
  • 网络microbial degradation;biodegradation;bioremediation;microbe degradation
  1. PAEs在环境中可以通过光解、水解和微生物降解去除,而微生物降解以其无二次污染和降解速度快的优点成为了处理PAEs污染的主要途径。

    PAEs in the environment can be eliminated by photolysis , hydrolysis and biodegradation ; the biodegradation has become the main way to deal with PAEs pollution due to its speed and no secondary pollution .

  2. 指出了限制微生物降解的因素以及如何提高降解效率的措施。

    The limit factors of biodegradation and how to enhance its efficiency are pointed out .

  3. 微生物降解淀粉&聚氯乙烯(PVC)薄膜的试验研究

    Study on the Degradation of Microbe on Starch-PVC Film

  4. 微生物降解PVC薄膜的研究&Ⅰ.接枝淀粉的制备和应用

    Study on Biodegradable PVC Film & I 、 Synthesis and Application of Grafted Starch

  5. 文章通过DNA、α葡萄糖苷酶和硫酸盐还原菌等的变化,研究了贵州红枫湖沉积物中有机质的酶及微生物降解。

    Enzymatic and microbial degradation of organic matter in Lake Hongfeng of Guizhou Province were studied through variations of DNA , α glucosidase and sulfate reduction bacteria .

  6. 近年来,有关PAHs微生物降解途径和代谢产物的研究已有很多报道。

    Many researches have been made on the pathways and metabolic intermediates of PAHs degradation .

  7. 而由于PAHs具有高疏水性,其堆肥化微生物降解过程是个传质限制过程。

    The degradation of PAHs during composting is limited by mass transfer due to its high hydrophobicity .

  8. BAF采用多种粒状滤料,具有吸附、过滤、微生物降解等功能。

    It also has filtering , adsorption , biodegradation and other functions .

  9. POPs的微生物降解进展

    Microbial Degradation of POPs

  10. 目的研究固定化微生物降解环境内分泌干扰物邻苯二甲酸二丁酯(DBP)的生物特性。

    Objective To study the biodegradation characteristics of immobilized microorganism on endocrine disruptor di-n-butyl Phthalate ( DBP ) .

  11. 过瘤胃保护胆碱(RPC),可直接添加到日粮中供饲反刍动物,不受瘤胃微生物降解。

    Rumen protected choline ( RPC ) which escaped from ruminal degradation can be blended with feedstuff to feed ruminants directly .

  12. 不同种类的C源对PCBs污染土壤的土著微生物降解效果存在明显差异,且其降解效果与C源的施用剂量密切相关。

    The degradation effects of indigenous microorganism on soil PCBs were not only correlated with carbon sources , but also closely correlated with their starch , glucose and sodium succinate contents .

  13. 在厌氧条件下,进行了微生物降解染料活性黑(KBR)的试验研究。

    Experiments on the biodegradation of reactive dye KBR was carried out using batch reactor under anaerobic condition .

  14. 烘烤过程微生物降解2h和烤烟淀粉含量变化四个处理整体降解的大小为:T3T4T1T2。

    Curing process of microbial degradation of starch content in flue-cured tobacco 2h and four deal with the size of the overall degradation of T3 T4 T1 T2.4 .

  15. 厌氧还原脱氯包括淡水和港湾沉积物中厌氧微生物降解PCBs的特性以及一些脱氯方式(过程)和还原脱氯过程的促进方法。

    And the characteristics of anaerobic reductive dechlorination of PCBs , including dechlorination by anaerobic microorganisms in freshwater , estuarine sediment and ways to stimulation of reductive dechlorination were also presented .

  16. 生物降解特别是微生物降解被认为是去除环境中多环芳烃(polycyclicaromatichydrocarbons,PAHs)的主要途径,但是目前的微生物降解研究主要以好氧降解和厌氧降解为主。

    Biodegradation of PAHs ( polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons ), particularly microbial degradation , is the main way removed from the environment . The current study of microbial degradation was mainly focused on anaerobic degradation and aerobic degradation .

  17. 研究微生物降解PVA的条件及PVA生物降解过程机制将有助于PVA降解高效菌的筛选和实现PVA降解酶在退浆工艺上的运用,对于减轻环境污染将具有重大的意义。

    The investigation of PVA microbial degradation conditions and the mechanism of the degradation process can be helpful for the screening of effective strains for PVA degrading , thus enhance application of PVA-degrading enzymes in the desizing process .

  18. 试验结果表明:水动力弥散和混合电子受体条件下的土著微生物降解是乙醇和单环芳香烃(BTEX)自然衰减的主要过程。

    The results show that hydrodynamic dispersion and indigenous biodegradation under mixed electron accepter conditions are primary mechanisms for the attenuation of ethanol and BTEX in porous media .

  19. 采用堆肥法、失重测定法、CO2生成测定法、酶降解表面观察法和清晰带技术等,对微生物降解聚酯酰胺的特性进行了测试和研究,并分离出具解聚酶活性的菌株。

    The characteristic of polyesteramide copolymers degraded by microorganisms has been tested and studied through the compost method , weight loss test , CO2 formation assay , surface observation of enzyme degradation and clear - zone technique . Some strains that have depolymerase activity have been isolated .

  20. 就渍水土壤中r体六六六的微生物降解而言,&dx/dt与xm(x与m的乘积)之间存在着强正相关,这里x是r体六六六浓度,m是细菌数。

    For microbial degradation of r-BHC in a submerged soil , there was a strong positive correlation between - dx / dt and xm ( the product of x and m ) where x is the concentration of r-BHC , and m the bacterial count .

  21. 在一系列实验研究的基础上,提出了一种微生物降解HCB的新技术,为实际工程处理含HCB废水提供了技术支持。

    Based on a series of experimental research , this paper provided a new technology of microorganism degradation of HCB , and technology support for treating wastewater contained HCB in real engineer .

  22. 堆肥系统中,微生物降解木质素的代谢过程由一系列酶共同完成,而锰过氧化物酶(MnP)和纤维二糖脱氢酶(CDH)在其中起了关键性作用。

    The metabolic process during microbial degradation of lignin is completed together by a series of enzymes in the compost system , in which manganese peroxidase and cellobiose dehydrogenase play the key role .

  23. 原水中较高浓度的易生物降解有机物会抑制BAC对MC的去除,大部分MC可通过微生物降解去除(同时使活性炭得到一定程度的再生),部分MC通过吸附作用被去除。

    Higher concentration of readily biodegradable organics in raw water would inhibit the removal of MC by BAC . Most part of MC was degraded by microorganism ( BAC can be regenerated at some degree ), and another part of MC was adsorbed by activated carbon .

  24. 聚β-羟基丁酸(PHB)是一种可被微生物降解的塑料制品,而自然界中存在的可降解PHB的微生物对PHB的降解能力很低,很大程度地影响了PHB制品的进一步应用。

    Poly - β - hydroxybutyrate ( PHB ) is a kind of plastic material which can be degraded by microbe . Natural microbe have very low bio degradable capability . The low biodegradable capability influences the application of PHB badly .

  25. 本文从受污染的环境中分离、培养出一种细菌TT-b1和一种真菌TT-f2,对被柴油污染的废水进行微生物降解处理;

    In this work , a bacteria strain TT-b1 and a fungi strain TT-f2 were collected from contaminated sites , and the waste water which was polluted by diesel was biodegraded by the two kinds of microorganisms .

  26. 饲料中非淀粉多糖的微生物降解研究

    Studies on Microorganism Degradation of Non - Starch Polysaccharide in Feed

  27. 环境激素邻苯二甲酸二丁基酯的好氧微生物降解

    Aerobic degradation of an endocrine-disrupting chemical , di-n-butyl phthalate by microorganism

  28. 微生物降解动力学参数估计新算法的比较

    Comparisons among New Algorithms of Parameter Estimation for Microbial Biodegradation Kinetics

  29. 分析了微生物降解山梨酸工业废水的机理。

    The mechanism of microbe degradation sobic acid wastewater is analysis .

  30. 脂肪族支化聚酯酰胺的微生物降解行为研究

    Biodegradation study of aliphatic branched poly ( ester amide ) s