
  1. 我国农村五保供养制度:回顾和评述

    A Review and Comment of The Rural System of Supporting with Five Guarantees

  2. 新中国农村五保供养制度的变迁

    A Historical Investigation of the Changes in the Five-Guarantee System in Chinese Rural Areas

  3. 农村五保供养制度化的框架分析

    An Analysis on the Framework of the Institutionalization of the Five Guarantees Supporting in Rural Areas

  4. 改革开放以来农村五保供养制度模式变迁探析

    A Probe into the Changes of the Five Guarantees Support System in Rural Area since Reform and Opening-up

  5. 农村五保供养制度是一项具有中国特色保障鳏寡孤独残疾人基本生活权益的制度,也是我国农村社会保障体系的重要组成部分。

    The five guarantees supporting in rural areas is one essential part of social relief facilities as well as the main component of social securities system .

  6. 本研究以福利国家理论为支撑,探讨作为国家责任行为的农村五保供养制度的建立与完善。

    In this study , the theory of the welfare state support , to explore the system as the beneficiaries of the State responsibility to support the establishment and perfection .

  7. 农村五保供养变迁的制度嵌入性分析

    An Analysis of the Institutional Embeddedness in the Change of Rural 5-Guarantee System

  8. 农村社会保障制度涉及范围较广,本文是以农村最低生活保障制度、农村五保供养制度以及新型农村社会养老保险制度这三大政策作为阐述对象。

    Rural social security system has a wide range ; this thesis is based on the three policies , taking the Rural Minimum Living Guarantee , the Rural Five Guarantees System and the New Type of Rural Social Endowment Insurance as explaining objects .

  9. 其次,研究了集体经济条件下的农村社会福利的发展。重点研究了农村自然灾害、农民生活贫困救济事业,农村五保供养制度和合作医疗制度的建立等福利措施及政策。

    Secondly , this essay analyzes the development of the social welfare in collective economy , focusing on the rural natural disasters , farmers ' living poverty relief institutions , five guarantees , cooperative medical care system in rural area and the establishment of welfare measures and policies .