
èr chóng xìng
  • duality;dual character;dual nature;dualism;ambiguity
二重性 [èr chóng xìng]
  • (1) [duality]∶包含两种元素或方面的,或由它们构成的性质或状态

  • (2) [dualism]∶二重的性质或状态;二重区分

二重性[èr chóng xìng]
  1. 但是它也有二重性。

    But it too had a dual character .

  2. 由这种二重性所产生的影响也具有两方面,降低交易费用,这是其积极的一面。

    The dual character will result in dual influence , one of which is that it may bring about reduction of transaction fees with a positive act .

  3. 第二个问题涉及到劳动二重性学说;

    The second involves the theory of dual nature of labor ;

  4. 试论文化价值二重性与商品价值二重性&系统价值学论稿之八

    On the Duality of Cultural Value and That of Commodity Value

  5. 课堂交往冲突的作用具有积极和消极二重性。

    Conflict of classroom communication plays both positive and negative roles .

  6. 电子线路噪声的二重性与对混沌控制

    Dual property of noise in electronic circuits and control of chaos

  7. 这种调制方案,利用了光的波粒二重性,融合了量子和孤子的特性,是未来量子光通信的一种发展趋势。

    This scheme is a development trend for future quantum communication .

  8. 对企业组织冲突影响二重性的思考

    Pondering over the Dual Character about the Business Organizational Conflict Influence

  9. 人性二重性在荒岛文学中的体现

    The Duality of Human Nature Embodied in the Desert Island Tradition

  10. 在张扬与压抑之间&浅析审美传达的二重性

    On Twoness of Communication of Aesthetic Tasting between Spread and Oppression

  11. 对经济管理二重性原理的质疑

    Question about the principle of dual character in management of economy

  12. 本轮经济调整的二重性及其矛盾分析

    Analysis on Duality of the Recent Economic Adjustment and Its Contradiction

  13. 数学概念表征具有以下特点:意象表征性、二重性和历时性。

    Lastly , it drew some traits of mathematical concept representation .

  14. 经济法责任体系的二元结构及二重性

    Dualistic Structure and Dual Nature of the Responsibility System of Economic Law

  15. 意识二重性与音乐美学&源自前人的争论

    Consciousness Dualism and Music Aesthetics : Original form Controversy of the Foregoing

  16. 手机技术承载着政治价值,与此同时其政治价值也是二重性的。

    As cellphone technology carries political value , the value is duality .

  17. 论企业文化传播的主受体二重性

    The duality of source and receiver in the communication of corporate culture

  18. 从诚信的二重性看法律基础课的诚信教育功效

    The effect of Honesty education of the Basic of Law

  19. 中世纪大学学术自由的矛盾二重性及其启示

    The Contradiction-Dualism of Academic Freedom in the Medieval Universities and Its Enlightenment

  20. 斯密经济人理论的二重性。

    Section three points out dual character of the theory .

  21. 当代中国社团官民二重性的制度分析&以北京市海淀区个私协会为个案

    An Institutional Analysis of Governmental - Civil Dualism in Modern Chinese Associations

  22. 第二次世界大战后世界政治经济的二重性发展趋势

    Duality Trend of World Political Economy after World War I

  23. 基于能源消费二重性的经济增长模型

    The Economic Growth Model Based on the Dual Character of The Energy-consuming

  24. 体育的二重性&作为文本的一次解读

    The Duality of Sports ── Being Read as a Text

  25. 坚持市场经济二重性的辩证法;

    Insist in the dialectic of market economy in duality ;

  26. 论政治权力与政治权利关系的二重性

    On the Dual Relation between Political Power and Political Rights

  27. 论林语堂闲适格调的二重性

    The Duality of LIN Yu-tang 's Familiar Style in Writing

  28. 数字化时代对大学生成长成才影响具有鲜明的二重性。

    Digital age has dual effects on the growth of college students .

  29. 这些角色体现出农民身份与职业的二重性现状。

    These new roles show the twoness of the peasants'identities and occupations .

  30. 对马克思主义管理二重性理论的再认识

    Recognition on the dual character theory of the Marxism management