
  • 网络Farmers' Professional Cooperative;professional farmers cooperatives
  1. 我国农民专业合作社法人治理结构的完善

    Improvement of the Corporate Governance of Chinese Professional Farmers Cooperatives

  2. 然后介绍A银行积极响应政府号召,首创并试点农民专业合作社贷款新品种。

    Then introduce A bank government responded positively to the call , the first and pilot Professional Farmers Cooperatives Loan new varieties .

  3. 基于组件式GIS的农民专业合作社管理系统研究

    Study on the Management System of Farmer Cooperatives Found on Component Based GIS

  4. 关于绥化市农村专业技术协会与农民专业合作社协调发展的SWOT分析

    SWOT Analysis for the Rural Special Technique Association With The Farmers ' Professional Cooperatives Coordinated Development in Suihua

  5. 对风险认知的研究,论文选取农民专业合作社负责人和普通社员进行问卷调查,并运用Probit模型对风险认知影响因素进行回归和估计。

    In the research on risk perception of the specialized farmers cooperatives , the author of this paper conducted a questionnaire survey to the managers and the general members , then applied Probit model to analysis the factors affecting members ' risk perception .

  6. 农民专业合作社;农民组织;影响因素;浙江省。

    Farmers'Specialized Cooperative ; Fanners'Organization ; Affecting Factor ; Zhejiang Province .

  7. 农民专业合作社如何做大做强&河北省灵寿县烟叶合作社的成功实践与探索

    How to make the farmers ' specialistic cooperative larger and stronger

  8. 第五部分探讨农民专业合作社形成的机制和路径。

    Chapter Five explores the mechanism and path of cooperatives formation .

  9. 服务农民专业合作社推动有机农业标准化产业升级

    Farmer Specialization Cooperation Promoting Industry Upgrading in Standardization of Organic Agriculture

  10. 中国农民专业合作社发展中的金融支持

    On Financing Support in the Development of Chinese Farmer Professional Cooperatives

  11. 而我国的农民专业合作社具有独特的外部特征与内部特征。

    Chinese cooperatives has a unique external features and internal features .

  12. 台州市农民专业合作社实证分析与发展对策研究

    Demonstration Analysis and Study of Development Countermeasures on Peasant Specialty Cooperative

  13. 农民专业合作社在迅速发展的同时,依然存着不少问题。

    But there are still some problems during the fast developing .

  14. 第四章:农民专业合作社权益融资。

    Chapter four is about farmers ' professional cooperative right financing .

  15. 近年来,河南省农民专业合作社蓬勃发展。

    In recent years , farmer professional cooperatives have been flourished .

  16. 论我国农民专业合作社的成长我国农民专业合作组织的生发机制

    The Growing Mechanism of the Peasant 's Specialized Cooperative Organization in China

  17. 第三部分,渭南市农民专业合作社的融资现状。

    The third part is analysis of financing of Weinan farmer cooperatives .

  18. 对我国建立和发展农民专业合作社的思考

    Thoughts on Establishes and Develops the Farmer Specialized Cooperative Society in China

  19. 农民专业合作社运行机制建设的实证分析

    Case Analysis on Operating Mechanism Establishment of Farmer Specialty Cooperative

  20. 农民专业合作社的产生为解决这些问题提供了有效的载体。

    The specialized farmer cooperatives provide effective support to solve these problems .

  21. 农民专业合作社与区域环境相互作用研究

    The Interaction between Farmer Specialized Cooperatives and Their Region Environment

  22. 我国农民专业合作社的产权制度安排

    Research on the Property Rights Arrangement of Chinese Farmers ' Specialized Cooperatives

  23. 贵州农民专业合作社的现状、问题及对策

    The Status , Problems and Countermeasures for Specialized Farmers Associations in Guizhou

  24. 农民专业合作社;制度供给;集体行动困境。

    Specialty cooperative of peasants ; Institution supply ; Collective action dilemma .

  25. 诸城市农民专业合作社发展对策研究

    Research on the Development of Farmers ' Professional Cooperatives in Zhucheng City

  26. 农民专业合作社是新兴市场主体。

    The peasant specialized co-operative is an emerging market entity .

  27. 此后,农民专业合作社如雨后春笋般地迅速发展。

    Since then , the farmer professional cooperatives sprang up like mushrooms .

  28. 其次,对农民专业合作社理事的任职资格进行了界定。

    Next , define the post qualifications of council member .

  29. 第五章四川农民专业合作社治理结构的案例分析。

    Chapter Five & Cases analysis of farmer cooperatives in Sichuan Province .

  30. 对农民专业合作社利益机制的探讨

    Discussing on the Interest Mechanism of Specialty Cooperative of Peasants