
èr cì wū rǎn
  • secondary pollution
  1. 此外,H2O2具有灭杀细菌、致病菌及病毒的特点,H2O2分解后产物为水和氧气,不产生二次污染。

    Besides , H_2O_2 can kill the bacterium and virus , the H_2O_2 degradated to H_2O and O_2 , without secondary pollution .

  2. 研究发现DOC辅助DPF再生方法的二次污染为HC和CO。

    HC and CO is found to be the secondary pollution of DOC assisted DPF regeneration method .

  3. OH有很强的氧化能力,能直接将水中微量的有机物氧化成水、二氧化碳,这种氧化过程对饮用水无二次污染,可以取得优于常规处理的处理效果。

    It is a mineralization process without second pollution to the drinking water .

  4. SS去除率达到88%,水的颜色由灰黑色变成红褐色液体,更为重要的是微生物絮凝剂无二次污染,且吨水处理的成本大大降低。

    Using microbial flocculation does not cause second pollution and the cost of water treatment declines greatly .

  5. 底泥中除了供应植物所需要的N、P等营养元素,也不可避免的把过量的重金属带入到土壤中,容易对土壤、地下水、动植物造成二次污染。

    Lake sediments contains a lot of heavy metals except nutrient elements such as nitrogen and phosphorus , which are easy to pollute the soil , water , plants and animals .

  6. 此外,排放物还带来二次污染。目前运行的COD自动在线监测仪技术档次较低,规模效益较差,总体水平仍较落后,很难适应我国污染物排放总量控制的需求。

    However , the level of existing COD analysis technology is low , it can not meet requirement of discharge pollution quantity .

  7. 得到了不同废塑料最佳造粒方法及PVC热解脱氯的最佳工艺条件并很好地控制了二次污染。

    The best granulating methods of different WP and technics condition of thermal decomposition dechlorination of PVC were reached , and the secondary pollution was well controlled .

  8. DDS是绿色的水处理系统,所需的原料和生成物都属于自然界存在的物质,无二次污染的发生。

    DDS is a green or natural water treatment system , with both material and results being natural . No secondary pollution is produced .

  9. 其优点是操作简便及无二次污染等,反应产物Fe3+可与OH反应形成Fe(OH)3沉淀而对环境无害。

    Moreover , the further studies were presented . The virtues were easy manipulation and not contamination . The Fe3 + might react with OH , and Fe ( OH ) 3 product was harmless to environment .

  10. pH在4-9范围内,未检测出浸出液中有砷的存在,因此,经过处理后的固化砷渣在自然条件下稳定性较高,产生二次污染的可能性较小。

    In the range of pH4-9 , there is not arsenic exist in leaching agent . Therefore , the processed curing arsenic slag has higher stability under natural conditions , there is less possibility to produce secondary contamination .

  11. 由于普通粉末状TiO2在使用过程中存在光活性不高、分离与回收困难以及易产生二次污染等问题,因此TiO2改性、薄膜固载化逐渐成为新的研究热点。

    But powdered TiO2 has many shortages such as low catalytic activity , difficulty in separation and recovery . Key problem in this research is modification of TiO2 and immobilization technology .

  12. 为了避免这种情况发生,在室内温度、湿度处理解耦的思路下,本文提出了改善IAQ,消除二次污染的关键措施&湿度优先控制。

    Humidity prior control basis on decoupling temperature and humidity handle process is a critical measure to solve these problems .

  13. TiO2光催化氧化NO技术具有反应条件温和、能耗低、不产生二次污染等优点,在NOx控制方面具有很好的应用前景。

    Photocatalytic oxidation over titanium dioxide has advantages of mild reactive conditions , low energy consumption , no secondary pollutants , etc , which has broad application prospects in NOx control .

  14. 处理后的三泥,液相返回调节池,固相送到焚烧炉焚烧,焚烧后气体以CO2的形式排至大气,将污泥降解为无机物,彻底解决了污水处理的二次污染问题。

    After burning the off gas is purged as CO 2 to the open atmosphere . And the sludge is decomposed to inorganic substance . The secondary pollution problem of sewage disposal was solved thoroughly .

  15. 焚烧垃圾产生的二次污染包括焚烧过程产生的飞灰、以Dioxins为代表的有毒有机物、重金属、HCl、SOx、NOx、HF、CO等有害气体和固体灰渣污染物。

    The secondary pollution including fly ash , heavy metals , HC1 , SOx , NOx , HF , CO , bottom ash , dioxins and others poisonous organic pollutant .

  16. 但是,这些方法存在运行成本高、操作繁琐或容易造成二次污染等缺点,迫切需要发展去除废水中Pb、Hg的新技术。

    However , these methods have disadvantages of high operation cost , complicated operation and easy to cause secondary pollution . It is urgent to develop new technology to remove lead and mercury in wastewater .

  17. 传统的COD测量是采用化学方法,虽然准确,但时效性很差,成本高,测试过程还会造成二次污染。

    Traditionally , COD is measured with chemical methods , which is accurate with the shortage of poor timeliness and high cost , and the testing process is usually carried on with the production of other pollutants .

  18. TiO2是一种良好的光催化剂,具有稳定性好、光效率高和不产生二次污染等特点,但TiO2是宽带导体,只有在紫外光下才具有活性,从而限制了它的实际应用。

    TiO_2 is an excellent photocatalyst for its chemical stability , nontoxicity and high photocatalytic reactivity . However , TiO_2 is activated only by ultraviolet light because it is a broadband semiconductor , which limits its practical application .

  19. TiO2光催化材料以其化学稳定性高、无毒、降解效率高、无二次污染等优点,近年来成为研究与应用的热点。

    In recent years , the research and application of TiO2 become a hot spot because of its advantages , such as high chemical stability , non-toxic , high efficiency degradation , no secondary pollution and so on .

  20. 生物基汽油添加剂能是解决四乙基铅、甲基叔丁基醚(MTBE)等添加剂对环境二次污染以及对废气后处理装置的毒害等问题的重要途径之一。

    Adding the bio-additives to the gasoline could solve the problem of the pollution to the environment and the poison to the after treatment of the tetraethyl lead and MTBE .

  21. TiO2光催化技术具有效率高、能耗低、操作简便、反应条件温和、适用范围广及可减少二次污染等突出特点,在有机废水处理中备受关注。

    TiO2 photocatalytic technology with high efficiency , low energy consumption , easy operation , mild reaction conditions and wide application , could reduce the secondary pollution and other prominent features in the treatment of organic wastewater of concern .

  22. 通过BET比表面积测定发现,制得的光催化剂TSO具有比表面积大、分散性高和二次污染小等优点。

    Based on the BET specific surface determination , it is showed that the prepared photo catalyst TSO has advantageous of large specific surface area , high dispersibility and lower second pollution .

  23. 该系统主要包括光学扫描系统,嵌入式微机系统与软件系统三大部分,是具有自主知识产权的新型快速、可靠、智能化、无二次污染的在线COD监测系统。

    This system includes three sections : optical scanning system , embedded microchip system and software system , which is a new type online COD monitoring system with the feature of fast speed high credibility intelligence and without secondary pollutions .

  24. EVA乳胶在该实验中作为一种较理想的黏合剂,它不但具备良好的黏合特性,而且能够溶于水,是一种水基型黏合剂,不会对环境造成二次污染。

    EVA emulsion is an ideal adhesive in this experiment , it has good bonding properties and because it can dissolve in water , so it is a water-based adhesive and will not cause secondary pollution to the environment .

  25. 探讨了吸氟机理和行为.结果表明:sol-gel法合成的HAP在常温、常压、不调pH的操作条件下,有较大的吸氟能力,且无二次污染,可作为绿色环境材料。

    Test results indicate that the HAP can be used as green environment protection material , as the result of its strong ability of absorbing F - ion under the operating conditions of common temperature and common pressure and non-secondary pollution .

  26. 啤酒过滤以预防微生物二次污染为中心;CIP以预防颗粒物对被清洗设备的污染为中心。

    Pure yeast brewing , twice contamination of microorganism prevention and preventing the kernel compound for the cleaned equipment were the center of beer fermentation , beer filter and CIP system , respectively .

  27. 与传统萃取技术相比,ASE技术具有操作简单、萃取效率高、萃取时间短、回收率高、所需溶剂用量少、对环境二次污染小等优势。

    Comparing to the typical extraction method , ASE is easy to operate with high efficiency and short timing and high recovery rate and less solvent , which decrease the second environmental pollution .

  28. 本文采用生物絮凝代替原工艺混凝气浮部分,COD、SS去除率达80%以上,且处理费用低,无二次污染,有利于羊毛脂回收。

    Bioflocculation is introduced as an alternative method of coagulation-gas flotation to treat wool scoring effluent , with COD ? SS removal rate up to 80 % and less treatment expense . Bioflocculation is propitious to lanolin collection and friendly to environment .

  29. 近年来,以纳米TiO2光催化剂为代表的光催化氧化技术是一种新型的污水处理技术,因其具有成本低,无二次污染,高效,光化学性质稳定等优点而受到广泛关注。

    The application of TiO2 on photocatalytic degradation of organic contaminant is a promising technology of wastewater treatment recently . It is used as photocatalyst extensively because of its low cost , none secondary pollution caused , high photoactivity and good photochemical stability .

  30. 脉冲电场(PEF)非热灭菌技术是一种新兴的高效杀菌方法,具有处理时间短、能耗低、无二次污染等明显技术优势。

    Pulse Electric Field ( PEF ) nonthermal technology is an emerging high efficient method of pasteurization . It has some obvious technology advantages , such as shorter treatment time , lower expended energy and non-pollution .