
  • 网络identity;identity relation;identical relationship
  1. 等值关系大体上可分为两类:约等关系与同一关系。在此基础上,功能语言学又将每一纯理功能分解成若干组成部分,每一组成部分都在整个意义系统中发挥作用。

    Equal relation can be categorized into two aspects : relation of approximation and that of identity . In terms of SFL , the functions of language may be categorized into three metafunctions : the ideational function , the interpersonal function and the textual function .

  2. 而所谓不可分辨者同一原则和同一关系的传递性遭到破坏,乃是因为不区分本质属性和非本质属性。

    And the so-called violation of the principle of identicals of indiscernibility and transitivity of identity is because essential attributes and non-essential attributes are not differentiated .

  3. 育种目标性状间的同一关系分析方法研究

    Study on the method of identical relation analysis among breeding target characters

  4. 在同一关系范畴内,其等值性可由弱而强;

    Equality can be weak and strong .

  5. 作为语言单位间同一关系的重要标志,指代历来是语言学家研究的重要话题。

    Referring expressions have been the focus of much linguistic research because of their fundamental place in discourse structures .

  6. 同样作为一种助人活动,职业咨询与心理咨询既有区别又有联系,两者既不是包含关系,也不是平行关系,更不是同一关系,而是交叉关系。

    Both as a kind of way to help people , the career consultation and the psychological counseling have differences and similarities .

  7. 采用关系数据库模型进行建模,对于同一关系框架上的数据定义了相似数据集。

    A new definition of similar data set is proposed for some special data sets which have the same attributes in a relational database model .

  8. 这个疑难涉及同一关系与认知差异,其复杂形式还涉及到间接引语和内涵语境。

    The puzzle involved the identity relationship and the cognitive variance , but also to the complexity of the form and content of indirect quotation context .

  9. 意象与意象之间的组合通常呈现为平面组合关系和立体组合关系。在平面组合关系中,包括同一关系、对立关系、主从关系、递加关系;

    There are two relations of combination in the images , one is plane combination relation which covers the same relationship , opposite relationship , principal and subordinate relationship , increasing relationship ;

  10. 具体论述的角度表现为教唆型情节加重犯的主观因素以及判断方法、因果关系、两种表现形式(同一关系与交叉关系)。第四部分论述了情节加重犯的立法模式及其立法完善。

    Specific point of view on performance-based abetting aggravated offenders , as well as subjective factors determine the method , a causal relationship between the two expressions ( the same relations and cross-relations ) . Part IV discusses the aggravating circumstances of offenders and legislation to improve the legislative model .

  11. 在情节加重犯与共犯形态的关系中,如果两个以上行为人有共同的符合加重犯罪构成的行为,且具有加重构成犯罪的共同故意,则构成纯正的情节加重犯与共犯的同一关系。

    On the joint offense form of the aggravated offense by circumstance , if two or more actors have joint behavior which is conformed to the aggravated constitution and have joint intent , it can constitute the same relationship between the aggravated offense by circumstance and the joint offense form .

  12. 反身代词和它的先行词间的同一性关系。

    The coreferential relation between a reflexive pronoun and its antecedent .

  13. 同一段关系,有的人认为很浪漫,有的人却不断质疑。

    Someone finds it romantic while others treat such relations as a challenging thing .

  14. 一般预防与个别预防的关系同样是一种既对立又同一的关系,解决两者冲突的正确途径不在于简单地舍弃一般预防而保全个别预防;

    In the same way , general prevention and individual prevention is antitheses as well as identical .

  15. 由于整体结构具有天然的模块性,与同一个关系有关的约束可以被紧凑地组织在一起。

    Because of the inherent modularity of whole structure , the restrictions related to the same relation can be compactly organized together .

  16. 其成立的条件之一是反诉请求与本诉请求源于同一法律关系或同一事实。

    One of its tenable conditions is that the counterclaim request and the action request origin from the identical legal relationship or the identical fact .

  17. 或者,有一些业务流程尽管支持不同的业务线,但也可能都使用同一个关系数据库来存储流程状态数据。

    Or , business processes , though supporting different lines of business , might all use the same relational database to store process state data .

  18. 其二,复仇同样是叙事的起点,而复仇过程与革命进程有着同一的关系,复仇的失败与成功、曲折与顺利对应着革命发展的高潮与低谷。

    Second , revenge was simultaneously taken as the starting point of narration , but the process of revenge and revolution had the same relationship .

  19. 订购方仅有权对同一法律关系中无异议或已裁决的索赔行使保留权。

    The orderer is only entitled to exercise rights of retention for claims which are undisputed or have become res judicata from the same legal relationship .

  20. 然由于立法过于简单,导致在审判过程中对同一法律关系出现不同的理解及不同的裁判尺度,许多实务问题亟待解决。

    However , since relevant legislations are too simple , there are different understandings and judging scales in regard to the same legal relationship , and many practical problems should be settled .

  21. 探究双方当事人签订合同的目的,双方当事人之所以签订两份合同,在于为同一融资关系提供两种选择模式,以实现各方利益的最大化,均为真实自由意思表现。

    The purpose of signing the contracts lies in providing two options for the same financing relationships , and to maximize interests of all parties , both are the real meaning of parties .

  22. 洛夫寻求禅学与超现实主义文学的视野融合,其意既在于发现两者的同一性关系,又在于寻求两者的互补性关系。

    Luo Fu seeks for the fusion of the surrealistic literature and Zen , intending to find the identity relation between the two , and to look for the complementary relation between them .

  23. 这不仅证实了大家对于充满性渴望的男性和天真单纯的女性的固有印象,还直接证明了同一段关系中的两个人可以有着完全不同的感觉。

    This is not just a bit of confirmation for stereotypes about sex-hungry males and nave females ; it is direct proof that two people can experience the exact same relationship in radically different ways .

  24. 例如,也许销售和潜在客户开发(lead-generation)团队使用同一个客户关系管理(CRM)应用程序。

    For example , perhaps the sales and lead-generation teams use the same customer relationship management ( CRM ) application .

  25. 家庭功能与初中生自我同一性的关系研究

    A Study of the Relationship Between Ego-Identity and Family Functions

  26. 集合中的所有对象必须属于同一个父关系图。

    All objects in the collection must belong to the same parent diagram .

  27. 记者:所以他们共享同一个兄弟关系?

    Interviewer : So they share a brotherly relationship ?

  28. 大学生存在空虚与成人依恋、自我同一性的关系研究

    Correlational Study on College Student Existential Vacuum , Adult Attachment and Ego Identity

  29. 社团活动与大学生自我同一性的关系

    The Relationship between Activity of Student Associations and Ego Identity Status of College Students

  30. 多元文化时代的比较文学研究必须首先承认差异与同一的辩证关系,然后才能通过这种关系进行文化对话。

    We must admit the dialectical relation between difference and identity first , and then carry out the cultural dialogue .