
  • 网络real estate marketing
  1. 基于差异化管理理论的房地产市场营销策略研究

    Research on Real Estate Marketing Strategy Based on Differentiation Management Theory

  2. 网络时代房地产市场营销策略研究

    Research on Real Estate Marketing in Net Era

  3. 4C理论在房地产市场营销中的应用

    The applications of 4C theory in real estates market

  4. 第三章是传统营销理论在房地产市场营销中的运用,主要讲述的是4Ps理论在房地产市场营销中的运用;

    Chapter three focuses on the practical adoption of the traditional marketing theories , especially 4Ps theories , into real estate marketing .

  5. 做好房地产市场营销的关键在于对房地产市场营销的成功策划。

    The key point is successful real estate marketing planning marketing .

  6. 第一部分,房地产市场营销管理的理论阐释。

    The first part is about the theory of marketing management for estate .

  7. 房地产市场营销战略的实证研究

    Empirical Research on Marketing Strategics of Real Estate

  8. 温州市房地产市场营销

    Wenzhou 's Real Estate Market in g

  9. 浅析房地产市场营销体系

    Analyzing Real Estate Marketing System

  10. 此时房地产市场营销研究的重要性也就变得更加明显。

    At this moment , the importance of real estate market research turns to be more apparent .

  11. 本文论述了作者设计的房地产市场营销课程多维教学方法的内容、条件

    The paper analyses the crux and the condition in diversity teaching method of real estate marketing curriculum who author designs

  12. 房地产市场营销管理一般包括市场调查、项目定位、推广策划、销售执行等,一方面营销过程的分析、计划、组织和控制,缺一不可。

    The real estate marketing management generally includes market survey , project orientation , spreading plan , sales executing and so on .

  13. 因此,房地产市场营销的产生是社会发展和商品经济发达的必然产物,市场营销是房地产经营过程中不可缺少的组成部分。

    Therefore , the real estate marketing and commodity production is the inevitable product of development of productivity and the economic development .

  14. 由此,房地产市场营销的研究自然成为房地产开发经营活动中的一个重要组成部分。

    Therefore , the study of the real estate market marketing becomes an important part of real estate development in business activities naturally .

  15. 而房地产市场营销策略作为市场营销理论的重要组成部分,对于房地产企业的发展更是起着至关重要的作用。

    As an important component of the marketing theory , Real Estate Marketing Strategy plays a vital role in the development of real estate enterprises .

  16. 本文将品牌运营与房地产市场营销有机的融合在一起,结合案例对房地产企业品牌营销和房地产项目品牌营销的实施过程进行了详细的论述。

    By linking brand operation with real estate marketing , combining case analysis , this paper aims to discuss brand marketing of real estate enterprise and project .

  17. 文章主要从房地产市场营销价格策略、广告策略、销售策略等环节来论述房地产全程营销中的市场营销策略。

    The article mainly discusses the real estate marketing strategy in terms of the price strategy , advertisement strategy and sales strategy in the entire real estate marketing .

  18. 在房地产市场营销中,房地产企业首先要明确产品定位的问题&开发什么样的产品以及这个产品在消费者心目中占据什么样的地位。

    In the marketing of real estate , product positioning which the development company of real estate should make clear at first is what product would been developed and the customers how to think of the product .

  19. 第四部分,导入顾客满意战略的全过程营销,主要论述了实施新型房地产市场营销体系的方法以协调好相关利益者关系来减少运行成本。

    Part four : introduction of customer satisfactory strategy in marketing . This part mainly discusses plans to carry out new marketing system in real estate industry in order to reduce operation cost by coordinating relevant interest groups .

  20. 为揭示房地产市场营销活动中主因素构成及其系统数理内涵,文章主要就有关样本解析建模、马尔科夫链滚动预测方法提出了分析研究的相应定量定性结论。

    Concerning sample molding analysis and Markov Rolling Forecast Method , this paper gives a corresponding conclusion of analytic research quantitatively in order to demonstrate the formation of factors working in estate business activities and its systematic logistic connotation .

  21. 第四章是现代营销理念在房地产市场营销中的运用,分别分析了网络营销、文化营销、口碑营销和体验营销在房地产市场中的运用;

    Chapter four proposes that modern marketing concepts be applied to real estate marketing . Respectively , it analyzes how to adopt into real estate marketing the methods of network marketing , culture marketing , word of mouth marketing and experience marketing .

  22. 房地产市场营销理论综合了房地产经营管理学与市场营销学两门学科理论,属于新兴交叉学科,因而针对房地产营销这一课题所进行的研究也处于初期阶段,尚未成熟。

    Real estate marketing theory , a combination of real estate business management and marketing subjects theory , belong to the emerging interdisciplinary subject , thus for the study of real estate marketing also belong to the early stages , is not yet mature .

  23. 试论房地产企业市场营销力的培育

    The Cultivation of the Marketing Power of Real Estate Enterprises

  24. 房地产市场产品营销渠道创新研究

    Research on the Innovation of Products ' Marketing Channel in Real Estate Market

  25. 星海湾三号高层区房地产项目市场营销策略研究

    The Marketing Strategy Research of Star Coast the Third High-level Area Real Estate Project

  26. 但纵观整个南通房地产市场,营销策略的问题普遍存在。

    Throughout the Nantong in the real estate market , marketing strategy has common problems .

  27. 全面总结了整个论文的内容,同时彰显出房地产目标市场营销在国内房地产行业可持续性发展的巨大影响力与发展前景。

    This part provided a comprehensive summary , simultaneously demonstrated the target marketing of real estate in domestic real estate industry has the enormous influence of sustainable development and the developing prospect .

  28. 本文分析苏州房地产市场的营销环境,根据苏州房地产市场的主流营销策略,找出苏州房地产市场营销策略实施过程中存在的问题,并提出完善措施。

    This paper analyzes the real estate market , marketing environment of Suzhou , Suzhou , the real estate market according to the mainstream of marketing strategy , marketing strategy to find Real Estate in the process of implementation problems , and proposed measures are sound .

  29. 浅论房地产顾客市场关系营销模式

    Briefly on the Marketing Pattern of Client-market Relationship in Real Estate Business

  30. 房地产企业的市场营销策划研究

    Study on the Marketing Planning of Real Estate Company