
fēn gōng sī
  • branch office;affiliate
分公司[fēn gōng sī]
  1. 公司安排他到分公司去工作。

    The firm arranged that he should be assigned to the branch office .

  2. 下周,我们将在深圳设立我们的第六个分公司。

    Next week we will open our sixth full branch office in Shenzhen .

  3. 展望未来,我们希望拓展其中几家海外分公司的业务。

    Looking forward , we hope to expand our operations in several of our overseas branches .

  4. 一大笔资金投入了各分公司。

    A large amount of capital is invested in all these branches .

  5. 现代公司本周表示其美国分公司准备裁掉50个职位以缩小经营规模。

    Hyundai said this week it is scaling back its U.S. operations by eliminating 50 positions .

  6. 查普曼先生承认野村证券美国分公司需要提高股票交易技巧。

    Mr. Chapman conceded the need for Nomura 's U.S. unit to improve its trading skills .

  7. 他们决定把那个分公司关了。

    They have decided to close that branch down .

  8. 这是这家公司的一个分公司。

    This is a branch of the company .

  9. 如今,EFK在美国32个州及21个国家经营着超过144家分公司。

    Today , the EFK program   operates over 144 branches in   32 states within the United States and in 21 countries .

  10. 销售额已经从2014年的500万美元翻倍至2015年的1,000万美元,而且2016年计划新开设25家分公司。

    Sales have doubled from $ 5 million in 2014 to $ 10 million in 2015 , with 25 new branches planned for 2016 .

  11. 中国企业网成都分公司CRM投诉系统分析与研究

    The CRM System ' Research and Analysis in China-Enterprise Chengdu Branch

  12. 中国联通CS分公司发展战略研究

    Research on the Development Strategy of China Unicom CS Branch

  13. 关于中石化管道储运分公司ERP建设中若干问题的分析与研究

    Analyse and Study of Several Problems about Construction of ERP System in Pipeline Transportation Storage Corporation

  14. TP公司广州分公司员工培训系统设计

    Staff Training System Design of TP Company GZ Branch

  15. 广州供电分公司SDH传输网络结构优化研究

    Optimum research of SDH transform network 's structure in Guangzhou power supply branch

  16. CT降滤失酸是西南油气田分公司天然气研究院近年来研制的一种新型酸液体系。

    CT fluid loss acid is a new acid liquid system developed by the Natural Gas Institute of PCL Southwest Branch in the resent years .

  17. BPR在联通重庆分公司市话项目的运用

    BPR Application in China Unicom Chongqing Branch Local Telephone Item

  18. DT成都分公司研发人员薪酬体系设计

    Compensation Systems of DT Branch of Chengdu R & D Personnel

  19. C市电信分公司属于典型的国有垄断企业,目前正在实施从传统通信运营商向综合信息服务提供商转型。

    China Telecommunications Corporation Limited ( China Telecom ) is a typical stated-owned enterprise and is transferring from the traditional basic telecom operator to an integrated information services provider .

  20. 西门子印度分公司的工程师们开发了一种低成本X射线扫描照相机&它非常好用,因此将被用于发达世界的设备中。

    Engineers at Siemens ' Indian affiliate developed a low-cost x-ray scanner camera that is so good it will be used in developed-world equipment .

  21. 第五部分是对ACE武汉分公司员工绩效管理系统设计工作的总结和评价。

    In the fifth part , the performance management redesigning work is summarized and evaluated .

  22. TT人寿四川分公司顾问式营销模式研究

    The Consultant Marketing Scheme Research for TT Life Insurance Co. , Ltd Sichuan Branch

  23. 第五部分,介绍了员工培训系统在TP公司广州分公司的应用和实施。

    The fifth part , makes the training system into practice in TP Company GZ Branch ;

  24. 加拿大航空公司及其地区性分公司jazz每天平均运营1300个定期航班。

    Air Canada and its regional affiliate Jazz operate 1300 scheduled flights each day on average .

  25. 在第六部分,对TP公司广州分公司员工培训系统进行了评估与总结。

    The last part , makes an evaluation and sum-up on staff training system of TP Company GZ Branch .

  26. 并以一Company总公司为例,定义了分公司、办事处、部门、员工等的唯一标识代码和识别层次代码的过程函数,设计了层次代码的数据库表。

    Taking a company as an example , only recognition code and recognition function of hierarchical code for filiale , office , department and employees was defined etc. The table of hierarchical code database was designed .

  27. MSTP技术及其在广州供电分公司的应用

    MSTP Technology and Its Application in Guangzhou Power Supply Branch

  28. 马钢H型钢加工配售分公司用钢结构技术承担了福建师范大学学生公寓楼工程。

    Ma Steel H - beam machining and distribution subsidiary company took part in the student s apartment building of Fu Jian teacher - training college with steel construction technology .

  29. 并详述了ERP在铝业企业的发展。在第四部分中讲述了ERP在中铝山东分公司的导入。

    And detailed the ERP system development in China Aluminum Industry In the fourth section we describe the import of the ERP system in Shandong Branch .

  30. BP伦敦总部和美国分公司在平衡内部控制与业务推进方面存在沟通上的失误,这可能是导致事故发生的重要原因之一。

    An important factor appears to have been a failure in communication between BP 's London headquarters and its US operations over the balance between internal control and operational aggression .