect .

  6. 而建立一个科学合理的社会保障管理体制,是使社会保障制度逐步走上科学、合理、统一、高效运行轨道的重要前提。

    A scientific and rational social security management system will help the social security system to operate scientifically , rationally , efficiently and beneficially .

  7. 我国社会保障管理体制在变革过程中,尤其是养老社会保障的转轨中,产生了巨额的转轨成本&养老金隐性债务。

    Large transformation cost-invisible pension debts-emerged in the reform of the management system of social security , especially in transforming the social endowment security .

  8. 国外社会保障管理体制归结起来主要有三种类型:政府直接管理体制、半官方自治管理体制和商业保险管理体制。

    The overseas social security management system mainly divides into , the government direct management , the semi official autonomous management and the commercial insurance management .

  9. 运动员社会保障管理体制的合理性决定了运动员社会保障的公正性及其运行的有效性。

    The athlete social guarantee manages the rationality of system to come to a decision the candor of the athlete social guarantee and the usefulness of its movement .

  10. 我国现行的社会保障管理体制存在许多重大缺陷,而且业已成为深化经济体制改革的障碍。

    There exist a large number of deficiencies in our country 's actual social security management system and they have become the barrier to deepen the economic system reform .

  11. 我国现行的运动员社会保障管理体制是一种多部门交叉分管、条块分割和企事业单位自管的分散管理体制。

    Our country current athlete society ′ s guaranteeing management system is a kind of many sections to cross cent take care of , piece partition cause and business unit from tube of dispersion management system .

  12. 其次,社会保障预算管理体制不顺。

    Second , the social security budget management system is not suitable .

  13. 新中国60年社会保障行政管理体制的变迁

    On Chinese social security administrative management system change over the past 60 years

  14. 不同国家的社会保障投资管理体制不尽相同,这是由本国的实际情况所决定。

    Social security investment management system is not the same in different countries , which is determined by their actual situation .

  15. 健全社会保障经办管理体制,建立更加便民快捷的服务体系。

    We should improve the mechanism for supervising the work of social security agencies and make social security services more convenient and efficient .

  16. 社会保障的发展与社会保障管理体制的变迁,政府责任义不容辞。

    Government has an inescapable responsibility in developing the social security and transforming the management system of social security .

  17. 城市偏向的社会保障制度反映在社会保障模式、社会保障管理体制、社会保障覆盖面和社会保障水平等方面。

    The urban-biased social security system is reflected in the mode of social security , the management system of social security , the coverage of social security and the level of social security .

  18. 本文试从我国社会保障制度存在的问题入手,分析深化社会保障管理体制改革的必要性,并有针对地提出完善对策。

    Based on the existing problem in our country 's social security , this article analyses the necessity in deepening the social security management system , and points out the countermeasures to perfect it .

  19. 为了进一步完善、健全社会保障体系,解决当前和今后社会保障资金来源和管理体制问题,开征社会保障税已成为当务之急。

    In order to further improve and perfect the social security system and solve the sources and management system of social security funds at current and future , the introduction of social security tax has become an urgent task .

  20. 如何突破这个瓶颈问题,更好地完善、健全社会保障体系,解决当前和今后社会保障资金来源和管理体制问题,保证社会保障有必要的资金是本文的主要研究目的。

    How to break through the bottleneck problem , consummate the social security system , solve the capital source of the social security and management system problem at present and in the future , guarantee the social security with necessary fund is a main research purpose of this article .

  21. 为此,应对社会保障发展的制约因素进行认真分析,尽快改革现行的社会保障管理体制,探讨解决中国的社会保障问题,建立统一的社会保障机构。

    Therefore we should analyse some restrictive factors to the development of social security , reform the present management system of social security , explore and solve the issue of social security in China and establish unified structure of social security .