
kuò dà zài shēng chǎn
  • expanded reproduction;extended reproduction
扩大再生产[kuò dà zài shēng chǎn]
  1. 扩大再生产是现代经济条件下企业生存、乃至发展壮大的必由之路。

    Extended reproduction is the necessary way of enterprise 's existence and development in modern economy conditions .

  2. 资金是企业综合实力的货币表现,是扩大再生产必不可少的血液。

    Fund is the " blood " of expanded reproduction .

  3. 论折旧基金对扩大再生产的贡献

    On the Contribution of Depreciated Funds to the Expansion of Reproduction

  4. 乡镇企业内涵扩大再生产的技术经济效益分析

    Analysis of Economic Effectiveness of Technologies for Expanding Reproduction in Township Enterprises

  5. 第二,有扩大再生产的能力和自主权;

    Second , havingthe ability to expand production and the decision-making power ; andthird .

  6. 我们必须加快速度,投入新的资金增加设备和扩大再生产。

    We must increase the rate of ploughing back mew money into equipment and expansion .

  7. 社会主义扩大再生产

    Socialist reproduction on extended scale

  8. 装备制造业即为国民经济进行简单再生产和扩大再生产提供生产技术装备的工业。

    Equipment manufacturing industry supplys technology and equipments for simple reproduction and expanded reproduction of national economy .

  9. 其融资的资金主要作为扩大再生产的资本使用,因此成为资本市场。

    Its financing funds mainly to expand production as the use of capital , so the capital market .

  10. 电力建设资金利润率低,直接影响到电力企业的简单再生产和扩大再生产。

    Low profit from construction of hydropower station directly influences simple reproduction and expanded one of power enterprises .

  11. 论证了内含的扩大再生产和集约型的经济增长方式都是以资源的高效利用、循环利用为核心,以低消耗、低排放、高效率为特征的增长模式;

    It also showed the high efficiency and recycled utilization of natural resources is the core of intensive economy .

  12. 收入分配作为社会扩大再生产的重要环节,是国民经济活动的重要内容。

    Income distribution , as an important part of social reproduction , are important elements of national economic activity .

  13. 资本是扩大再生产的重要源泉,对经济增长起着巨大的推动作用。

    The capital is the important source of the enlarged reproduction , plays an important role to the economic growth .

  14. 公立医院需要通过积累扩大再生产,但同样需要按生产要素进行合理分配。

    Public hospitals should accumulate to extend , at the same time , to allocate based on production elements contribution .

  15. 资本主义为不断扩大再生产所作出的各种制度调整与优化成为进行根本性变革的抑制性因素,要想使欧美的公众在推翻资本主义制度方面达成广泛的一致在目前似乎还不可能。

    Expanding reproduction of capitalism makes adjustment and optimization of various systems as a fundamental transformation of the inhibiting factor .

  16. 麦克风已扩大再生产的频率范围内获得最佳的反应,旨在提供格外清晰,口齿伶俐的声音。

    The microphone has extended frequency range response for optimum reproduction and is designed to provide exceptionally clear , articulate sound .

  17. 科学和资本的时间联盟主要表现为在扩大再生产过程中对新科学成果的及时占有及对科学研究等方面的及时投入,反映资本和科学空间联盟在时间上的动态发展。

    Time alliance of science and capital mainly is characterized by possessing new scientific results timely and investing in scientific research timely .

  18. 同时,医院提供医疗卫生服务的资源消耗,也需要获得经济补偿和用于扩大再生产的经济收益。

    Meanwhile , hospital resource consumption of health services also need access to financial compensation and economic benefits for the expanded reproduction .

  19. 其次,不利于企业构建科学的组织结构,成为企业提高运营效率和扩大再生产的绊脚石:还有,国有股一股独大并且不流通,使公司产权独立化成为形式;

    Secondly , the phenomenon goes against scientific organization of a corporation , makes corporation not bring up operation efficiency and enlarge reproduction .

  20. 这表明,企业从银行获得的贷款正用于偿还旧债利息,而不是扩大再生产。

    This suggests that bank lending to companies is being used to pay interest on old loans rather than for new productive activity .

  21. 基于以上研究,给出本文的结论:(一)民族旅游背景下民族文化变迁实质上就是民族文化的扩大再生产。

    Given the conclusions of this study : ( A ) the essential of nationality culture changes is the expanded reproduction of nationality culture .

  22. “江南佳丽地”的享乐文化所导致的资本倒流限制了民营经济的扩大再生产;

    It have limited ampliative reproduction that dolcevita culture of " the place of beauty in south of Yangzi " induces reflux of capital ;

  23. 企业在依靠自身利润积累实现扩大再生产的同时,也应依靠金融市场的融资功能来寻求扩张资本。

    Enterprise not only needs expanding reproduction by accumulated profits , but also needs seeking expansion capital by the financing function of financial market .

  24. 在现实中,社会总资本简单再生产和扩大再生产实现的条件都发生了新的变化。

    In reality , the condition of simple reproduction and expanded reproduction have changed greatly . The Formation and Development of Socialism in Capitalism ;

  25. 资本是进行扩大再生产的重要来源和动力,是促进经济增长的一个不可或缺的重要因素。

    Capital is not only an important source and motive power of expanded reproduction but also an indispensable factor in the process of economic growth .

  26. 然而大多数民营企业常常受制于资金不足而无法进行必要的筹资进行扩大再生产以获得长足发展。

    However , most private enterprises are often constrained by insufficient funds to make the necessary financing to expand production in order to obtain long-term development .

  27. 积累创新再积累再创新的累进式发展,是知识进步的规律,也是知识产品扩大再生产的规律。

    The cumulative development of accumulation-innovation-accumulation again-innovation again is the law of knowledge development , as well as the law of enlarged reproduction of knowledge products .

  28. 其目的,就是要使农业能够扩大再生产,使它作为工业的市场更大,作为积累的来源更多。

    The aim is to enable agriculture to expand reproduction , to provide a larger market for industry and to become a greater source of accumulation .

  29. 技术改造是电网企业的常态性工作,也是其实现企业内涵扩大再生产的一种重要形式。

    Technical innovation has always been the ordinary work of grid state , but also an important form of grid state to realize its implementing expanding reproduction .

  30. 设备投资决策是施工企业进行日常生产和扩大再生产的重要环节,它直接影响着企业生产能力及经营收益的大小。

    Investment decision-making is an important part of daily production and expanding the construction for the enterprises , which directly affects the production capacity and the income .