
  1. 论未经登记房屋买卖合同的效力

    On Validity of the Sale Contract of the None Registered Housing

  2. 无产权证房屋买卖合同的法律后果

    The Legal Results of the Sale Contract of a House Without Property Certificate

  3. 下家只付部分款房屋买卖合同可否解除?

    Home pay only part of the sales contracts , the possibility of lifting housing ?

  4. 房屋买卖合同的成立、生效与履行是三个不同的阶段。

    The establishment , coming into force and fulfil of the deal contract of the house is three different stages .

  5. 促成甲方与相关客户达成交易,提供并协助签署房屋买卖合同。

    Party led to a deal with the customers , and to assist in the provision of housing to sign a contract for the sale .

  6. 目前,这种对房屋买卖合同效力认识不一的状况,极大地妨碍了法律适用的统一,既不利于保护当事人的合法权益,也不利于保障房地产市场的健康发展。

    Now this situation is detrimental to the unity of law , the interest of parties , healthy development of real estate market and judicial system .

  7. 我国法学界和司法界把是否进行产权过户登记作为房屋买卖合同的生效要件的传统观点,是对登记制度属性的误解。

    Experts in the legal academic circle and the judicial circle hold a traditional view that whether the transfer of property right has been registered is taken as prerequisite for the deal contract to become valid .

  8. 本文通过对一起无产权证房屋买卖合同纠纷案例的研究,分析了无证房屋的性质以及存在的原因,提出了创造性地审理此类案件的可行性设想。

    By researching of a contract dispute over the sale of housing without property , the article analyzed the nature and reason of housing without property , and put forward a feasibility idea of such cases creatively .

  9. 因而,本文采用案例分析型写作模式,择选借款合同与房屋买卖合同重叠的案例为分析对象,以求为司法实践在处理类似案件时总结经验并提供建议。

    Thus , this thesis chooses to analysis the case which the parties made the loan contract and the contract for the sale for the same thing , in order to sum up experience in handling similar cases and provide recommendations .

  10. 文章首先论述了前期物业服务合同,它是在前期物业管理阶段,由开发商和前期物业服务企业签订的合同,但约束力同样及于未来的业主,这主要通过业主与开发商签订的房屋买卖合同来实现。

    The former mainly occurs in the prophase realty management phase , sighed by the developer and the prophase realty service enterprise , but it also binds in the future owner , mainly through the owners and developers signed the building business contract .

  11. 工作的困难主要是,即使你理解房屋买卖的合同,你也很难实际做好你的交易。

    The tough job is , even after you understand the main elements of a home selling contract , you might experience difficulty in designing one for your transactions .

  12. 第二章房屋买卖与贷款合同效力问题分析。

    Chapter 2 analyzes the validity of house purchase contracts and housing loan contracts .

  13. 论房屋买卖的后合同义务

    On post-contract obligations in estate trade

  14. 产权变更登记是房屋产权转移的生效要件,买卖合同登记和房屋产权登记对合同履行有所影响,但并非房屋买卖合同的生效要件。

    Registration is the prerequisite to change the property right of the house . Registration of the buying and selling contract and property right for a house have some effects on fulfilling the contract , but it is not the prerequisite that makes the contract valid .

  15. 房屋预售合同就其性质而言是买卖合同的一种,但不是一般的买卖合同,而是一种特殊形式的房屋买卖合同。

    Forward house-selling contract is a kind of buying and selling contract in special form .

  16. 因此,有必要完善关于房屋居间活动方面的法律法规,规范房屋买卖居间合同内容。

    Therefore , it is necessary to formulate more laws and regulations to standardize the contents of the intermediary housing sale contract .

  17. 虽然涉案房屋暂时不具备办理房权证的条件,但房屋买卖合同是有效的,购房人的合同权利存在,购房人有依据合同约定要求卖房人为其办理房屋产权证书的权利。

    Although the room without conditions for authorized , the contract of sale of house is valid , and the contract right exists , the buyer could request the certificate for the housing property according to contract .