
duō yuán lùn
  • pluralism
多元论 [duō yuán lùn]
  • [plurolism] 一种唯心主义哲学观点,认为世界上的物质由多种孤立的、不互相依存的实体构成(与一元论相对而言)

  1. 对马克·海姆的宗教多元论的批判性研究

    A Critical Study on Mark Heim 's Theory of Religious Pluralism

  2. 当前,在理论界形成了一元论、二元论和多元论等学说。

    Currently , there are monism , dualism and pluralism on theory .

  3. 但是,现实生活中,价值多元论和价值一元论并存。

    But , value-pluralism and value-monism are together in the reality .

  4. 多元论、公共辩护与当代自由主义的光谱

    Pluralism , Public Justification and the Spectrum of Contemporary Liberalism

  5. 保罗·尼特的宗教多元论与宗教对话思想研究

    A Study on Paul Knitter 's Thoughts of Pluralism and Religious Dialogue

  6. 计算机仿真、关系实在、场与多元论

    Computer Simulation , Relation Reality , Field and Pluralism

  7. 知识的多元论就是奠基于这个基础上的。

    Pluralism of knowledge is based on this foundation .

  8. 理论证明,以此二模式为参照系建构宗教多元论是失败的。

    It was proved that religion pluralism according to both modes was abortive .

  9. 中国经济学界需要什么样的多元论

    What kind of pluralism does Chinese economics community need

  10. 坚持劳动价值一元论和使用价值多元论

    Compatibility of Monistic Theory of Labor Value and Multiple Theory of Use Value

  11. 文化多元论视角下的中国武术发展

    Development of Wushu Under The Pluralism Of Culture

  12. 浅析后现代哲学的多元论思想

    On Pluralistic Ideology in Post - modern Philosophy

  13. 虚拟现实、关系实在与多元论

    Virtual reality , Relation Reality and Pluralism

  14. 透视全球化背景下的法律多元论

    Legal Pluralism in the Context of Globalization

  15. 论概率解释的多元论观点&评吉利斯的概率哲学理论

    On pluralist view of interpretation of probability

  16. 这是价值多元论者极力反对价值选择的内在根据。

    This is the inherent foundation of extreme objection to value choice from value pluralists .

  17. 宗教相遇、宗教多元论与人的成长&宗教间关系的理论反思

    Religious Encounters , Religious Pluralism and Human Growth : Reflections on the Relationship among Religions

  18. 价值多元论与普遍主义的困境&伯林的自由思想对自由主义政治哲学的挑战

    Value-Pluralism and the Dilemma of Universalism

  19. 多元论者坚持多元论的人。

    One who adheres to pluralism .

  20. 经济全球化与文化多元论

    Economic Globalization and Cultural Pluralism

  21. 关于法律多元论的反思

    Reflection on Pluralism of Law

  22. 价值决定是一元论还是多元论

    Is Axiology Monism or Pluralism

  23. 着重指出,在德国极右翼排外势力不断猖獗的现在,以强调差别为主要特征的文化多元论恐怕难于解决德国的族群融合问题。

    Point out it is difficult for the Multiculturalism to solve the problem of ethnicity relation in Germany .

  24. 本文将从美国社会的多元文化现象剖析社会文化多元论对语言研究产生的巨大影响。

    The answer is available through analyzing American multi-culture that is social culture take great influence on language .

  25. 但维塞尔迪尔否定了这种看法,把自己称为“平台多元论者”。

    But Mr. Wieseltier , who calls himself a " platform pluralist , " waved away the suggestion .

  26. 目前语言与性别差异研究存在着两元论和多元论之争。

    There exist disputes over binary thinking and pluralistic thinking on the study of language and gender today .

  27. 在违法阻却事由一元根据与多元根据的对立中,笔者赞同多元论的主张。

    To the opposition of the single reason and various reasons . The author agrees with the various reasons .

  28. 价值一元论和多元论之争由来已久,核心是对价值规定性的理解不同。

    The key to the value controversy of monism and pluralism is the different understanding of the value origin .

  29. 因此,本文沿用的是文体一元论,而非文体二元论或多元论的观点。

    Therefore , this thesis follows the line of stylistic monism rather than stylistic dualism or ' pluralism ' .

  30. 在研究方法方面,经验实证方法处在主流地位,但是方法多元论的呼声越来越高;

    On the methodology , the method of empirical demonstration is the mainstream but the multi-methods is gaining its influences .