
tónɡ yīn zì
  • homophone;homonym;paronym
  1. MIS系统中的同音字模糊查询技术

    The Fuzzy Query Technology of Chinese Homophone In MIS

  2. 简体中文拼音转换类库(SimplifiedChinesetoPin-YinConversionLibrary)&这个类库使开发人员能够得到简体中文字符的多音字、同音字、拼音、笔画数等属性。

    Simplified Chinese to Pin-Yin Conversion Library – This class library enables developers to retrieve the polyphone , homophone , Pinyin and stroke count properties of Simplified Chinese characters .

  3. 声调系统也是一个难题。汉语中有很多同音字,只靠四个声调来区分,而这很难区分开来,除非能确定上下文及短语的含义。

    The tone system also is a pain because there are many homophones in Chinese only distinguishable by the four tones . Even this is often not enough unless the actual context and exact phrase are identified .

  4. IBM说,沃森将会在明年初开始这份新工作的时候具备区分同音字的能力。

    IBM says Watson will know the difference when it starts the new job early next year .

  5. 本文介绍了高淳方言的语音系统,特别是对高淳方言中鼻辅音〔m〕〔n〕〔η〕自成音节的三组同音字进行了描述,并就相关问题作了一些分析。

    This article tries to demonstrate the phonetic system of Gao-chun Dialect , especially to describe three group of nasal consonant homonyms [ m ] [ n ] [ η ] which can act as syllables independently in Gao-chun Dialect , and also to analyze something related .

  6. 结果对同义字和同音字进行判断均能明显激活Broca区、Wernicke区、双侧纹外视区及双侧颞叶腹侧皮层。

    Results Broca ′ s area , Wernicke ′ s area , bilateral extrastriate , and ventral temporal cortex were significantly activated during both synonym and homophone tasks .

  7. 汉语同音字和多音字处理方法研究

    Study on Processing Methods of Chinese Homonym and Polyphony Words

  8. 中文有很多同音字,非常适合用来制造双关语。

    Chinese is perfectly suited to puns because it has so many homophones .

  9. 对同音字搜索的查找内容文本,只能包含无重音的字母符号。

    The Find What text for a Sounds Like search can only contain non-accented alphabetic letters .

  10. 中国飞行员与国际同行一样,也开发了一些代码以避免同音字或近音字造成混淆。

    Like their international counterparts , Chinese aviators have developed codes to avoid confusion stemming from homonyms or near-homonyms .

  11. 汉字识别中的同音字效应:语音影响字形加工的证据

    Homophone Effects in the Recognition of Chinese Character : the Evidence of Phonology Influencing the Graphic Processing of Chinese Character

  12. 在这个问题上,同为商品名称的使用同音字的企业接受记者采访。

    On this issue , an interview with reporters for the use of trade names homophonic word of an enterprise .

  13. 实现同音字模糊查询的关键问题之一是根据实际需求选择合适的汉安码表。

    The key of fuzzy query technology of Chinese homophone is to get a source code table which fits the need .

  14. 许多语音相同的字被单一个同音字替代,但却缺少涵义。简体中文最大的缺陷为字体缺乏涵义。

    Many words of same phonetic sounds are replaced by a single character that possesses the same sound but lacks in meaning .

  15. 语音在汉语阅读的早期就发挥了作用,而且同音字错误比非同音字错误更容易被恢复。

    Phonology played a role in early stage of Chinese reading and homophone errors could be corrected more easily than non-homophone ones .

  16. 河西方志方言章中的方言词汇,在书写形式上存在着因本字失考而误用同音字的现象,致误原因是撰稿者蔽于方音而对方言词的语源未能详加考察。

    In dialect vocabulary in the chapter of dialects in records of history in Hexi district exists the phenomenon of homophone misuse in written form since the character-misuse were not studied .

  17. 提供候选字、同音字、前后相关字、联想词库、学习字串、字典、发音、全能键盘、特殊符号表、笔迹教学等功能,手写输入轻松自如。

    Provide many useful functions , such as related phrase , related word , special symbol table , homophone , dictionary , learning string , color inking and sound effect * etc , to make input easier .

  18. 在中国南方,习惯吃“年糕”(糯米粉制成的新年糕点),因为作为一个同音字,年糕意味着“步步高升”。

    In south China , It is customary to eat " niangao " ( New Year cake made of glutinous rice flour ) because as a homophone , niangao means " higher and higher every year . "

  19. 本文中汉字的特殊查询是该系统功能开发的重点和特色,提出了如何从同音字和首字母相同两个方面实现快速查询的方法,从而提高查询效率。

    The shining points of this system are the development of the searching function of Chinese characters and the fast way to search in both homophone and the character with the same initial which promotes the searching efficiency .

  20. 然而,由于汉语结构复杂,单音节为主,同音字多,方言多,语法亦不规范等问题,目前汉语语音识别还没有达到理想的程度,距汉语识别实用化还有很大的距离。

    But , Chinese Speech Recognition is not ideal and there is a long distance for its application owing to the problems such as complicate Chinese structure , a large number of single syllable , same syllable , dialect and anomalous grammar .

  21. 就此出发,主要讨论了写同音字与古音通假的条件、性质、规律和原因等几个方面的区别。

    In light of this , the article mainly discussed the differences on several aspects of the homophone and the ancient pronunciation interchangeable uses and borrowed uses , such as the condition , the nature , the rule , the reason and so on .

  22. 方法使用单次激励平面回波梯度扫描序列和组块设计,对8名小学在读学生(年龄10~12岁)进行了中文同音字和真假字判断任务的血氧水平依赖对比成像。

    Methods BOLD fMRI experiments using single shot GE EPI scan sequence were performed on 8 school children aging from 10 to 12 years . Two block designed Chinese cognitive tasks were devised , one based on homophone decision and the other on character decision .

  23. 首先,“莲子”意为“年”,“籽”意为“子”,“枣”意为“早”都是同音字,同音但是不同含义。

    First , the words " lotus " and " year , " " seed " and " child , " and " date " and " early , " are homophones , i. e. they have the same sound but different meanings in Chinese .

  24. 本文给出一种其盘面上仅制有同音字的代表汉字四百一十二个、常用符号十九个、四角笔形符号十个,以及拉丁字符号和阿拉伯数字符号的袖珍笔触整字字盘之盘面设计。

    The designs of a pocket piezoelectric characters keyboard face are described , on which there are 412 Chinese characters representing homonyms of all kinds , 19 symbols common in use , 10 symbols representing four angles strokes of Chinese characters , the Latin alphabets and the Arabic numerals .

  25. 《柳州方言词典》中有65个同音代替字,实际属于五种类型。

    There are65 substitutions of homonyms in Liuzhou Dialect Dictionary , including five types .

  26. 基于本体的语义信息集成主要解决分布异构的数据源之间的模式级异构和部分数据异构(包括同义字和同音异义字)。

    Ontology-based semantic information integration resolves the schema level heterogeneity and part of data level heterogeneity between distributed data sources .

  27. 在中国,车牌上带有的英文首字母过去就是个麻烦。有许多同音异义字和缩写偶然在中文里有着出乎意料的联系。

    English initials on car-plates have previously proved to be problematic in China , where homonyms and abbreviations occasionally have unexpected associations in Mandarin .

  28. 这个章节是论文的最基础的部分,其创新之处在于对《总表》中同音代替字的全面考察,分类梳理。

    The thesis of this chapter is the most basic part , its innovations is the Simplified summary table instead of a homonym of the word in a comprehensive inspection , classification card .

  29. 在语音层面,拟声词、同音异义字等非常常见;在词汇层面有大量的科技术语、英语外来语、方言以及新造词汇。

    In phonological aspect , onomatopoeia and homophones are quite common , while in lexical aspect , technical terms , English loan words , dialect words as well as some newly created words can be found .

  30. 找出123组同音代替字相对的语料,并保存为文本文档,以这些语料为基础,对同音代替字在应用层面(主要是繁简转换)上加以分析,并列出出现问题的字。

    Finding out the 123 Group characters ' corpus , and save it as a text document , based on their corpus , we can analyse these characters at the application level ( mainly the character conversion ), and set out the character having problems .