
kuò dà nèi xū
  • expand domestic demands
  1. 扩大内需应坚持投资与消费双拉动

    To Expand Domestic Demands We Should Insist on Investment and Consumption

  2. 金融危机形势下外向型工商企业扩大内需之战略

    Strategies of export-oriented enterprises to expand domestic demands under global financial crisis

  3. DOMESTICLOOP内循环国内大循环对新发展模式至关重要,政府将推出具体措施来扩大内需、保持供应链顺畅。

    The domestic circulation will be key to the new development pattern , with detailed measures to be rolled out to expand domestic consumption and smoothen supply chains .

  4. 要建立起扩大内需的有效制度,释放内需潜力,扩大居民消费,使建设超大规模的国内市场成为一个可持续的历史过程。

    We should set up an effective system to boost domestic demand , unleash the potential of domestic demand and encourage consumer spending , thus making the formation of a super-sized domestic market a sustainable course of history .

  5. 随着中国扩大内需和加入WTO步伐的加快,农产品的品质将面临新的挑战。

    The quality of agricultural products will face a new challenge as China enlarging its inner consumption and the entry of WTO .

  6. 2001年,我国GDP增长7.3%,继续保持较快增长的态势,表明国家以扩大内需为主的宏观调控政策是卓有成效的。

    That our GDP will grow still rapidly by 7.3 % in 2001 shows that our macroeconomic policy of enlarging domestic demand is effective .

  7. 美国政府支持对经常账户盈余或赤字占GDP比设定4%的上限,这需要主要出口国扩大内需。

    The White House favours a 4 per cent limit on current account surpluses or deficits , which would require major exporters to increase domestic consumption .

  8. 分析并指出了我国1980-2000年国内生产总值(GDP)增长率走高的主要原因是得益于扩大内需,调整经济结构,深化经济体制改革及加入WTO等;

    The primary reasons why China gross domestic product ( GDP ) has been growing in 1980-2003 were analyzed , including enhancing domestic demand , adjusting economic structure , deepening the reformation of economic system and WTO admittance .

  9. 从总体来看,新加坡对中国以及电子通讯工业投资的增加会促使我国GDP大幅提升,对刺激消费、扩大内需、增加就业、提高居民福利、增加进出口都具有积极作用。

    At the macro level , further investment liberalization between China and Singapore will increase our GDP , stimulate consumption , expand domestic demand , increase employment , improve welfare of the residents and increase import and export .

  10. 让imf特别担心的是,除非有能力创造更多国内需求的国家切实扩大内需,否则复苏将无法实现其潜能,数百万就业岗位将泡汤,预算赤字将更难降低。

    The IMF is particularly concerned that unless countries with room to create additional domestic demand do so , the recovery will fall short of its potential , millions of jobs will be foregone , and budget deficits will be harder to bring down .

  11. 美国财政部部长杰克卢(JackLew)将在本周访问柏林时再次向德国施压,要求其扩大内需并支持建立更深层次的银行业联盟,两国在经济政策方面一直存在分歧。

    Jack Lew , the US Treasury secretary , will renew pressure on Germany to boost domestic demand and embrace a deeper banking union when he visits Berlin this week , amid persistent divisions between the two countries over economic policy .

  12. 扩大内需对城市发展的影响及规划应对

    The Influence of Domestic Demand Expansion on Urban Development and Planning

  13. 论扩大内需的心理制约因素

    On the Restricting Factors in Psychology Caused by Enlarging Internal Requirement

  14. 拓宽扩大内需政策的思路

    To Broaden the Thinking on the Policy of Expanding Domestic Demand

  15. 宏观经济因素分析及其扩大内需的对策

    Analysis of Macro-economical Environment and the Strategies for Native Demand Enlargement

  16. 扩大内需迫切需要加大卫生投入和改革力度

    Expansion of Domestic Demand Should Increase Health Investment and Intensify Reform

  17. 扩大内需基点选择是优化、提升供给,走供给主动之路。

    The basic choice of enlarging domestic demand is active supply .

  18. 扩大内需关键是提高居民消费倾向

    The Key of Expanding Domestic Demand : Raise Residents ' Consumption Propensity

  19. 扩大内需中的货币政策效应&1996-2003年的实证分析

    Effectiveness of Monetary Policy in China : Some Empirical Evidences in 1996-2003

  20. 关于扩大内需政策逆效现象的思考

    Thought on the inverse effect of inner - needs - expanding policy

  21. 政府扩大内需应重视调节消费预期

    Government Should Attach Importance to Adjusting Consumption Expectation to Expand Inner Requirement

  22. 在当前经济形势下扩大内需与旅游业发展

    Expanding Domestic Demand and Tourist Industry Development under the Current Economic Situation

  23. 扩大内需,注目新产业新市场(英文)

    Domestic Demand Expansion Focusing at New Industries and Markets ;

  24. 论扩大内需中的产业结构调整

    The Readjustment of Industrial Structure to Expand the Internal Demands

  25. 扩大内需与调整、优化结构

    On Enlarging National Demand and Adjusting and Improving Economic Structure

  26. 金融支持扩大内需战略研究&宁波的实例

    A study on financial support to expand domestic demand : Ningbo case

  27. 我们要扩大内需保增长。

    We must boost domestic demand to sustain economic growth .

  28. 我国于上世纪90年代引入分时度假产品,分时度假的发展对我国将起到促进旅游业升级、消化空置商品房、扩大内需等巨大的经济和社会效益。

    Our country adopted timesharing in 90 's last century .

  29. 重庆要从可持续战略高度扩大内需

    Chongqing Needs Enlarge its Domestic Demand From the Sustainable Strategy

  30. 扩大内需,拉动经济发展着力点初探

    On the Stressing Point of Extending Internal Requirement and Starting Economic Development