
  1. 初中代数教学中的数学情境与提出问题&二元一次方程组的应用教学案例

    Case of Teaching about the Application of Binary Linear Equation Group

  2. 然后给出每一小段用初参数表示的解,再利用各段之间的连续条件,给出内力与位移的一般表达式,并最后将问题归结为一个二元一次方程组的求解。

    By use of the continuous conditions between adjoining sections , ge - neral formulas of internal forces and displacements are derived and the prob - lem finally becomes to solve a simultaneous linear equations with two unk - nowns .

  3. 而采用等效能量法后,可以将这个积分方程组转化为一个二元一次线性方程组来进行求解,从而提高了计算的速度和准确度。

    While the equivalent energy way will simplify the group into a new group of two linear equations and it increases the computing speed and accurancy .