
  1. 我国农村资金互助社的法律问题研究

    Research on the Legal Issues Regarding Rural Mutual Cooperatives in China

  2. 农村资金互助社法律规范之缺失

    Legal Regulation Deficiency of the Mutual Aid Association of Rural Fund

  3. 农村资金互助社实践中的法律风险分析

    Risk Analysis on the Practice of Rural Credit Union Funds

  4. 在农村资金互助社出现以前我国没有真正的合作金融。

    No real Cooperative financial organizations appeared in china before the rural mutual cooperatives .

  5. 京郊农村资金互助社的风险防范机制研究

    Study on the Risk Prevention Mechanism of the Rural Mutual Cooperatives in the Suburb of Beijing

  6. 第4章,完善我国农村资金互助社的立法建议。

    Chapter four is about the advices of legislation to improve the system of the rural mutual cooperative .

  7. 在中国,提供小额信贷服务的除扶贫项目和商业银行外,还有五类大型金融机构,即:民间小额信贷机构、小额贷款公司、村镇银行、农村资金互助社和农村信用合作社。

    Except for poverty alleviation programs and commercial banks , five major financial institutions are providing microfinance services in China viz .

  8. 以此促进农村资金互助社的发展,从而更好的服务三农。

    So as to promote the development of rural fund cooperatives , in order to better service " three rural " .

  9. 为保障农村资金互助社的规范、健康发展应为其建立科学合理的法律规范体系。

    Norms for the protection of rural fund cooperatives , health development should be to establish a scientific and rational system of legal norms .

  10. 农村资金互助社一定程度地缓解了农户资金短缺困境,为农户提供了方便、快捷、及时、有效的金融服务。

    Rural mutual fund cooperative alleviates the predicament of farmers ' funds shortage and provides convenient , efficient , timely and effective financial services for farmers .

  11. 对已出台的规范文件如《农村资金互助社管理暂行规定》等,则应根据农村地区的反馈信息作相应修正。

    Normative documents have already been promulgated , such as " Provisional Regulations on the management of rural credit union funds ", should be amended in accordance with feedback from rural areas .

  12. 农村资金互助社是由农村社员自愿入股设立经营存款、贷款和结算等业务的社区互助性银行业金融机构。

    Rural Mutual Cooperatives is a kind of financial institution of banking industry with the nature of community cooperation , which can offer services like deposit , loan , settlement and so on .

  13. 在此基础上就安徽省农村资金互助社贷款利率的实际水平与理论值进行对比发现差异,并分析差异存在的原因。

    On this basis , comparing the rural capital of Anhui Province on the actual level of Rural Mutual funds lending rates with the theoretical value to find differences , and analyzing the reasons for differences .

  14. 第二部分,正文,共分为4章,其中第3和第4章的内容是本文的重点:第1章,农村资金互助社的理论基础及其立法现状。

    Part two consists of four chapters of which the third and the fourth chapter is the core of this paper . Chapter one is about the theoretical basis and present legislation situation of rural mutual cooperatives .

  15. 农村资金互助社这一新的微型金融机构立足于农村,服务于农户及农村小企业,在一定程度上满足了农村经济发展对金融的要求。

    As a new rural micro-financial institution , Rural Mutual funds is based on the rural areas , serving farmers and rural small businesses , helping the financial requirements to meet the rural economic development to a certain extent .

  16. 为解决这一问题,笔者对《农村资金互助社管理暂行规定》进行了全面的检讨,进而提出制度完善的建议。本文共分三个部分:第一部分,前言。

    This paper aims at solving this problems , the author proposed that the system perfect suggestion after scrutinizing ' the Provisional Rules Governing the Management of Rural Mutual Cooperatives ' . This paper consists of three parts : The first part , Foreword .

  17. 最后,在坚持政府支持、精英领导、农民参与的基本思想的指导下,提出了优化发育环境,促进我国新型农村资金互助社快速健康发育的对策建议。

    Finally , in adhere to the guidance of the basic thought of the " government support , the elite leadership , farmers ' participation ", put forward optimum development environment and development countermeasures to promote the new rural mutual funds rapid and healthy development .

  18. 2010年中央1号文件再次强调要加快培育村镇银行、贷款公司、农村资金互助社,有序发展小额贷款组织,引导社会资金投资设立适应‘三农’需要的各类新型金融组织。

    The Central First Document of 2010 also emphasized to " accelerate the development of village banks , loan companies and rural mutual fund cooperatives and introduce social capital investment to rural financial market to establish the suitable new rural financial institutions for ' three agriculture '" .

  19. 农村资金互助社作为农民自发创设的农村合作金融组织,具有相较于其他金融机构的内生性优势,能够满足农村小额、短期借贷的需求,解决农村发展的融资困境,因此具有较强的生命力。

    Compared with other financial institutions , rural capital mutual cooperative organization as the farmers of the citation of rural cooperative financial organizations has the endogenous advantage . It can satisfy rural small , short-term lending requirements and solve the rural development financing difficulties . So it has strong vitality .

  20. 另外,新型的农村金融组织除了资金互助社,都是商业性的机构,提供信贷服务的收费较高,低收益的农业难以承受。

    On the other hand , new-type rural financial organizations , apart from financial credit union , are commercial institutions , providing credit services with higher charges which low-income agriculture cannot bear .

  21. 这三类新型农村金融机构中,农村资金互助社具有合作金融性质。

    These three new rural financial institutions , only rural mutual credit union has the nature of Cooperative financial characteristics .

  22. 因此作为一种新型的农村合作金融组织,农村资金互助社在缓解农村金融供需矛盾上被寄予厚望。

    So as a kind of new rural cooperative financial organizations , the rural cooperatives in alleviating rural finance in the contradiction between supply and demand are expected to do that .

  23. 在欠发达农村资金供求严重失衡的情况下,农民被迫选择了成立农村资金互助社这种基层合作金融组织。

    In the developing rural areas capital supply and demand is imbalance , farmers are forced to choose mutual funds .

  24. 本论文研究的新型农村金融机构包括银监会批准设立的村镇银行、贷款公司、农村资金互助社以及银监会和人民银行共同试点的小额贷款公司。

    This paper studies the new-type of rural financial institutions including village bank 、 loan companies and the rural credit union founds and microfinance company .

  25. 综合研究国外经验和国内农村经济的实践表明合作金融能够较好的解决农村金融问题,农村资金互助社是农村合作金融十分有效的组织形式,是发展农村金融的一项有效的制度安排。

    Comprehensive study abroad experience and practice of the domestic rural economy that the cooperative finance can be a better solution rural finance , rural credit union funds is a very effective form of organization of the rural cooperative financial development of rural finance an effective institutional arrangements .

  26. 此轮改革对农村金融体系实行了准入和资本的放开,发展了村镇银行、贷款公司、农村资金互助社等3种新型农村金融机构。

    This round of the reform released the " access " and " capital " policy in rural banking system , and developed the new rural banking institutions , such as rural banks , loan companies and mutual-aid groups of rural funds .

  27. 接着总结了国外农村合作金融组织的发育经验,从动力机制、利益分配机制、组织运行机制及政策扶持机制四个方面来构建我国新型农村资金互助社的发育机制。

    Then summed up the development experience of foreign rural cooperative financial organizations , we should from the dynamic mechanism , interest distribution mechanism , the organization operation mechanism and policy support mechanism to construct the development mechanism of the new rural mutual funds .