
  • 网络homogeneous;Homogenization;Homogeneity;homogenized;Homogenize
  1. 随着电信业重组完成和3G发牌,所有电信运营商进入了全业务运营时代,同质化的市场竞争日趋激烈。

    With the completion of the reorganization in telecommunication and licensing of 3G services , all telecom operators have entered the age of full-service and competition in homogeneous market becomes increasingly fierce .

  2. 比如,这些发现直率地提醒人们,《饥饿游戏》(TheHungerGames)等由女性主导的大片和《塞尔玛》(Selma)等非裔美国人题材的情节片在这个同质化严重的领域内仍然属于异数。

    Among other things , the findings are a blunt reminder that female-driven blockbusters like " The Hunger Games " and African-American dramas like " Selma " remain exceptions in a largely homogeneous field .

  3. 目前,多数工程机械经营租赁企业的营销工作仍延续传统的4P组合营销,租赁服务同质化严重,缺乏核心竞争力&市场营销力。

    At present many engineering machines lease enterprises ' marketing work is the traditional 4 P combination marketing .

  4. WTO的透明度原则也要求利率信号的规则和公开,再加上加入WTO后带来的人民币可自由兑换导致的货币的同质化均要求利率的形成机制必须市场化。

    The transparency regulation of WTO requires that the signal of the money rate should be regular and open as well as that freely exchanging RMB should result in currency homogenizing after China 's joining in WTO .

  5. 针对P2P网络的搭便车行为及网络资源的同质化现象,提出了一个基于PKI体系和结构化P2P网络的激励机制。

    To solve free rider and homogenization problems in peer-to-peer ( P2P ) network , an incentive mechanism based on public key infrastructure ( PKI ) and constructed P2P network was proposed .

  6. 从2004年开始,监管部门及运营商对SP进行大力整顿,伴随着管制的逐步严格,大批同质化的小SP企业纷纷倒闭和退出,SP企业都在积极寻求着新的市场机会。

    The supervisor department and the operators began neaten the SP strongly from 2004 . With being rigorous step by step of the supervision , many homogeneous SP companies were closed down and exit the industry . The SP enterprises are looking for the new marketing opportunities actively .

  7. 基于他的分析,我们指出分词V-ing不能产生同质化的效果,只是限制侧面化的范围。

    On the basis of his analysis , we point out that V-ing does not have the effect of homogenisation , and it can only restrict the scope of profile .

  8. 该部分内容主要对同质化与差异化概念界定、7P营销理论、银行服务体系和高端客户服务的研究成果进行文献回顾和梳理。

    The main part of the contents on homogenization and differentiation concept definition , 7P marketing theory , banking service system and high-end customer service research literature review and comb . 3 .

  9. 现在4P理论中,在一定程度上,渠道是企业制胜的关键,在产品、价格及促销手段高度同质化的今天,渠道的建设成为企业竞争力提升的关键点。

    Now the 4P theory , to a certain extent , the channel is the key to winning business in product , price , promotions , high degree of homogeneity of today , the channel into a business is enough to force the key points .

  10. 随着市场竞争的日趋白热化和产品的日益同质化,在以企业和产品为导向的4Ps营销理论基础上,市场营销观念逐步发展为以顾客为核心的4Cs营销理论,并不断走向融合。

    With the market Competition becoming more impetuous and products becoming more similar day and day . On the basis of theory of business and product-oriented , the idea of marketing has developed to the 4CS theory of customer-oriented . And tend to combine .

  11. OhmyNews的成功运营给我国新闻网站一定的启示,即打破固有观念,多渠道挖掘新闻来源;加强新闻网站的经营意识;建设具有鲜明特色的新闻网站,解决新闻内容同质化的问题。

    OhmyNews ' successful operation provides some inspiration for our news websites , breaking the stereotype , mining sources through multiply channels ; enhancing business awareness ; building distinctive news websites , solving the homogenization of news content .

  12. 与CNBS相比,ONBS以其特有的迁移同质化效应,可以缓冲小群体复制育种中突出的源于配子抽样的群体遗传特性随机波动和抽样偏差,从而以渐进方式与总体保持遗传同质性。

    Compared with CNBS , ONBS can mitigate the prominent random fluctuation and sampling deviation of hereditary property in population originated from gamete sampling in the replication breeding of small population since ONBS shows special homogeneity effects in migration so maintain genetic homogeneity to total population in a progressive way .

  13. 灰色关联分析法在卷烟产品同质化评价中的应用

    Application of grey correlation analysis on the evaluation of cigarette homogenization

  14. 上海连锁超市同质化竞争成因与策略分析

    The Cause of Shanghai Chain Supermarket Homogeneous Competition and Strategic Analysis

  15. 时政类期刊广告同质化投放的边际效益研究

    The Research of the Advertisements Homogenized Releasing of Current Political Periodicals

  16. 心肌和十二指肠平滑肌同质化和坏死;

    Homogenization and necrosis of smooth muscle of cardiac and duodenum ;

  17. 全球化过程中的文化同质化与异质化

    Tendencies of Cultural Homogeneity and Heterogeneity in the Course of Globalization

  18. 饮料产业如何远离同质化?

    How do the beverage industry keep away from homogenization ?

  19. 我认为中央命令和控制同质化的时代已经结束。

    I thought central command and control homogenisation had run its course .

  20. 解决电视综合新闻同质化的两条思路

    Two Solutions to Resembling of TV Comprehensive News in Essence

  21. 当今社会,产品同质化现象严重。

    Nowadays , the trend of product homogeneity is serious .

  22. 在同质化的市场竞争中,唯有传播能够创造出差异化的品牌竞争优势。

    Only communication can create alienation in the homogeneity of market competition .

  23. 随着人才的不断流动,技术的同质化倾向越来越明显。

    Flowages of personnel make the technology homogenization trend more and more obvious .

  24. 随着竞争的日益激烈,企业的产品和服务日益同质化。

    With the intense competition , the product and service are more homogenized .

  25. 随着市场的成熟,产品也会日趋同质化。

    When markets mature they become commoditized over time .

  26. 传播:创意同质化?创意无策略?

    Propagation : homogenization of creative ideas ? No strategy of creative ideas ?

  27. 社会的同质化有助于个体心理的心理平衡,从而减少犯罪。

    Homogenizations of social and psychological help individual psychological balance and reduce crime .

  28. 国内制冷设备生产企业基本处于同质化竞争;

    The domestic refrigeration equipments manufacturer are go in a same quality competition .

  29. 同质化、信息不对称与旅游纪念品市场

    Assimilation , asymmetrical information and tourism souvenir market

  30. 由价格战看我省报业的同质化竞争及对策

    The Price Competition of the Press of Identical Quality in Our Country and Measures