
rì guǐ
  • sundial;dial;sun's shadow;horologe;universal dial
日晷 [rì guǐ]
  • (1) [sun's shadow]∶太阳的影子

  • 相持既久,日晷渐移。--明. 马中锡《中山狼传》

  • (2) [sundial]∶利用太阳投射的影子来测定时刻的装置。也叫日规。

日晷[rì guǐ]
  1. 在阴天或晚上,用太阳钟或日晷是无法分辨时间的。

    On cloudy days or at night it was impossible to tell the time with a sun clock or a sundial .

  2. 该日晷还能确定当时所处的节气。

    By the sundial the solar term can be known too .

  3. 多年来,日晷一直吸引着科学家和数学家们。

    For many years sundials have cast their spell over scientists and mathematicians

  4. 小雁塔日晷初探中国古代文学中雁意象的文化内蕴

    The Cultural connotation of wild goose image in acient Chinese literature

  5. 日晷在暗中,如何起作用?

    What be the good of a sun-dial in the shade ?

  6. 能够用固定指针的影子在日晷上显示时间。

    The stationary arm whose shadow indicates the time on the sundial .

  7. 日晷渐渐移,无人查其还;

    The dial stirs , yet none perceives it move ;

  8. 后来,为了长久使用,人们用石头和金属做成了日晷。

    Later , they were made of stone and metal to last longer .

  9. 日晷是已知的最古老的一种测算时间的装置。

    The sundial is the oldest known device for the measurement of time .

  10. 青铜日晷石膏型熔模铸造技术

    Bronze Gnomon in Investment Casting in Plaster Mold

  11. 日晷投影原理及其应用

    The theory of gnomonic projection and its application

  12. 这些圆圈被叫做日晷。

    These circles were called " sundials " .

  13. “它就像一个巨型日晷。”一位记者如是说。

    It 's like a huge sundial , ' I heard one reporter say .

  14. 那有一些很大而且很宏伟的日晷。

    They have these huge , magnificent sundials .

  15. 日晷测量每天太阳跨过天空的运动。

    A sundial measures the movement of the sun across the sky each day .

  16. 或者做个日晷。

    Or craft up a little sun dial .

  17. 采用双重投影法的椭球面日晷投影

    Ellipsoidal Gnomonic Projection by Double Projection Method

  18. 于是前进的日影,果然在日晷上往后退了十度。

    So the sun returned ten degrees , by which degrees it was gone down .

  19. 作为计时器,漏刻的使用比日晷史为普遍。

    As a time-measuring apparatus , the clepsydra is used more widely than the sundial .

  20. 超验主义《日晷》英译《四书》研究的补注

    Supplements and Notes to the English Version of The Four Books in the Transcendentalist Dial

  21. 将你修长的影子落在日晷之上

    Lay your long shadows on the sundials

  22. 常用日晷晷面线图设计

    Figure Design of General Sundial Surface

  23. 其中3类为常见的日晷,其余2类日晷新类型。

    Three of them are usual gnomons and two of them are new types of gnomons .

  24. 人类使用了很多的装置去计量时间。日晷是其中最早和最简单的。

    Humans have used many devices to measure time . The sundial was one of the earliest and simplest .

  25. 在这个展览中,她对照声音和语词,舞蹈和细微的声音,“日晷”和物体。

    In this exhibition , she contrasts sound and word , dance and microtonal sound , gnomoners and objects .

  26. 它比任何其它的气体易燃,高压泄漏时能够自燃。作为计时器,漏刻的使用比日晷史为普遍。

    It ignites more easily than any other common gas and a high pressure leak can even ignite spontaneously .

  27. 16.机械计时器的发展促使人们寻求更精确的日晷,以便校准机械计时器。

    16 . The development of mechanical timepieces spurred the search for more accurate sundials with which to regulate them .

  28. 圭表、日晷、漏刻等计时仪器的发明和应用,证明中华民族是个充满智慧的民族。

    The invention and use of the gnomon-and-ruler , sundial , clepsydra and other time-measuring machines is evidence of Chinese wisdom .

  29. 日晷只能投影,要是天阴或夜幕低垂,就成了无用的装饰品。

    The sundial could do little more than cast a shadow , when clouds or night did not render it a useless decoration .

  30. 所以在观察日晷时,首先要了解两个不同时期晷针的投影位置。

    Therefore , when observing the sun-dial , it is important to first find out the projection position in the two different peri-ods .