
  • 【化】agency;office;bureau
办事处 [bàn shì chù]
  • (1) [agency]∶政府处理事务的一个部门或行政单位

  • (2) [office]∶办理某种业务或提供服务的地方

  1. 他一半时间在伦敦的办事处,一半时间在巴黎的办事处。

    His time is split between the London and Paris offices .

  2. 他们计划由爱丁堡的新办事处经营。

    They plan to operate from a new office in Edinburgh .

  3. 注意:办事处从7月1日起将关闭。

    NB The office will be closed from 1 July .

  4. 请注意办事处星期一将关闭。

    Please note the office will be closed on Monday .

  5. 必须把指定的表格填好并交回本办事处。

    The prescribed form must be completed and returned to this office .

  6. 进一步详情可向当地的旅游办事处查询。

    Further information is available from the local tourist office .

  7. 我要调到纽约办事处去。

    I 'm being moved to the New York office .

  8. 本办事处星期六和星期日不办公。

    The office is closed at the weekend .

  9. 本办事处星期六和星期日不办公。

    The office is closed on the weekend .

  10. 办事处所处的位置很方便,离总站仅有几分钟的路。

    The offices are conveniently located just a few minutes from the main station .

  11. 我们在和一些人讨论在伦敦设立办事处的事儿。

    We 're talking to some people about opening an office in London

  12. 请向当地旅游办事处咨询开放时间。

    Ask the local tourist office about opening times .

  13. 这家旅游办事处提供十分实用的住宿查询服务。

    The tourist office operates a useful room-finding service .

  14. 伦敦办事处的工作人员给予了帮助,但他们掌握的信息有限。

    The staff in the London office are helpful but only have limited information

  15. 有空缺职位的时候,办事处就到各个大学去打探。

    When vacancies occur , the office puts out feelers to the universities .

  16. 一些办事处的开支信息不全。

    Some offices had incomplete information on spending .

  17. 布达佩斯办事处计划聘用自由撰稿记者来报道最近发生的一些事件。

    The Budapest office plans to hire freelance reporters to cover the latest happenings .

  18. 公司在几座大城市都设有办事处,不过大部分业务都通过邮政系统来实现。

    The firm has offices in several large cities , but does most of its business by mail .

  19. 如果您想外出度周末,我们办事处将很乐意为您预订旅馆。

    If you wish to go away for the weekend , our office will be delighted to make hotel reservations

  20. 该公司曾经拥有的366个地方办事处正被精简为150到200个规模较大的分支机构。

    The network of 366 local offices is being rationalised to leave the company with 150 to 200 larger branch offices .

  21. 职权的大小依次为芝加哥总部、区域主管、某国主管,最后是当地办事处的任事股东。

    The line of command went from head office in Chicago to a regional boss and then down to a country boss and finally to a local-office managing-partner .

  22. 地方办事处对这类事没有决定权。

    The local office doesn 't have the say about such matters .

  23. 我的办事处有个空额。

    A vacancy has occurred in my office .

  24. 一个大办事处需要雇用好多人员。

    A large office requires the employment of many people .

  25. 他们在外国开设了一个办事处,以避开税法。

    They opened an office abroad in order to circumvent the tax laws .

  26. 给我们的海外办事处发个电报。

    Send a cable to our overseas office .

  27. 总部位于上海,目前在沈阳设有办事处。

    Headquarter locates in Shanghai and branch office in Shenyang .

  28. MarkMatunga是肯尼亚微软东非办事处工作人员。

    Mark Matunga is with Microsoft East Africa in Kenya .

  29. 说服facebook或twitter在伦敦设立办事处无疑会增加就业。

    Persuading Facebook or twitter to set up an office in London will create jobs .

  30. 承包商应通过电子邮件将周进度报告发送给shell代表或通过快递员将报告送达至shell北京办事处。

    The Contractor shall provide a weekly progress report to the shell representative by electronic mail or courier to shell offices in beijing .