
wēi diàn zǐ
  • microelectronics;micro-electronics
  1. 近几年,随着微电子技术、无线通信和信息网络的快速发展,无线传感器网络(wirelessSensorNetworks,WSN)应运而生。

    Wireless sensor networks have emerged with the rapid development of the micro-electronics technology , wireless communications and information networks in recent years .

  2. 不仅如此,随着CMOS特征尺寸的不断缩小,微电子技术的发展也将面临无法克服的瓶颈。

    Meanwhile , as the CMOS size is keeping decreasing , the development of micro-electronics technology also faces the unsolvable bottleneck .

  3. 无线传感器网络(WSN:WirelessSensorNetwork)是一门集中了嵌入式技术、微电子技术、传感器技术、分布式信息处理技术和通信网络等技术的交叉学科,也是当前国际的热点研究领域之一。

    Wireless sensor network is the interdisciplinary of the embedded technology , microelectronics , sensor technology , distributed information processing technology and communication networks .

  4. 丝网印刷与厚膜IC技术是微电子技术的核心技术之一。

    Screen printing and thick film IC technology are the core of microelectronics .

  5. 微电子制造中Ti的湿法蚀刻

    Wet Etching of Ti in the Microelectronic Manufacture

  6. 利用微电子测试图形研究CMOSIC的锁定效应

    Study on the Latch-up Effect of CMOS IC by Using Microelectronic Test Patterns

  7. 对研究采用CA方法模拟微电子加工工艺和进行微电子器件分析具有参考意义。

    The prospect of CA methods for microelectronic process simulation and electron device analysis is discussed .

  8. 然目前的IC封装设备主要还是由国外垄断,因此尽快实现微电子设备的自主开发就成了我国的迫切任务。

    So it is a very urgent task to develop the packaging machine quickly by our own .

  9. 基于Ansysworkbench的微电子封装自动化湿气分析系统开发

    Development of Moisture Analysis Automation System for Micro-Electronic Package Based on ANSYS Workbench

  10. 基于ANSYS平台,利用VC语言开发了一个专门针对微电子金属封装温度场的仿真系统。

    A simulation system for microelectronics metal encapsulation has been developed based on ANSYS platform using VC language .

  11. 微电子机械系统(MEMS)的迅速发展,使过程机械装置的微型化和轻量化成为可能。

    The development of MEMS makes it possible that the process machinery being miniature and light weight .

  12. Si被广泛的应用于各种集成电路和半导体器件中,是微电子产业的基础材料。

    Silicon is applied to all kinds of integrated circuit and semiconductor device , and it is an foundational material of microelectronic industry .

  13. 随着数字电路和微电子技术的发展,DDS技术日益显露出它的优越性。

    DDS has shown its advantages increasingly along with the development of digital circuits and microelectronics technique .

  14. 聚焦离子束(FIB)技术及其在微电子领域中的应用

    Focusedion beam technology and its applications in the field of microelectronics

  15. 随着微电子技术的发展,SoC的集成度越来越高,设计复杂性日益增大。

    With the development of microelectronics technology , the integration of SoC increases rapidly , and design complexity augments increasingly .

  16. 磷化铟(InP)已成为光电器件和微电子器件不可或缺的重要半导体材料。

    Indium Phosphide ( InP ) has been indispensable to both optical and electronic devices .

  17. 随着微电子技术的发展,将DSP芯片技术运用于地球物理勘探仪器之中,提高实时数据处理效率成为重要的发展方向。

    With the development of microelectronics , using DSP chip in geophysical exploration instruments to improve the efficiency of real-time data processing is a significant research subject .

  18. 热释电摄像管本底补偿技术在烧结氧化中Se气氛对真空微电子平板摄像管CdSe靶面性能的影响

    Pedestal Compensation Technique of Pyroelectric Vidicon Effect of Se Source Temperature on Performances of CdSe Target in VME-FPC

  19. 氧化铝(Al2O3)薄膜具有许多优良的物理化学性能,在机械、光学及微电子等高科技领域有着广泛应用,一直受人们高度关注。

    Aluminum oxide ( Al_2O_3 ) thin films are widely used in mechanical , optical and microelectronic applications because of their excellent physical and chemical properties .

  20. 近几年随着微电子技术和数字信号处理技术的飞速发展,DSP的性能价格比不断提高,受到业界越来越广泛的关注。

    With Lhc development of the microelectronics technology and digital signal process technology , the performance of DSP has been highly enhanced and the price has been reduced .

  21. 随着集成电路、微电子系统、数字信号处理和嵌入式Internet的发展,一种新的信息获取和处理模式&无线传感器网络得到了广泛的关注。

    With the development of integrated circuitry , micro electromechanical system , digital signal processing and the embedded Internet , a new information gathering and processing model & wireless sensor network has received widespread attention .

  22. 整个实验表明,用微电子测试图形监控CCD工艺、分析器件失效,是可行可靠的。

    The whole experiment demonstrates that monitoring the quality of CCD process and analysing failure of the device by microelectronic test patterns is practical and reliable .

  23. 简要叙述了微电子机械系统(mems)研究中的多单元综合体&微型系统,包括它的种类、结构、工作原理及相关的特性。

    This paper describes the sorts , structures , operational principles and characteristics of the microsystems , a new popular research field in mems .

  24. 微电子机械系统(MicroElectroMechanicalSystems,简称MEMS)是由微传感器、微执行器、信号处理和控制电路、通讯接口和电源等部件组成的一体化的微型器件系统。

    Micro Electro Mechanical systems ( MEMS ) are integrative micro-device systems that consist of micro-sensor , micro-actuator , controlling and signal processing circuit , communication interface and electrical source .

  25. 研究表明:MOS电路等微电子器件,在ESD作用下确实存在潜在性失效问题。

    It shows that the problem of latent failure exists for MOS circuit after the ESD stresses imposed on it .

  26. 先进的MCM微电子组装技术

    Advanced MCM microelectronic mounting technology

  27. 随着微电子技术的进步,用实时计算来代替ROM查找表已成为可能。

    With the development of the micro-electronics techniques , it is possible to substitute ROM by a real-time computer .

  28. 微电池在未来的便携式电子设备、国防装备及微电子机械系统(MEMS)等方面有着广泛的应用前景,受到人们的重视。

    Recently , micro-batteries are attracting excessive attentions for its ' potential applications in many aspects such as portable electronic productions , national defense and MEMS .

  29. 这些微器件与信号调节和处理电路集成后,组成了可执行分布式实时控制的微电子机械系统(MEMS)。

    These micro transducers can be integrated with signal conditioning and processing circuitry to form micro-electro-mechanical systems ( MEMS ) that can perform real-time distributed control .

  30. SiGe技术是微电子领域的前沿技术,在硅基集成电路方面有重要应用。

    SiGe is one of the promising materials to the microelectronics and has important application on silicon integrated circuit .