
  1. 中国农产品地理标志保护研究&以陕西苹果为例

    Research on the Geographical Indication Protection of Agricultural Products in China

  2. 农产品地理标志保护的优选路径&以白市驿板鸭为例

    Optimization Approach of Protection of Geographical Indication of Agricultural Product

  3. 农产品地理标志促进区域农业经济发展研究

    Research for Developing Regional Agricultural Economy by Geographical Indications of Agricultural Products

  4. 农产品地理标志保护的意义及其路径

    The Significance of Protecting GIs of Farm Produce and How to Protect

  5. 福建农产品地理标志保护研究

    A Study on the Protection of Geographic Marks of Fujian 's Agricultural Products

  6. 我国农产品地理标志的发展战略研究

    Study on Developing Strategy of Our Country 's Agricultural Products Concerning Geography Indications

  7. 甘肃特色农产品地理标志国际法律保护

    The International Law Protection of Gansu 's Special Farm Products Through Geographical Marks

  8. 论我国农产品地理标志保护制度的完善

    Comment on Improvement of Geographical Mark Protection System of China 's Agricultural Products

  9. 特色农产品地理标志保护与安徽农业论地理标志的国际保护及我国的对策

    The Protection of Specific Geographical Agricultural Mark Products and the Agriculture in Anhui Province

  10. 因此,做好农产品地理标志的保护工作意义重大。

    Therefore , making an effect protection of agricultural geographical indication is of great significance .

  11. 我国的农产品地理标志保护主要是商标法保护模式。

    In China , protection of geographical indications of agricultural products is the trademark law protected mode .

  12. 加强对农产品地理标志的保护,符合我国经济发展的长远利益。

    Enhancing the protection of the agricultural products with geographical indications fits the long-term interests of Chinese economic development .

  13. 农产品地理标志保护有利于保护农民知识产权,增加农民经济收入;

    Protecting GIs of farm produce will be good to protecting agricultural intellectual property rights and increasing the income of farmers ;

  14. 最终完成了对农产品地理标志知识产权、植物新品种权和农业专利权的评估设计。

    At last , this dissertation completes the assessment design of agricultural geographical indications property , plant variety property and agricultural patent .

  15. 但是,在中国实施农产品地理标志保护只有28年的历史,在此过程中,还存在着许多问题。

    However , the protection of Agriculture Geographical Indication has a history of twentieth-eight year old . There are so many problems existing in the protecting agricultural geographical indication .

  16. 农产品地理标志与三农关系最密切,也是与贸易相关的知识产权保护中非常重要的组成部分。

    Ihe trade of agricultural products with geographical indications is most closely related to " three rural issues ", and also the extremely important part of trade-related intellectual property protection .

  17. 实施农产品地理标志保护有利于促进农业经济的发展,增加农民收入,以及合理保护利用自然资源。

    Conducting the protection of Agriculture Geographical Indication is a good way to promote the rural economy , increase the input of farmers as well as rationally develop nature resource .

  18. 本文认为,农产品地理标志保护是一项长期的系统工程,地理标志蕴含着丰富的法律内涵。

    The author of this paper thinks that the protection of Agriculture Geographical Indication is a long project to be established . The agriculture geographical indication possessed the particular legal factor .

  19. 然而,现阶段我国农产品地理标志的法律保护工作尚处于初级阶段,相关制度和理论不够成熟,由此引发的问题还很多。

    However , the legal protection of agricultural geographical indication is still in the initial stage , the relevant system and the theory is not mature enough , There are still many problems .

  20. 第四部分是对整篇文章的总结,并对江西省农产品地理标志的未来展望,走出独具江西省特色的农产品市场之路。

    The fourth part is the summary of the whole article , and the future prospect of agricultural products geographical indication in Jiangxi Province , walk out of the unique characteristics of Jiangxi Produce market road .

  21. 对农产品地理标志的有效保护,能大幅增加农民收入,带动农村经济发展,逐步缩小城乡差距,加快城镇化建设的步伐,使发展的成果惠及全民。

    Making an effect protection of agricultural geographical indication can improve farmers ' income promoting rural economic development narrowing the gap between urban and rural areas so that all the people can enjoy a prosperous life .

  22. 第二部分分析国内外农产品地理标志保护模式的现状及其所具有的借鉴意义,以及不同国家对农产品地理标志的不同保护模式及其原因。

    The second part will analysis of agricultural products of geographical indications protection mode phenomenon in domestic and foreign and its significance , different countries on the protection of geographical indication of agricultural products has a different mode and cause .

  23. 第三,加强品牌特色农产品及地理标志产品的法律保护。

    Third , strengthen the brand features products , agricultural products and the legal protection of geographical indications .

  24. 在我国对地理标志保护的法律间存在冲突的前提下,如何更好的利用现行法保护江西省农产品的地理标志对江西省农业的发展甚为重要。

    In our country , the protection of geographical indications of the legal conflicts of the premise , how to make better use of the existing law protection of geographical indications of agricultural products in Jiangxi Province is very important .

  25. 第2081/92号条例规定了对农产品和食品地理标志和原产地名称的保护。

    COUNCIL REGULATION ( EEC ) NO 2081 / 92 of 14 July 1992 on the protection of geographical indications and designations of origin for agricultural products and foodstuffs lays down rules on the protection of designations of origin and geographical indications of some agricultural products .

  26. 在指出地理标志与农产品具有天然亲和性的基础上,提出了农产品地理标志的概念和特征。

    On the basis of natural relationship between geographical indication and agricultural products , the paper points out the characteristics of geographical indication of agricultural products .