
  • 网络green revolution;Second Green Revolution
  1. 美国处在第二次绿色革命的边缘。

    America is on the verge of a second green revolution .

  2. 但是此次罗马峰会算是为第二次绿色革命,这一最最漫长目标开了一个头。

    But the Rome meeting did make a start on the longest of long-term goals : a second green revolution .

  3. 挖掘绿色基因促进第二次绿色革命

    Using the green genes to facilitate the second green revolution

  4. 目前全球有数十亿人口,预计到2050年还会增加几十亿,为了满足如此巨大的粮食需求,我们必须发起第二次绿色革命。

    In order to feed billions of people on Earth today and the billions more expected by 2050 we need a second Green Revolution .

  5. 在此基础上,印度政府提出了第二次绿色革命的口号,其实质是解决印度农业问题的一揽子计划,其中农业发展道路是其中的重点。

    Therefore , India 's government put forward the second " Green Revolution " in order to solve the total program of its agriculture problems , mainly the way of agriculture development .

  6. 世界人口的进一步增加和耕地、水资源不断减少所导致的未来巨大的食物供需矛盾,正引发以基因工程为核心的第二次绿色革命。

    The contradiction between the continuous increase of world population and the rapid decrease of farming land and water resources is calling forth a new green revolution marked with modern genetic engineering technology .

  7. 面对世界范围内进行的第二次绿色革命和可持续性农业发展日益强烈的趋势,中国农业如何避免重蹈发达国家先污染、破坏,后治理的覆辙,是摆在我们面前的严峻课题。

    Facing with the trend of The Second Green Revolution and the Continuous Development of Agriculture , we have a very serious problem about how to avoid continuing the same way as developed countries First polluted , destroyed , then dealt with .

  8. 二十世纪八十年代初发展起来的植物转基因技术在基因水平上改造了植物的遗传特性,打破了物种之间的隔离障碍,扩展了植物育种的范围,被誉为第二次绿色革命。

    Technology of gene transformation , which has been developing since 1980s and named " the second green revolution ", has modified the characters of plants at the gene level , broken the barriers of the different species and expand the scope of breeding .

  9. 伊利诺伊大学的科学家们上个月取得的突破性进展预示着全球农业将迎来第二次绿色革命——他们提高了光合作用的效率,这是植物将阳光转化为生物量的过程,也是人类所有食物的来源。

    Last month scientists at Illinois University made a breakthrough that could herald a second green revolution for world agriculture - they improved the efficiency of photosynthesis , the process by which plants turn sunlight into the biomass that is the source of all our food .

  10. 国际上甚至把杂交稻当作中国继四大发明之后的第五大发明,誉为“第二次绿色革命”。

    It is regarded as the fifth invention after China 's Four Major Inventions , and is acclaimed as the Second Green Revolution .