
  • 网络Simultaneously discovered;coordinate expression
  1. 同时发现,术后体重下降者在C组较A组更为常见(P<0.01)。

    Weight loss was more common in group C than that in group A ( P < 0.01 ) .

  2. 同时发现PAN固化层厚度的平方和时间呈良好的线性关系。

    The square of gel thickness was linear with coagulation time .

  3. 同时发现衬底晶格是否匹配与C(60)取向膜的生长关系不大,而具有弱表面键的衬底有利于C(60)膜的取向生长。

    Moreover , the substrate with weak surface dangling bands was found to be necessary for the oriented growth of C60 films .

  4. 同时发现VC对Ti(C,N)基金属陶瓷的晶粒长大有非常强的抑制作用。搞好社区服务是社区建设的重要内容;

    In the C content offering a good community service is the important content of community construction ;

  5. 同时发现:ZnO的掺入使得上部晶体的熔点升高。

    With ZnO doping , the melting point of the upper side of the crystal increases .

  6. 同时发现了在温度梯度机理、屈曲机理与耦合机理条件下,板材既产生绕x轴弯曲也产生绕y轴弯曲变形的现象。

    Firstly , the bending deformation and upsetting of plate under the temperature gradient mechanism , buckling mechanism and upsetting mechanism are analyzed .

  7. 在传统网格密度方法的基础上,提出了一种新型的面向GIS系统的双层聚类算法CPDG。它结合了密度方法和划分方法的思想,能够准确、高效地同时发现两种性质的空间集簇。

    This paper presents a new approach , which is developed from traditional grid density-based methods and combines the ideas of density-based methods and partitioning methods .

  8. 同时发现含GABA的胼胝体神经元。

    GABA containing callosal neurons were also found .

  9. 同时发现男性患者发病年龄较女性患者高,有统计学差异(P0.05)。

    Also found that the age of onset of male patients is higher than female patients , with a significant difference ( P0.05 ) .

  10. 同时发现,硬化体中钙矾石和CSH凝胶粒子等的生成,对固化稳定Cr(Ⅵ)离子和防止其溶出作用。

    It is also indicated that the formation of ettringite and C S H gel in hardened fly ashes contributes significantly to the fixation and stabilization of Cr (ⅵ) .

  11. 阳光基金会同时发现,国会议员们极少实用最常见的100个SAT考试词汇,这些词汇对高中生而言是非常熟悉的。

    Sunlight also found that members of Congress rarely use the 100 most common SAT words , which are likely very familiar to high school students .

  12. 采用离子减薄结合X射线光电子能谱方法原位对金属&陶瓷界面的电子结构进行研究,其结果表明在界面处,对Ti/Al2O3体系,有氧化态的Ti,同时发现部分的Al~3+被还原;

    The electronic structure of Ti , Ni / Al2O3 interfaces were studied by X - ray photoelectron spectra ( XPS ) in situ during sputtering .

  13. 24周龄SHR心率与正常大鼠相近,而左心室重量指数显著增高,同时发现24周龄SHR的右心室与左心室有同比例肥大。

    We also found the right ventricular had the same rate hypertrophy with the left ventricular .

  14. 同时发现,S元素存在的部位也同时存在Na元素。

    It has also been detected that at the location where the S element is present there exists at the same time the Na element .

  15. 同时发现禁牧改变土壤N转化进程,提高NH4+-N比例,降低相对硝化速率。

    Meanwhile , it was found out that the N transformation procedure in the soil was altered by grazing prohibition , which increased NH ~ + _4-N proportion and decreased the relative nitrification ratio .

  16. 同时发现资产重组类型、交易支付对价方式是资产重组事件使ST公司股价出现不同表现的主要影响因素。

    It also reveals that the ways of asset restructuring and the means of payment are the main factors leading to different performance of corporations ' stock price .

  17. 同时发现,各治疗组SHR大鼠心肌组织中的AngⅡ与模型对照组无明显统计学差异(P>0.05)。

    Meanwhile , there is not a significant difference in statistics between therapeutic groups and model group ( P > 0.05 ) .

  18. 同时发现,在低光照下低温处理引起Fo,Fm,Fv上升,但未改变Fv/Fm,Fv/Fo的比值。

    During chilling under low light Fo , Fm and Fv increased but Fv / Fm and Fv / Fo did not change .

  19. 同时发现,碱性金属氧化物作助剂可以增强助剂与活性组分之间的协同作用,提高异丁醛的选择性和收率,较适宜的助剂是CaO。

    Alkali metal oxides improve the synergistic effect between active component and promoters , and increase selectivity and yield of isobutyraldehyde . The optimum promoter is CaO .

  20. 同时发现维生素E(VE)对H2SO4-KMnO4-甲醛-丙酮化学发光体系有强烈的抑制作用,建立了维生素E的流动注射化学发光抑制法的新体系。

    At the same time we found that vitamin E inhibited chemiluminescence of the KMnO_4-H_2SO_4-HCHO-CH_3COCH_3 system intensively . On this basis , a flow injection chemiluminescence inhibition method has been developed for the determination of vitamin E.

  21. 同时发现L3学生比L2学生更喜欢教师鼓励参与课堂各种语言交际活动。

    L3 students more favor their English teachers to encourage them to take part in class communicative activities to practice English than L2 ones .

  22. 同时发现,血ADMA水平的升高对糖尿病肾病进展有促进作用。

    Furthermore , increased ADMA levels tended to contribute to increased risk of progressive diabetic kidney disease .

  23. 同时发现,半主动控制器时间步长的选取对该控制算法的控制效果有很大的影响。(3)研究了多维多点地震激励的大跨度空间结构基于信赖域的MR阻尼器瞬时最优半主动控制。

    It is found that the time interval of the controller may greatly affect the control effectiveness of the semi-active controller . ( 3 ) By using trust-region based instantaneous optimal semi-active control algorithm , the semi-active control of long-span spatial structure is studied .

  24. 同时发现MoyaMoya病8例,动脉夹层5例,动脉发育不良4例。

    We found 8 cases of Moyamoya disease , 5 cases of vertebral artery dissection and 4 cases of congenital artery hypoplasia .

  25. 本研究同时发现,红油膏能显著提高创面红活率和肉芽生长率(P<0.05),并能明显降低水肿和瘢痕程度(P<0.05)。

    The studies also showed the Hong You ointment could significantly improve the active tissues and the regeneration buds rates of the wound surface ( P < 0 . 05 ), and also visibly reduce oedema and scar grade ( P < 0 . 05 ) .

  26. 同时发现,Q角异常增大或减小,虽然对髌股运动趋势无显著影响,但可影响髌股运动幅度从而影响髌股稳定性。

    Meanwhile we also found that the abnormal Q angle , in spite of having no remarkable effect on patellofemoral tracking patterns , changed the range of patellofemoral motion and resulted in the unstability of patellofemoral joint .

  27. 同时发现任何处理的剖面土壤温度最大日变幅均有随土壤深度增加呈指数递减的趋势。(3)建立了BP人工神经网络土壤剖面温度预报模型,预测精度较高。

    Furthermore , we found maximal soil temperature at the soil profile changes exponential descending with the depth increasing . ( 3 ) Based on the BP ANN , the forecasting model of soil temperature was founded and takes better forecasting result . 2 .

  28. 同时发现,在RFC2080中并未提及可以将一个路由器接口同时加入两个RIP域的情况,实验证明这是可以实现的。

    While testing , we also found and proved something not mentioned in RFC 2080 that an interface of a router can be put into two RIP router domains at the same time .

  29. 我们同时发现亚油酸会上调细胞中SREBP-2的表达,将细胞氧化的部分能量转化为高能化合物进行贮存。

    Linoleic acid could up-regulate the expression of SREBP-2 as it could storage energy by producing high-energy compounds .

  30. 同时发现二化螟雌、雄成虫对印棣素的反应差异显著,雄虫EAG反应明显强于雌虫。

    Antenna electric response of the male and female adult to azadirachtin was significantly different . The antenna electric response of the male is stronger than that of female .