
  • 网络Real estate income;real estate revenue
  1. 由于大量公司破产,房地产收入不再是确定的事情。

    Income from property is no longer a certainty given the number of companies going bust .

  2. 其次,介绍美国会计准则和国际会计准则对房地产销售收入的会计处理原则,并就其特点分别进行了评论。

    Then , the accounting principals of real estate revenue of FASB and IASC are introduced , and the comment on them is given .

  3. 从我国每年税收收入的总额来看,来自房地产的税收收入在每年税收总额中占到5%左右。

    The real estate tax revenue in the total revenue accounted for about 5 % or so in all of our tax revenue .

  4. 房价的决定因素是房地产的预期收入和市场的利率水平及变化趋势。

    The determining factors of property are real estate income and the anticipated level of market interest rates and changes in the trend .

  5. 同时,保有环节房地产税的收入总量,取决于房地产资源的存量和增量状况。

    At the same time , the revenue total of owning real estate tax depends on the stock of real estate resources and incremental position .

  6. 最后,城市政府可以通过城市住宅保障,保证房地产对高收入阶层和低收入阶层分配的相对公平。

    Finally , the city government provides city housing security to ensure the real estate distribution relatively fair between high-income and low-income citizens . 4 .

  7. 在缺乏结构性房地产税作为收入基础支柱的情况下,地方政府急需获得收入。

    Local authorities are starved of much needed revenues in the absence of structured property taxes that could serve as the fulcrum for their revenue base .

  8. 该调查未考虑房地产价格或收入所得税,但却将销售税和烟酒税纳入考量。

    The survey doesn 't take into account the price of real estate or income taxes , but it does factor in consumption taxes such as sales tax and levies on alcohol and tobacco .

  9. 股票的估值以市盈率和市净率作为评价指标,房地产以房价收入比和购租比作为评价指标,债券以收益率水平参考收益率曲线形状来作为评估指标。

    The valuation of the stock by PE and PB , real estate by price to income , bonds by the level of bonds yield and yield curve shape as a reference assessment indicators .

  10. 今年2月以前,几乎没有人对中国房地产开发商的收入完全以人民币计值感到担忧,因为人民币相对于美元以及按照贸易权重计算的一篮子货币均呈走强态势。

    Then add in the currency mismatch . Until February , few people worried that the revenues of Chinese property developers were all in renminbi , because the renminbi was strengthening against the dollar and against a basket of trade-weighted currencies .

  11. 浅议房地产开发企业的收入确认

    Discussion on recognition of income for real estate enterprises

  12. 它们严重依赖于房地产税,因此收入和支出都大幅减少。

    They depend heavily on property taxes , so both revenues and expenditures have plummeted .

  13. 但是房地产对地方财政收入的影响已经是个不可回避的话题。

    But the real estate to the local finance income 's influence was already an unevadable topic .

  14. 重获新生的房地产市场受到家庭收入增长和利率持续下降的推动,这会创造财富效应并拉动消费。

    The rejuvenated property market driven by rising household income and falling interest rates should create the wealth effects and drive consumption .

  15. 纳税人转让房地产所取得的收入,包括货币收入、实物收入和其他收入。

    Proceeds received by the taxpayer on the transfer of real estate shall include monetary proceeds , proceeds in kind and other proceeds .

  16. 房地产业发展与经济周期的关系,可以通过研究房地产价格与收入水平的关系来得出。

    The relationship of real estate development and economic circle and be work out through the prices of real estate and income level .

  17. 对房地产企业来说,从前期获得土地到最终销售交易相关联的税种多达十佘个,约占一个房地产项目收入的17%&25%,仅次于土地出让金和建筑安装成本。

    On real estate enterprises , from the early access to land to the final sales transactions related tax could be up to ten , about a real estate project income of17 % - 25 % , second only to the land leasing and construction and installation costs .