
èr lǜ bèi fǎn
  • antinomy
二律背反[èr lǜ bèi fǎn]
  1. 康德的二律背反论美

    Kant 's Theory about Beauty through Antinomy

  2. 采用JIT供货管理模式能够大大降低存货水平,最大限度地减少库存成本,但是,由于库存与运输存在着二律背反关系,减少库存的同时会导致运输成本的增加。

    The implementation of JIT management modern can reduce inventory level and cost furthest . Because the relationship of inventory cost and transport cost are antinomy , it will result in more transport cost while reduce inventory amount .

  3. 康德二律背反学说对人类文明的启示

    Kant 's antinomies and it 's enlightening to human civilization

  4. 商品经济与商业道德是否二律背反

    Whether the Law of Business Ethics Goes Against That of Commodity Economy

  5. 在竞争和垄断双双被强化的态势的作用下,竞争和垄断这种二律背反的共生现象竟然演化出一种新的市场结构&竞争性垄断。

    From this situation , the new market framework-competitive monopolization is evolved .

  6. 但厘金制度与现代化又是一个二律背反的历史命题。

    Likin system and modernization was an antinomy historic proposition .

  7. 在众多的悖论中,可译与不可译是一对古老的二律背反命题。

    Translatability and untranslatability is one pair of the paradoxes with long history .

  8. 全球化语境下的二律背反&对全球化与民族性的一点看法

    The Antinomy under the Situation of Globalization & Views on Globalization and Nationalism

  9. 先验自由是在宇宙论理念的第三个二律背反中表现出来的。

    The prior freedom is displayed in the third antinomy in Cosmology Idea .

  10. 康德黑格尔审美论的二律背反

    Antinomy In the Aesthetic Judgment of Kant and Hegel

  11. 论社会阅读的二律背反及图书馆的破解之策

    On the Antinomy of Social Reading and Library 's Solutions to This Problem

  12. 家庭联产承包责任制:中国农地制度的二律背反

    The Family Unity Contracted Responsible System : the Antinomy of China 's Field System

  13. 有人试图用经济与道德本身就是二律背反的理论说明二者的关系。

    Some researchers argue that economy and moral is two laws which contradict together .

  14. 经济与道德:二律背反抑或动态平衡

    Morality and economy : antinomy or dynamic balance

  15. 得与失的二律背反&徐言于《盲恋》的现代性解读

    On the Antinomy Between Gains and Losses

  16. 革命与国家建设的二律背反;

    The contradiction between revolution and construction ;

  17. 边缘地位与核心作用间的二律背反&民族文化教育场域中的传习馆教育

    Antinomy between Marginal Status and Core Effect : The ECS Education in the Ethnic-culture Education Domain

  18. 网络文学发展中的二律背反问题

    The Paradox in Internet Literature Development

  19. 物流要求以平衡的方式处理二律背反现象等。

    Logistics needs the method of balance to deal with the " law of antinomy " .

  20. 然后提出了物流及物流成本的概念,分析了物流成本的构成,指出了物流成本冰山特性、二律背反特性以及乘数效应。

    Then puts forward the concepts of logistics and logistics cost , analyzes the constitution of logistics cost .

  21. 但就其现实性上,历史尺度和道德尺度却常呈现出二律背反现象。这种辩证关系要求人们运用时必须具备辩证思维。

    In the sense of reality , they are paradoxes , the dialectical relation demands people 's dialectical thoughts .

  22. 长期困扰运营管理的一个基本问题就是定制与效率的二律背反。大批量定制理念与模式的出现为化解这一矛盾提供了有效的解决途径。

    Mass customization provides an effective way to solve the fundamental contradiction between efficiency and customization in operations management .

  23. 康德哲学的二律背反是将知性范畴引入理性所引起的矛盾,而理性具有无限的内涵;

    The " antinomy " in Kant Philosophy is the contradiction caused by the introduction of perception category to rationality .

  24. 这个无法克服的矛盾,导致文学创作与文化限定不可避免的二律背反的悖论。

    Being unable to overcome , the contradiction leads to the unavoidable antinomy between the literary creation and cultural limit .

  25. 对大众文化所具有的这种二律背反性质的克服与弥补,需要主流文化、精英文化和大众文化的共同存在和协调发展。

    The two features of the popular culture , Need the main culture and the elite culture coexist and develop .

  26. 功利价值与伦理价值取向的内在矛盾,深刻表明了人类社会发展总是处在历史与道德二律背反之中。

    Their conflict and collision indicate that the development of human society is always through the antimony of history and morality .

  27. 此文从现代技术与诗意地栖居两者之间的二律背反关系入手,试图分析现代技术对诗意地栖居的颠覆。

    This article from the modern technology and Poetic Habitation between antinomy between paper tries to analyze modern technology Poetically subversion .

  28. 也指出,在相声小品的地方特色和影响范围之间,存在着二律背反现象。

    The article also points out that there is the phenomenon of antinomies between the crosstalk 's local characteristics and the impacts .

  29. 正如各种事物、各个过程都有矛盾的普遍性一样,在人类知识的天堂中也具有二律背反。

    Having the universality of contradiction just as various things and each course , there is antinomy in heaven of human knowledge too .

  30. 同时对其中的不公正之处也进行了阐述,具体表现为:1。自愿与强制的二律背反;

    At the same time , we also talk about some inequities , specific performances : 1.the contrary of free will and force ;