
  1. 文章第二部分主要介绍房地产市场风险的界定与风险测定的具体方法和指标。通过国际上各种常用指标标准与我国权威统计数据的分析对比,初步判断目前我国房地产市场已经存在风险。

    The second part of the article mainly introduces real estate market risk limits and risk determination concrete method and target .

  2. 而另一方面,你得到了生活成本贴补,房地产市场风险也得到了对冲。

    You , on the other hand , have had your living costs subsidised and your risks in the property market hedged .

  3. 在此基础上对北京市房地产市场风险运用模糊评价方法进行研究,并提出了相应的防范和控制措施。

    On this basis , applies the fuzzy evaluation method to appraise real estate risk of Beijing and puts forward the relevant preventable and controllable measures .

  4. 房地产市场风险尤高,但近几月来中国艺术品、中药和大蒜等的价格也都出现了大幅飙升。

    Property is at particular risk but in recent months there have been big jumps in the prices of Chinese art , medicinal herbs and garlic .

  5. 从供给和需求两方面分析了影响房地产市场风险的各因素,并对各因素的致险机理进行了详细的阐述。

    In this paper , various factors that affected market risk of real estate and influence mechanism are analyzed from both supply and demand of market .

  6. 采用定性与定量相结合,突出定量分析的办法,构建我国房地产市场风险分析与测定的评价模型。浅论对外开放及其定量评价底质总有机碳含量并不影响螺的分布数量;

    Take the qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis together , emphasizing quantitative analysis to make the evaluate model for our real estate market risks analysis and determine .

  7. 宏观角度,本论文建立了属性数学模型研究天津市房地产市场风险状况,具有重要的经济和社会意义。

    In a macro sense , the paper established an attributes mathematical model study the real estate market risk in Tianjin , has an important economic and social significance .

  8. 对此,央行上海分行对各金融机构发出预警:要高度重视房地产市场风险向银行信贷转移的可能性。

    In response , the Shanghai branch of the central bank issued a warning financial institutions : We should attach great importance to the real estate market to bank credit risk transfer possibilities .

  9. 不仅能够有效地反映房地产市场风险变化、银行信贷变化所带来的差异化效应,而且能够更加深入和全面地理解房地产风险传染对金融体系的影响。

    That can not only effectively reflect the differentiation effect as a result of variations of real estate market risk and bank credit , but also thoroughly and comprehensively reveal the influence of real estate risk infection on finance system .

  10. 据笔者所搜集的资料显示,目前,房地产市场风险产生原因主要是政府行政规制制度不够完善,由此造成两个失灵即市场失灵与政府失灵。

    According to the author collected data show that , at present , the real estate market risk causes are main that the government administrative regulation system are not perfect , which caused the " two failure " namely " market failure " and " government failure " .

  11. 拉托表示,美国房地产市场的风险定价错误,引发了次级抵押贷款问题,监管者必须从中汲取教训。拉托即将辞去IMF总裁职位。

    Mr de Rato , outgoing head of the IMF , said regulators needed to learn lessons from the incorrect pricing of risk in the US housing market that led to the subprime mortgage problems .

  12. 野村(Nomura)经济学家张智威在写给客户的报告中称,房地产市场的风险没有得到充分重视,常州和杭州的楼盘降价发出了危险信号,值得投资者警惕。

    ' We believe the risk in the property sector is currently underappreciated , and the price cuts in Changzhou and Hangzhou are worrying signals worth investor attention , ' said Nomura economist Zhiwei Zhang in a note to clients .

  13. 住房保障制度的实施,有利于降低房地产市场的风险。

    The implementation of the housing security system , helps reduce the risk of the real estate market .

  14. 最后得出了西安市近些年房地产市场的风险程度。

    Finally , the real estate market in recent years , Xi ' an obtained the degree of risk .

  15. 但无论是股市还是房地产市场,风险都是切实存在的,至少从外界看来如此。

    But both in stock markets and real estate , at least when viewed from a distance , the risks seem real .

  16. 布什总统说他了解很多美国人都担心经济的未来,持续不稳定的房地产市场带来风险,可能会使很多职业陷入危机。所以,他希望与国会商量如何尽快刺激经济复苏。

    President Bush says he knows many Americans are concerned about the future of the economy , with the risk that continued instability in the housing market could put more jobs in jeopardy .

  17. 房地产市场如何抵御风险、降低成本

    How The Realty Market Resisting Risk And Reducing Cost

  18. 中国房地产市场过热与风险预警

    The Overheated Estate Market and the Pre-warning System

  19. 目前,中国房地产金融具有市场风险、财务风险、道德风险和信用风险等潜在风险。

    Real estate banking in China is now facing significant risks , including overheated prices , developers'heavy debts , and fraudulent borrowings .

  20. 运用评价模型,对当前我国房地产市场存在的风险因素进行分析评判,分析判断我国房地产市场风险及风险的主要因素。

    With this evaluate model to analysis the risks factor existing in our real estate market and to judge the main diathesis of real estate market .

  21. 同时,本文还运用比较静态分析方法说明了宏观层面风险的产生主要是由于法律法规的变更及各项经济调控政策之间协调不力,导致房地产市场发展出现风险而威胁到房地产开发贷款的安全回收;

    Besides , this dissertation reveals that the risks at the macro level are mainly attributed to the changes in law policies and lack of coordinating in some of economic regulating policies .

  22. 因此政府应该出台严厉的调控政策,逐步释放房地产市场积累的风险,在调控房价的同时,尽量避免房价的过度波动,保持宏观经济的长期稳定和可持续发展。

    Therefore , it is better for the government to release accumulated risks of real estate market step by step , avoid over-fluctuation in prices and maintain the steady and sustainable economic development .

  23. 产权保险为明晰产权信息、化解产权风险提供一种有效的商业化的运作机制,对解决中国房地产市场的产权风险问题具有重要的借鉴价值和现实意义。

    Title Insurance provides a valid commercial mechanism for transparent information and risk avoidance , and also has great value for reference and practical significance to solve title risk problems in China market .

  24. 2012年4月,前加拿大银行主席、现任英格兰银行行长马克·卡尔尼,警告外国资本具有使房地产市场膨胀的风险。

    In April 2012 , the former governor of the Bank of Canada , Mark Carney - now the head of the Bank of England - warned of the risks of foreign capital inflating the housing market .

  25. 最后通过分析房地产市场存在的风险来说明完善预售资金监管制度的必要性。第二部分是从法经济学的角度来分析预售资金监管模式。

    The chapter finally presents the necessity of establishing the advanced payment funds supervision system by analyzing the risks in real estate markets . Chapter ⅱ analyzing the advanced payment funds supervision model from the angle of legal economics .

  26. 房地产市场的投资风险和融资信用风险都转变成了商业银行的信贷风险,最后损失的将是商业银行的利益,这就是房地产行业造成的风险。

    The investment risks of the real estate market and financing risks are changes in credit risk has become a commercial bank credit risk , the final loss will be the benefits of commercial banks , that is , the risks posed by the real estate industry .

  27. 因此,房地产市场有过热的风险。

    As a result the markets are in danger of overheating .

  28. 房地产市场泡沫及其金融风险研究

    Research on Real Estate Bubbles and Its Financial Risks

  29. 毕竟,房产类产品有一些最高的利率,而疲弱的房地产市场增加了违约风险。

    After all , property products command some of the highest interest rates , and the weak property market increases the risk of default .

  30. 结合我国的国情,从借款人特征、贷款特征、房地产市场发展以及开发商风险等四个角度来详细分析信用风险产生的原因;

    Secondly , this dissertation analyzes the reasons for default from the angles of debtors characteristics , debt traits , residential house market and house constructors ;