
èr jià tǐ
  • bivalent
  1. 赖草(Leymussecaline)细胞遗传学研究&Ⅱ.二价体的次级联会

    CYTOGENETIC INVESTIGATION IN LEYMUS SECALINE ⅱ . Secondary association of bivalent

  2. F2的性状分离极其复杂,有三个主要类型即亲本类型与中间型,减数分裂中期二价体数变动在14-20间、单价体数变动在0-14间;

    The characters of F_2 have very complex segregation and have three species of parent or middle , bivalent number from 14 to 20 and univalent number from 0 to 14 at metaphase of meiosis in F_2 ;

  3. 13个杂交组合F1代的减数分裂行为有差异,染色体配对不稳定,二价体表现过早分离。

    The difference of meiosis behavior among thirteen crossing combination were observed .

  4. XY-二价体与重排染色体联合,干扰或影响X染色体的正常功能,从而干扰精子发生。

    The association of XY-bivalent and the rearranged autosomes interfere with or affect , by their contact , X chromosome normal functions .

  5. 雄株的性染色体在减数分裂终变期时,形成Y1XY2的链状三价体,中期Ⅰ时形成v字形或环状,偶有形成XY二价体和一个Y单价体。

    The sex-chromosomes of male plant exhibit a chain of trivalent ( Y_1-X-Y_2 ) in diakinesis of PMC meiosis . At metaphase I , they make a V-shaped or a ring configuration . Some of them may form a XY-bivalent and a Y - univalent .

  6. unicolor小孢子母细胞减数分裂异常进行了研究,发现存在不等二价体、同源染色体早分离、染色体桥、不均等分离、滞后染色体、核外染色体、微核等。

    There were unequal bivalents , homologous chromosome deconjugation , chromosome brige , unequal separation , laggard chromosomes , chromosome outside nucleus , micronuclei and so on .

  7. 结果表明:同源三倍体SAR-3花粉母细胞减数分裂中期染色体形成单价体、二价体和三价体;后期染色体分离遵守随机分配规律,但有一定比例整倍性二分体出现;

    The results showed that the univalent , bivalent and trivalent were observed at metaphase ⅰ, but the chromosome segregation was random at anaphase ⅰ .

  8. 农杆菌介导转基因棉花早代(T0)材料,花粉母细胞的染色体构型变异很大,只有部分二价体(7~16个),多数是单价体,没有更高的价体。

    Chromosome configurations of pollen mother cells ( PMCs ) in early generation ( T 0 ) of Agrobacterium mediated trangenic cotton vary very much , with a lot of monovalents , a few bivalents but without tri or malt valents .

  9. 通过观察胡萝卜花粉母细胞的减数分裂过程,发现其行为正常,是同时型胞质分裂,中期I有9个二价体(9II),为典型的二倍体物种。

    No abnormal behavior was observed in the meiotic process of pollen mother cell of carrot , showing cytokinesis of simultaneous type . There were nine bivalents ( 9II ) at metaphase I , indicating it is a typical diploid species .

  10. 小麦异形二价体的细胞遗传学研究

    A cytogenetical study of heteromorphic bivalents in common wheat

  11. 当联会完成的时候,那配成对的染色体叫做二价体。

    When synapsis is complete the paired chromosomes are referred to as bivalents .

  12. 在第一次分裂的终变期或中期,有29个二价体。

    At diakinesis or metaphase in the first division of meioses , 29 divalents appeared .

  13. 终变期末有些二价体的同源染色体只在末端连在一起。

    Diakinesis bivalents end of some of the homologous chromosomes together only at the end .

  14. 鱼类粗线期二价体上染色粒的研究

    Chromomere Study on Fish Pachytene Bivalents

  15. 花粉母细胞减数分裂正常,在终变期和中期Ⅰ观察到9个二价体,未观察到染色体结构变异和行为异常。

    Bivalents had been observed during diakinesis and metaphase I. No abnormal phenomena such as chromosome bridges and lagging were observed .

  16. 观察花粉母细胞减数分裂时染色体的行为发现,在1&8对染色体间有局部同源性,二价体表现为棒形端部结合。

    The chromosome behaviour in the course of meiosis of the sporocytes was found that local homology existed in 1-8 pairs of chromosome .

  17. 为保证同源染色体的准确分离,同源染色体在减数分裂前期I通过一系列复杂的过程结合在一起形成稳定的二价体。这些复杂的前期I事件包括同源配对、联会和重组。

    To ensure accurate segregation , homologous chromosomes form stable bivalents through a complex processes which include homologous pairing , synapsis and recombination .

  18. 以精巢为材料,研究了细螯沼虾有丝分裂染色体及减数分裂二价体组型。

    The mitotic chromosomes and karyotype of meiotic bivalents in the prawn , Macrobrachium superbum Heller , were studied with preparations of testis .

  19. 在红鲫减数分裂不同时相粗线期二价体上都可看到清晰度各不相同的染色粒带。

    Chromomeres in varying degrees of clearness were observed on early , middle and late pachytene bivalents in red crucian carp , Carassius auratus .

  20. 联会(配对):能产生单倍二价体的减数分裂前期,同源染色体的联合现象。

    Synapsis ( pairing ) The association of homologous chromosomes during the prophase stage of meiosis that leads to the production of a haploid number of bivalents .

  21. 结果表明,照射后棒状二价体数明显上升,二价体提前分离增多,而二价体的交叉数却呈下降趋势。

    The results indicated that both the number of rod bivalents and the number of pre-division bivalents increased markedly after radiation , while the number of bivalent chiasma tended to decrease .

  22. 对花粉母细胞在减数分裂中染色体行为和终变期二价体交叉点的频率,以及亲和性程度等进行了分析。

    The analysis of chromosome behavior in miosis and frequency of bivalent chiasma at diakinesis of pollen mother cells of F1 hybrid plants , and the affinity extent were reported in this paper .

  23. 在中期Ⅰ,7个二价体出现分组分布现象,主要以3+2+2形式存在,表明其至少经历了4次染色体易位。

    At metaphase ⅰ, 7 bivalents were frequently detected to separate into three groups , with a form of 3 + 2 + 2 , which indicated that at least four translocation events once occurred .

  24. 花粉母细胞中期Ⅰ染色体配对行为为21个二价体,没有单价体和多价体;

    Chromosome measurement of root tip cells and the behavior of poll mother cells ( PMCs ) showed that the number of body cell chromosomes was 42 , and at metaphase I , poll mother cell chromosomes formed 21 bivalents , no univalent ;

  25. 二价无体宾动词及其相关句式

    Two-valenced and Non-substantive-object Verbs and the Related Sentence Patterns