
nónɡ cūn shènɡ yú láo dònɡ lì
  • rural surplus laborers
  1. 吸纳农村剩余劳动力的能力减弱;

    The weakening ability of absorbing rural surplus laborers ;

  2. 随着农村剩余劳动力的进一步转移,从理论上要求我们必须有所创新,并提出挑战。

    All this makes a challenge to the further transfer of rural surplus laborers on theory .

  3. 2002年是我国加入WTO的第一年、西部大开发实施的第二年,我国农村剩余劳动力转移的背景和机制也必将随之而发生变化。

    2002 is the first year of China taking part in WTO and the second year of the western exploitation .

  4. 东部发达地区GDP对就业的乘数效应比边疆民族地区的大,说明了东部发达地区依然是吸收就业和农村剩余劳动力的主要地区,并提出增加就业的对策建议。

    The multiplier effect in Eastern area is bigger than the ethnic area . The paper presented proposals on how to promote employment .

  5. 建筑业吸纳农村剩余劳动力就业实证研究&基于VEC模型的分析

    An Empirical Study on Construction Industry Employing Rural Labor Force in China Based on VEC Model

  6. 搞好生态建设,转移农村剩余劳动力

    Shift and Assimilation Countryside Left Unused Labor Force by Ecological Construction

  7. 托达罗人口流动模型与中国农村剩余劳动力的转移

    Todaro Migration Model and Transfer of China 's Rural Surplus Labors

  8. 休闲农业与中国农村剩余劳动力转移探索

    Study on Leisure Agriculture and Rural Surplus Labor Transfer of China

  9. 汕头市90年代农村剩余劳动力转移研究

    Surplus agricultural labor force transfer in Shantou City in recent years

  10. 解决农村剩余劳动力问题的战略性措施

    The Strategy Measure of the Solution Village Surplus Labor Force Problem

  11. 论农村剩余劳动力的再转移

    On another shift of surplus labour force in the countryside

  12. 发展区域经济,促进农村剩余劳动力转移

    Developing Regional Economy , Promoting Transference of Rural Surplus Labor

  13. 第一章是对农村剩余劳动力转移的理论基础分析。

    Chapter One conducts basic theoretical analysis on rural surplus labor transfer .

  14. 科学发展观指导下的农村剩余劳动力转移培训

    Shift-training rural surplus labour forces directed by science development view

  15. 户籍制度与农村剩余劳动力转移

    Household Registration System and the Migration of Rural Surplus Labor

  16. 试析我国农村剩余劳动力的转移

    Analyzing the transfer of surplus labors in the rural areas of China

  17. 对农村剩余劳动力转移与小城镇建设的再认识

    Reconsideration of the Transfer of Rural Surplus Labor and the Small-town Construction

  18. 农村剩余劳动力的流动问题是当前我国社会经济发展面临的重要战略问题。

    The flow of surplus rural labor is a critical strategic issue .

  19. 农村剩余劳动力转移的根本出路在于实现农业产业化

    Fundamental Way out for Transforming Rural Surplus Labor Lies in Agricultural Industrialization

  20. 加强对农村剩余劳动力的培训意义重大。

    It makes sense to enhance training surplus labor force .

  21. 恩施自治州农村剩余劳动力转移问题研究

    The Shift of Rural Surplus Labor in Enshi Autonomous Prefecture

  22. 探索具有中国特色的农村剩余劳动力转移之路

    Exploring the Ways with Chinese Characteristics to Divide the Surplus County Labor

  23. 农村剩余劳动力转移的宏观法律规制研究

    The Study on Macro-control Law Regulation of the Transfer of Rural Surplus Labor

  24. 陕西农村剩余劳动力转移策略

    Immigration of redundant rural labor force in Shanxi province

  25. 河南省农村剩余劳动力转移与配置研究

    The Shift and Disposition of Surplus Labourers in Rural Areas in Henan Province

  26. 组织农村剩余劳动力转移应与促进农村经济发展、壮大农业经济同步进行。

    The transfer of rural surplus labour should coordinate with the rural economy .

  27. 关于农村剩余劳动力转移问题的若干思考&兼谈阜阳市农村剩余劳动力转移问题

    Several Considerations on the Transfer of Surplus Rural Labor

  28. 西部农村剩余劳动力行业外转移实证分析&以重庆市为例

    A Empirical Analysis of External Transference about Rural Surplus Labors in Western China

  29. 我国非农产业对农村剩余劳动力就业的影响

    Effect of China 's Non-Framing Industries on the Employment of Rural Surplus Labors

  30. 摘要我国农村剩余劳动力转移是一项政府主导的社会系统工程。

    Transferring surplus rural workforce in China is a government-led social systems engineering .