
zá jiāo yù mǐ
  • Hybrid maize;hybrid corn
  1. 利用SSR标记鉴定杂交玉米及其亲本种子真实性和纯度及亲子关系的研究

    Identification of Genuineness , Purity and Parenthood of Hybrid Corn and Its Parents by Using SSR Marker

  2. 对提高杂交玉米种子质量的探讨

    An Exploration on Improvement of Quality of Hybrid Corn Seed

  3. 玉米蛋白质PAGE法与田间鉴定法测定杂交玉米种子纯度的相关性研究

    The Study on purity identification of maize seed with PAGE and field test

  4. 利用杂交玉米F1代种子果皮组织鉴定母本真实性的SSR研究

    Identification Authenticity of Female Parent of F_1 Hybrids Through SSR Profiling of Pericarp Tissue in Hybrid

  5. 烤烟与玉米及高粱的杂交玉米病程相关蛋白(PRm)的研究进展

    CROSSBREEDING OF TOBACCO WITH MAIZE AND SORGHUM The Maize Pathogenesis-Related Protein s

  6. 因此,这些结果显示SSR分子标记技术可以很好地用于杂交玉米种子的纯度鉴定,即使是这个杂交种是来自两个非常接近的自交系的。

    These results clearly demonstrate that SSR marker should be useful for assessing purity of maize hybrid , even if the hybrid derived from two related parental lines .

  7. 我国杂交玉米种子未来总体需求量将长期低于9亿kg,2004~2006年我国杂交玉米种子市场需求量将在8.27亿kg左右;

    In China , the annual hybrid maize seed-demand will be below 900 000 000 kg in a long time , and the annual demand in 2004-2006 will stay at the level of 827 000 000 kg ;

  8. 我们以陕单9号杂交玉米为研究材料,通过营养液培养试验,研究了不同pH的Hogland溶液对玉米生长、根冠比、相对含水量、光合作用、蒸腾作用以及根毛、气孔行为等的影响;

    We have carried out the Hogland solution pot experiment for the maize ( ShanDan 9 . cv ), we have a research of influence of exogenous pH on growth , root-shoot ratio , RWC , photosynthesis , transpiration efficiency , root hair and stoma ;

  9. 借鉴杂交玉米育种中的配子选择法,设计了6311S配套恢复系选育的组合判别法研究。

    In the experiment , the combining-mating screening method in breeding restorer lines of6311S was designed according to the gamete selection applied in hybrid maize breeding .

  10. 杂交玉米种子质量控制技术应用

    Miscellaneous to Hand Over the Corn Seed Quantity Control Technique Application

  11. 杂交玉米高产制种技术研究

    The study on the technique of high-yield making seeds on hybrid-corn

  12. 杂交玉米制种带叶去雄对产量的影响

    Effect of Castrating with Leaves of Hybrid Maize Production on Yield

  13. 杂交玉米推广与种业发展

    Expansion of Hybrid Maize and Development of the Seed Industry

  14. 糯甜杂交玉米遗传规律的研究

    Study on genetic laws of glutinous × sweet corn cross

  15. 杂交玉米新品种鄂玉9号的选育及应用

    Breeding and application of hybrid maize variety E-Yu No. 9

  16. 黔南州1993年紧凑型杂交玉米示范推广总结

    Demonstration and extension of TIGHT-TYPED Hybrid Maize in Qiannan Prefecture in 1993

  17. 思南县示范推广紧凑型杂交玉米技术措施

    Technical measures of extending TIGHT-TYPED Hybrid Maize at Sinan County

  18. 我国西南地区杂交玉米育种策略的探讨

    Inquiry about the Strategies of Maize Breeding in the Southwest of China

  19. 福建杂交玉米单作栽培技术研究

    Studies on Monoculture Technology of Hybrid Corn in Fujian Province

  20. 毕节地区杂交玉米组合群体结构及群体质量指标

    Population Construction and Quality Index of Hybrid Maize Combinations in Bijie Prefecture

  21. 四川盆地杂交玉米单作密肥措施研究

    Study on Density and Fertilizer Measures for Monoculture Hybrid Maize in Sichuan Basin

  22. 10种叶面肥在杂交玉米上施用试验。

    10 Kinds of foliage spray were tested apply in the hybrid corn .

  23. 北川山区海拔和坡向对杂交玉米的影响

    Effect of altitude and mountain slope aspect on Hybrid Corn in Beichuan County

  24. 杂交玉米新品种毕单13号大面积试验示范及推广效益分析

    Demonstration and Analysis on Promotion and Economic Benefit about Hybrid Maize Bidan 13

  25. 超强优势杂交玉米组合的选育途径与理想性状

    Breeding Method and Ideal Characters of Heterobeltiosis Hybrid Maize

  26. 杂交玉米高产高效优化栽培技术的研究

    Studies on the optimum cultivation technique of hybrid maize

  27. 浅谈选配方法在杂交玉米新品种选育中的作用

    The function of selection in corn breeding & cross

  28. 瓮安县大面积推广紧凑型杂交玉米成效显著

    Significant effect of extending TIGHT-TYPED Hybrid Maize to a large area at Weng-an County

  29. 美国杂交玉米背景介绍

    Background of U. S. A. Hybrid Corn

  30. 皖南红黄壤地区杂交玉米新品种引进及施肥措施

    Study on Different Maize Varieties and Agricultural Measures Applied in Red yellow Soil in South Anhui