
  • 网络Agricultural futures market;Agricultural Product Futures Market;AFET
  1. 由于以上分析结果我们发现我国农产品期货市场并没有较好的发挥作用,主要原因有两方面:一是期货市场自身的问题;二是现货市场的问题。

    Due to the analysis results above we found that our country agricultural product futures market is not functioning well enough , the reasons may include two aspects , the futures market and spot market .

  2. 而农产品期货市场作为农产品市场体系中的重要组成部分,其有效性直接影响到农产品产业链上、中、下游企业的收益和市场竞争力。

    While the agricultural product futures market for agricultural products market system is the important constituent . Its effectiveness is directly related to the products of industry chain , downstream , in the accrual of the enterprise and market competition ability .

  3. 我国已经加入WTO,五年过渡期过后,期货市场将全面放开,我国农产品期货市场将面临哪些机遇,又将受到那些挑战?

    After the five transitional years since China 's WTO accession , its futures market is bound to open in an all round way , and the futures market of farm produces will experience both opportunities and challenges .

  4. 我国期货市场高Hurst值也表明我国的农产品期货市场还未达到弱式有效。

    The high Hurst Exponents of the both futures markets show that they don 't reach the weak market efficiency until now .

  5. 第三章对农产品期货市场价格发现功能进行了实证研究,用VAR模型、Johansen协整检验、误差修正模型等实证分析了大豆、小麦期货合约的功能发挥情况。

    Chapter III of the agricultural futures market price discovery function of the empirical research , using VAR model , Johansen cointegration test , error correction model and other empirical analysis of the soybean and wheat futures contracts Functioning .

  6. 我国农产品期货市场有效性的实证研究

    Empirical Research of Efficiency of Agricultural Commodity Futures Market in China

  7. 本章阐述了美国农产品期货市场功能实现情况,通过对比可以看出我国农产品期货市场功能发挥的不足。

    Introduces the characteristic of American agricultural product futures market .

  8. 农产品期货市场势在必行

    Futures Transaction of Agricultural Product Must Be Carried Out MARKETING

  9. 第四章重点在于介绍农产品期货市场的风险转移功能与价格发现功能。

    The fourth chapter mainly introduces the risk revise and price discovery function .

  10. 我国农民参与农产品期货市场的引导策略研究

    A Lead Strategy Research of Chinese Farmers Participation in Agricultural Products Futures Market

  11. 基于农产品期货市场的粮食安全问题研究

    Study on Food Security Based on Agricultural Futures Market

  12. 发挥农产品期货市场功能促进农民增收

    Exerting the Function of the Agricultural Futures Market to Increase Ingatherings of the Peasantry

  13. 农产品期货市场的建立较好地解决了这个问题。

    The establishment of futures market of farm products can better solve the problem .

  14. 利用农产品期货市场促进粮食物流发展&基于粮食安全的视角

    Promoting Grain Logistics Development by Agricultural Futures Market : Based on Food Security Perspective

  15. 而我国农产品期货市场在价格上涨和下跌时流动性整体上不存在显著差异。

    There is no difference in the overall liquidity when prices rise and fall .

  16. 我国农产品期货市场交割制度研究

    The Futures Delivery System of China Grain Research

  17. 农产品期货市场在农业发展中可以发挥重要作用。

    A Research about the Price Discovery Function of the Agricultural Futures Market in China ;

  18. 因此,正确认识农产品期货市场十分必要。

    Therefore , it is necessary to get correct comprehension to future contracts of agricultural products .

  19. 加强和改善我国农产品期货市场功能实现。本章针对第五章分析的原因,提出了加强和改善我国农产品期货市场功能实现的若干建议和对策。

    Brings forward some ways to strengthen and improve the function of agricultural product futures market .

  20. 我国农产品期货市场发展现状与趋势展望

    The Current Situation and the Perspective of the Development of China 's Agricultural Product Market Development

  21. 最后提出利用农产品期货市场促进农业产业化发展的措施及政策建议。

    Finally make use of agricultural commodity futures markets for agricultural industrialization development of measures and policy proposals .

  22. 农产品期货市场对农民安排农产品的生产、经营、提高收入有着日益显著的作用。

    Farm produce futures market plays an important role for farmers to arrange their production , operation and income increase .

  23. 第一章概述了传统的期货价格理论和中国农产品期货市场的发展历史,并对大豆和小麦两个交易品种做了简要介绍。

    The first two chapters in this article investigates the unbiasedness hypothesis of futures prices in China 's agricultural commodity futures markets .

  24. 联合国的这位食物权特别报告员还指出,食品价格的剧烈动荡主要是农产品期货市场上的投机活动造成的。

    The report notes speculation in the futures market of primary agricultural commodities is behind much of the volatility in food prices .

  25. 为进一步利用期货市场为订单农业服务,需要大力发展农产品期货市场、加强投资者教育,支持粮食龙头企业参与期货市场。

    It is necessary to develop the agricultural futures markets , and support the key cereal enterprises to participate in the futures markets .

  26. 本文认为,农产品期货市场特有的价格发现和规避风险的经济功能在农民增收中发挥着重要作用。

    With its particular function of price discovery and risk hedging , agricultural futures market plays significant and important role in ingatherings of the peasantry .

  27. 其中,农产品期货市场的功能体现在农产品价格发现与农产品套期保值两个方面。

    Among them , the agricultural products the function of futures markets are price discovery embodied in two aspects include agricultural products and agricultural products hedging .

  28. 农产品期货市场是世界上最早产生的期货市场,从其行业归属来看,属于金融服务业。

    The futures market for agricultural products is the earliest futures market in the world and belongs to the financial service sector in terms of the business category .

  29. 建立目标并联的、二元稳定的粮食政策结构、利用农产品期货市场破解订单农业发展的风险难题。

    Found the grain policy structure of connectible aim and steady'two dualism ' and make use of futures market to solve the venture of order form agriculture 's development .

  30. 同时也论述了期货市场的产生和发展现状,通过大力发展订单农业,探索出订单农业与农产品期货市场的契合点关键词:订单农业;期货市场;

    In the mean time , it stated the production and situation , and probed the correspondence point of order agriculture and agricultural futures market by developing order agriculture .