
fēn qī fù kuǎn hé tóng
  • installment contract
  1. 假如许多签了分期付款合同而欠债的人丢了工作,或者收入减少,很可能会丧失支付能力。

    If many people who owe money on installment contracts lost their jobs or had their incomes reduced , they would probably not be able to make their payments .

  2. 关于分期付款买卖合同的完善

    On Consummation of Contract of Payment by Instalments

  3. 分期付款购货合同放款

    Loan under hire purchase agreement

  4. 分期付款买卖合同中买受人利益保护,特别是在一物数卖情形下如何保护买受人的权利分不同的情况作了具体的分析。

    Installment sales contract the buyer interest protection , especially in the case sold for the protection of the rights of the buyer made a different sub-specific analysis .

  5. 对于买受人利益的保护构成了发达国家晚近时期的立法对分期付款买卖合同的形式与内容予以规制之基本动因。

    For the protection of the interests of the buyer constitutes a developed country during recent installment sales contracts in the form of legislation to regulate the content of the basic reason .

  6. 在分期付款购买合同中,在商品所有权的归属问题上,目前国际上,共有4种学说:附停止条件所有权转移说、担保物权说、质权说和部分所有权转移说。

    On the ownership stipulation pertaining to the commodities in installment contract , nowadays there are internationally four theories , respectively on ownership transfer with stop condition , property right guarantee , right of pledge , and partial ownership transfer .

  7. 分期付款的买卖合同

    Contract for the payment of goods by instalments

  8. 近年来,分期付款买卖的合同越来越多。

    In recent years , the contract of instalment buying and selling is increasing .

  9. 根据这个分期付款计划,合同总值的百分之二十应在订货时付讫。

    Under the installment plan , 20 % of the contract value is to be paid with orders .

  10. 在分期付款买卖的合同中,双方当事人一般事先约定分几批支付价款,但至少应分两次。

    In the contract of instalment buying and selling , bilateral party agrees cent is approved beforehand commonly pay cost , but at least part of one 's job two .