
  • 网络diogenes;Diogenes of Sinope
  1. 每个国家的基础在于对其表扬的教育。&第欧根尼

    The foundation of every state is the education of its youth . & Diogenes

  2. 第欧根尼认为好人是自给自足的,不需要物质享受和财富。

    Diogenes held that the good man was self-sufficient and did not require material comforts or wealth .

  3. 摘要早期的犬儒主要指犬儒学派的创始人安提斯泰尼、第欧根尼与克拉底及他们的门徒。

    The early cynics refer to antisthenes , diogenesand crates , as well as their disciples .

  4. 第欧根尼取下身上全部的装备与姿态,在别人眼里,他是一个什麽样的魔鬼?!

    Diogenes removed all his arms and gesture , wondering what kind a devil he is in others'eyes ?

  5. 亚历山大、盖耶斯和庞培与第欧根尼、赫拉克利特、苏格拉底比较起来是什么人呢?

    Alexander and Gaius and Pompeius , what are they in comparison with Diogenes and Heraclitus and Socrates ?

  6. 每晚上床以前,他总要拿出他的第欧根尼·拉尔修的作品来读上几页,这已成了他的习惯。

    He had acquired the habit of reading a few pages in his Diogenes Laertius every night , before he went to bed .

  7. 世界主义的源头可以追溯到古希腊,犬儒派的第欧根尼便已经表达出世界主义的思想。

    The source of cosmopolitanism can be traced back to ancient Greece . Diogenes of cynic would be the first one to express the idea of cosmopolitanism .

  8. 当他注视他那些书籍时,他的眼睛总是神采奕奕的,在端详那本第欧根尼·拉尔修的作品时,他总面带微笑。

    His eyes acquired some vivacity when they rested on his books , and he smiled when he gazed at the Diogenes Laertius , which was a unique copy .