
tónɡ qínɡ xīn
  • sympathy;fellow feeling
同情心 [tóng qíng xīn]
  • (1) [sensibility;sympathy,fellow feeling]∶对某事(如另一人的感情)的觉察与同情感;亦指这种感情的表露

  • (2) [empathy]∶一种才能,往往指培养成的能与他人感情起共鸣的一种才能,而这种感情不必一定是悲伤

  • 他所缺的不是同情心,而是使自己处于他人地位的那种能力

  1. 别把你的同情心白白浪费在他的身上,他是咎由自取。

    Don 't waste your sympathy on him ─ he got what he deserved .

  2. 但是你必须有同情心。

    At the same time you must have sympathy .

  3. 他毫无同情心。

    He was dead to all feelings of pity .

  4. 大体说来,游客们都富有同情心。

    Tourists are , in the main , sympathetic people

  5. 一眼就能看出她很有同情心。

    One could tell at a glance that she was a compassionate person .

  6. 用友善和富有同情心的倾听来重拾她的信心。

    Build her up with kindness and a sympathetic ear

  7. 他们有上帝般的智慧和同情心。

    They were godlike in their wisdom and compassion .

  8. 一旦我们使他们良心发现,大多数人还是有同情心的。

    Most were sympathetic once we pricked their consciences

  9. 我父亲是一个非常富有同情心的人。

    My father was a deeply compassionate man

  10. 如果你能充满同情心地倾听别人的说话,也许就能够正确地认识自己的问题。

    If you can be a sympathetic listener , it may put your own problems in perspective .

  11. 走运的话,你可能赶上一位有同情心、乐于助人的职员。但话又说回来,你也可能没这运气。

    You may strike lucky and find a sympathetic and helpful clerk , but , there again , you might not .

  12. 她对别人的痛苦没有同情心。

    She has no feelings for the suffering of others .

  13. 她对病人没有任何同情心。

    She showed no compassion for her patients .

  14. 皮尤的报告和过去的研究发现,美国父母对子女的期望都差不多,希望他们健康快乐,诚实有道德,富有爱心和同情心。

    American parents want similar things for their children , the Pew report and past research have found : for them to be healthy and happy , honest and ethical , caring and compassionate .

  15. 与寿命正常的女性相比,寿命长久的女性也更有可能富有同情心、乐于与人合作。

    Long-living women are also more likely to be sympathetic and cooperative than women with a normal life span .

  16. 他对她激不出一点同情心。

    He could not get up an atom of sympathy for her .

  17. 她作为小说家的实力在于她的洞察力和同情心

    Her strength as a novelist lies in her perceptiveness and compassion .

  18. 如果她需要和人聊聊,我会带着同情心倾听她的苦衷。

    I 'll offer her a sympathetic ear if she needs to talk .

  19. 他是一个有同情心的人。

    He is a sympathetic person .

  20. 她是一个有同情心的人。

    She is a compassionate person .

  21. 她形容他善良、热情、富有同情心,还有一双最为顽皮的闪闪发亮的蓝眼睛

    She describes him as kind , warm , compassionate , with the most naughty twinkly blue eyes .

  22. 例句如果你需要一个有同情心的倾听者,那你应该去找亚历克斯。他是一个很好的倾听者。

    If you need someone to listen with a sympathetic ear , you should ask Alex - he 's a great listener .

  23. 这只耗子不讲道义,没同情心,无所顾忌,不顾他人,没有品德,没有啮齿类动物的仁慈心肠,从不会良心不安,毫无高尚情感,没有友情,什么好的地方都没有。

    The rat had no morals , no conscience , no scruples , no consideration , no decency , no milk of rodent kindness , no compunctions , no higher feeling , no friendliness , no anything .

  24. Kind意思是宽大的、心的、好的、同情心的或是乐于助人的天性、雅的、慈的和温柔的。

    KIND means forgiving , warm-hearted , friendly , of a sympathetic or helpful nature , gentle , merciful , and tender .

  25. 这篇论文是基于Ryan和NettaWeinstein的早期研究而作,NettaWeinstein,德国汉堡大学的心理学家,其他研究显示,当人们接触自然是会变的更有同情心,更大方。

    The paper builds on earlier research by Ryan , Netta Weinstein , a psychologist at the University of Hamburg , Germany , and others showing that people are more caring and generous when exposed to nature .

  26. 每个人进行简短发言后,由专门小组进行提问(我喜欢把自己看做节目中的莎伦奥斯本(sharonosbourne)严厉但富有同情心),然后由观众决定谁应该接受纾困,谁将被放弃。

    They would each give a brief presentation and then be grilled by a panel . ( I like to see myself as its Sharon Osbourne tough yet compassionate ) . Viewers would then decide whom to bail out and whom to abandon to the receivers .

  27. 同情心是不可忽视的直觉。

    Compassion is a gut instinct that should never be ignored .

  28. 某人的同情心和分享的态度将赢得你的心。

    Someone 's caring and sharing attitude can win your heart .

  29. 出于同情心我不逼债了。

    Moved by compassion , I didn 't press for payment .

  30. 你对一个小妾都这么有同情心,我很感动。

    I 'm moved at your compassion for a mere concubine .