
  • 网络separation theorem;separation principle
  1. Fuzzy凸集的分离定理及其对偶表示

    Separation theorem of convex fuzzy sets and its dual representation

  2. 分离定理和对上海股市的CAPM实证分析

    Separation Theorem and Positive Analysis to Shanghai Stock Market with CAPM

  3. 关于Fuzzy凸集分离定理的一点注记

    A Note on Separation Theorems of Convex Fuzzy Sets

  4. 局部凸T2型Fuzzy拓扑线性空间中Fuzzy凸集的分离定理

    Separation Theorems of Convex Fuzzy Sets in Locally Convex T2 & Fuzzy Topological Linear Spaces

  5. Fuzzy凸集分离定理的研究有两种方式:一是利用分离度;二是利用Fuzzy超平面。

    There are two ways in the study of separation theorems of convex fuzzy sets , one , using the separation degree [ 1 & 5 ] , and the other using the fuzzy hyperplane .

  6. Klein的两分离定理和解除存款利率上限的再考察

    Klein 's Rule of " Two Separable Decision " and the Re-study of canceling the Ceiling on Deposit Rates

  7. 然而无线信道有限的带宽,恶劣的信道条件使得目前基于Shannon分离定理的信源信道编码系统的设计显露出局限性。

    However , the limited wireless channel bandwidth and poor channel conditions restrict design of the source-channel coding system based on the current Shannon separation theorem .

  8. 证明了此推广的Mazur定理与基本分离定理等价;

    The equivalence between this generalization of Mazur theorem and the basic separation theorem is proved .

  9. 本文简单介绍了资本性资产定价模型(CAPM),并且给出了分离定理的证明,还运用CAPM对上海股市进行了实证分析。

    In this paper , we introduce the capital asset pricing model ( CAPM ), Prove the separation theorem . and analyze the Shanghai stock market with CAPM .

  10. 本文考虑Banach空间中一类岸线性发展系统具有终端约束的最优控制问题,利用凸集分离定理给出最优控制的必要条件。

    In this paper , we consider optimal control problems for semi-linear evolution systems with end constraints in Banach spaces , we present necessary conditions of optimality by use of separated theorem of convex sets .

  11. 通常的投资建议和两基金分离定理之间存在较大差异,这就是著名的Canner难题。

    The advices of popular investment advisors are apparently inconsistent with the separation theorem ; it is the so-called Canner puzzle .

  12. 然后,研究卡尔曼滤波器以及状态反馈控制律的设计,保证它们均具有很好的性能;并依据分离定理将其结合设计LQG控制器。

    It follows the develop of Kalman filter and state-feedback control law which are individually guaranteed to have nice properties and the combination of them as a LQG controller relies on the separation principle .

  13. 在锥偏序Banach空间中引入了一类关于集值映射的广义梯度,借助锥分离定理证明了广义梯度的存在性,由此而给出集值向量优化Benson真有效解的特征。

    A kind of generalized gradient of set-valued mapping in ordered Banach spaces is introduced , its existence is shown , with which the characterizations of the Benson proper solution of set-valued vector optimization are presented .

  14. 本文利用局部凸拓扑向量空间中的分离定理,得到一类很一般的Gale型定理,由此导出某些新的Minimax定理,这些结果是己知文献结果的实质性推广。

    In this paper a new Gale type theorem and a minimax theorem are obtained by using the separation theorem on locally convex topological vector spaces . The results imply and generalize many known theorems of the alternative .

  15. 作为Hahn-Banach延拓定理的应用,最后证明了局部β-凸空间的共轭锥对空间本身的分离定理。

    As the application of Hahn-Banach extension theorems , the theorem of X - β ~ distinguishing X is obtained at the end of this paper .

  16. 凸集分离定理及其在经济上的应用

    The Separate Theorem of Convex Set and Its Applications in Economics

  17. 分离定理在复空间上的应用

    Applications of the Seperation Theorem to the Complex Linear Topological Spaces

  18. 可拓凸集分离定理两种刻划的等价性

    Equivalence of Two Descriptions in Extension Convex Set Separate Theorem

  19. 直线与仿射集的关系及距离性分离定理

    The relations between lines and affine sets and separation theorems with distance property

  20. 半序线性空间的凸锥分离定理及其应用

    A separation theorem of convex cone on ordered vector space and Its Applications

  21. 强分离定理及近渡点的一些性质

    Strong Seperation Theorems and Some Properties of Nearest-Cross Points

  22. 概率内积空间中的凸集分离定理

    Convex set separation theorems for probabilistic inner space

  23. 序向量空间中的凸集分离定理与向量值矩不等式

    Some separation theorems of convex sets in ordered vector space and vector-valued moment inequalities

  24. 关于三项递归关系的比较定理、分离定理及振动性

    On the Comparison Theorem , Separation Theorem and Oscillation of General Three-term Recurrence Relations

  25. 锥的分离定理及其应用

    A Cone Separation Theorem and Its Application

  26. 提出了F-遗传规律包络定理,F-传递规律分离定理。

    The envelope theorem of F-heredity law and separation theorem of F-transfer law are presented .

  27. 随机赋范模中的分离定理

    The Separation Theorem in Random Normed Modules

  28. 结果显示,在该模型下,两基金分离定理仍然成立。

    The results show that under this model , the two fund separation theorem still holds .

  29. 线性空间中的非凸分离定理

    Nonconvex separation theorems in linear space

  30. 基金分离定理的进一步研究

    Further study of mutual-fund separation theories