
  1. 第三部分分析农村土地承包合同与农村土地承包经营权的关系。

    The second part analyse the nature of rural land contract .

  2. 论农村土地承包合同的相对性

    Study on the Privity of Contract of Rural Land

  3. 农村土地承包合同的法律思考

    Legal Consideration of the Rural Land Contract

  4. 它泊来于农村土地承包合同,又在合同主体、客体和内容等方面有自己的独特性。

    It comes from rural land contract , having own special with the contract corpus and contents etc.

  5. 论农村土地承包合同

    On Rural Land Contract

  6. 乡(镇)人民政府负责本行政区域内农村土地承包及承包合同管理。

    The township ( town ) people 's governments shall be responsible for the administration of the contracting of the rural land within their own administrative areas and of the contracts .

  7. 农村土地承包纠纷主要有合同纠纷与侵权纠纷。

    Rural land contract disputes , contract disputes and tort main dispute .

  8. 《农村土地承包法》确立了两类签订农村土地承包经营合同的适格主体:一是农户,二是集体经济组织中的个人。

    Rural Land Contracting Law of P.R. China set two kinds of statutory person who can sign up the contract of rural land contracting for management : one is peasant , the other one is the member of collective economic organization .