
fánɡ dì chǎn dǐ yā hé tonɡ
  • real estate mortgage contract
  1. 全文共分五个部分第一部分,关于房地产抵押合同的成立、生效及房地产抵押权的取得。

    The dissertation is divided into five chapters , there are : Chapter 1 . Formation , effect of real estate mortgage contract , and acquirement of real estate mortgage rights .

  2. 首先对房地产抵押合同的性质,房地产抵押的标的物这两个有争议的问题提出了自己的看法。

    The first , declares the author 's opinions on the nature of the contract of real estate mortgage and the mortgage property , two controversial issues .

  3. 内容涉及:房地产抵押权、房地产抵押种类及法律原则,房地产抵押登记及实操、房地产抵押法律风险及防范,同时论及了房地产抵押合同与抵押权的设定关系。

    It contains : the right of real estate mortgage , mortgage category and legal principles , registration and actual operation , legal risk and precaution in the real estate mortgage field . Meanwhile , this article touches up the relation of Mortgage Contract and Creation of Right to Mortgage .