
  1. 房地产信托投资基金(REITs)是近年来中国房地产金融创新的一个热点议题。

    REITs is a hot topic in the aspect of Chinese real estate financial innovation in recent years .

  2. 与房地产信托投资计划、房地产抵押支持证券(MBS)以及房地产股票相比,REITs具有自己的独特优势。

    Compared with real estate trust investment plan , MBS and real estate stocks , REITs have their own unique advantages .

  3. 中国发展房地产信托投资基金的思考

    Considerations on Investment Fund of Real Estate Entrust in China

  4. 房地产信托投资基金和金融发展与创新

    Real Estate Investment Trust Fund and Financial Development Innovation

  5. 同时我国的房地产信托投资基金业也面临着一些发展中的制度障碍和自身不足。

    At the same time China 's real estate investment trust fund also faces many obstacles and self-development system inadequate .

  6. 房地产信托投资基金最早于2002年进入中国,在这五年多的时间里发展迅速,其数量和规模逐渐增多。

    The Real Estate Investment Trusts entered China in 2002 and developed rapidly , their number and scale have increased gradually .

  7. 本文分析了未来有较大发展潜力的三种融资渠道&房地产信托投资、房地产证券化、吸引外资注入。

    The author analyzes three more potential method of financing in the future real estate trust investment , real estate-backed securitization and drawing foreign capital .

  8. 还运用经济学原理解释目前房地产信托投资的总体规模偏小的原因,并提出改善的方法。

    Furthermore , this paper takes advantage of economics principle to make clear the reason about actual scale of real estate trust investment and provides related resolution .

  9. 冈拉克不是房地产信托投资基金的粉丝,虽然这些基金看起来确实很好,因为他们需要回馈给投资者一大笔股息。

    Gundlach also isn 't a fan of mall REITs , or real-estate investment trusts , which have performed well because they are required to return a huge chunk of their profits to investors as dividends .

  10. 房地产信托投资基金的出现是金融业创新发展的必然要求,丰富了我国的投资品种,开拓了中小投资者投资房地产的渠道,促进了我国房地产业的发展。

    REITs are inevitable requirement for innovation and development in the financial sector . They have enriched the investment variety , opened up the channel to the real estate , and promoted the development of real estate industry .

  11. 税收优惠上和强制分红是保证公募型房地产信托投资基金良好发展的关键,这一点上可以借鉴美国的成功经验和我国对证券投资基金的一些政策。

    Tax incentives and mandatory dividend can ensure the sound development of the public offering real estate investment trusts . In specific operation , we can learn the successful experience from american reits and the China Securities Investment Fund .

  12. 房地产投资信托基金投资运作风险管理研究

    On the risk management of investment operations for real estate investment trusts

  13. 权益型房地产投资信托基金投资研究

    Study of Investment of Equity Real Estate Investment Trust

  14. 特别是关于房地产投资信托基金投资策略,目前大多数可以借鉴的理论都来源于已经比较成熟的证券投资理论。

    Particularly , most investment theory about REIT originated from securities investment , which has been comparatively well established .

  15. 本文从信托、房地产信托以及房地产投资信托的概念入手,分析了房地产投资信托与其他投资方式相比具有的优势。

    This paper focuses on the study of Real-estate Investment Trusts ( REITS ) by understanding its relevance and analyzing its exclusive advantages superior to other trust products .

  16. 这种调整的部分原因,是由于在信贷紧缩的重创之下,房地产投资信托以及其他投资工具的业绩一直不佳。

    The shift is partly the result of the poor performance of property investment trusts and other such investment vehicles , which have been hit hard by the credit squeeze .

  17. 美国已建立起了以房地产抵押贷款和信托投资基金为主,以房地产夹层融资、企业债券为辅的多元化房地产企业融资渠道。

    The United States has established the diversified financing channel consisted by the real estate mortgage and trust-based investment funds mainly , and the real estate mezzanine finance and the corporate bonds .

  18. 房地产投资信托基金筹款投资楼市,不料过去五年行情不佳,一直笼罩在颓靡的阴云中。私人仓储公司与其采用相同的组织架构,却逃过一劫。

    Structured as Real Estate Investment Trusts ( REITS ) , which pool cash to invest in property , they have avoided the sinking feeling that has dominated the REIT sector for the past five years .

  19. 阐明为了减少银行信用风险,解决房地产融资问题,大力发展房地产信托投资的可行性;

    In order to reduce the bank 's credit risk and solve the problem of financing of real estate , this paper accounts for the feasibility of developing energetically real estate trust investment .

  20. 国内由于还没有真正意义上的房地产投资信托基金,所以研究侧重于某些具有房地产投资信托特点的投资产品的介绍,并找出我国发展真正意义上的该投资产品过程中存在的障碍。

    The domestic study focuses on analyzing investment product with certain characteristics and point out the development obstacle in China .

  21. 第四章和第五章遵循制度经济学的分析方法详细介绍了信托和房地产投资信托基金的定义、制度变迁、以及房地产信托投资基金的发展背景、分类、优势等。

    Chapter ⅳ and ⅴ, followed by detailed analysis methods of the institutional economics , introduces the definition of Trust Fund and real estate investment trust , the rules how to change , and development background , classification , advantages of real estate investment trust fund , itc .

  22. 房地产信托是房地产金融业务的最早形式和典型形式,房地产信托投资(基金)是当代西方国家房地产信托业务的普遍形态。

    Real estate trusts are the earliest and typical forms of real estate finance , and real estate investment trusts ( REITs ) ( fund ) are widespread in Western countries ' real estate trust industry .