
rì běn tiān huánɡ
  • Emperor of Japan;Mikado
  1. 日本天皇与军国主义侵略扩张

    The Mikado and Japanese Aggression and Expansion of Militarism

  2. 论日本天皇在二战中的战争责任

    On the war responsibilities of Mikado of Japan in the Second World War

  3. 日本天皇裕仁与卢沟桥事变裕仁天皇侵华战争责任探析

    Towards the responsibility of Mikado Hirohito for the war against China

  4. 告诉他们的儿子是他们亲自抓住了日本天皇。

    Tell their kids they captured the emperor all by themselves .

  5. 终于,日本天皇宣布投降。

    At last , the emperor of Japan announced capitulation .

  6. 1928年11月10日,裕仁登上了日本天皇王位。

    On November tenth , 1928 , Hirohito was enthroned as emperor of japan .

  7. 日本天皇和天皇制产生和发展历史探讨

    Analysis on the Emergence and Development History of Japan Mikado and Japan Mikado Institution

  8. 第二部分是美国对日本天皇和天皇制的保留。

    Second part is the preservation of Japanese Mikado and the system of Mikado Autocracy .

  9. 切尼还在当天晚上会见了日本天皇和皇后。

    Cheney also had an audience with Japanese Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko later in the day .

  10. 战后日本天皇制的保留,是由当时复杂的国际形势决定的。

    The preservation of emperor system of Japan was determined by the complex international situations at that moment .

  11. 罗斯福总统周六向日本天皇发送了一条私人信息,呼吁其阻止战争。

    On Saturday President Roosevelt sent a personal message to the Emperor of Japan appealing to him to prevent war .

  12. 李明博说,日本天皇应该向过去为抗击日本人而牺牲的韩国人道歉。

    Mr. Lee also said Japan 's emperor should apologize for South Koreans who died fighting the Japanese in the past .

  13. 不同的是日本天皇例如,中国的政治理论,可以通过改变王朝的帝王家庭可以取代。

    Unlikethe Japanese emperor for example , Chinese political theory allowed fora change of dynasty as imperial families could be replaced .

  14. 这一外交手段可追溯至公元七世纪,当时中国唐朝的女皇帝武则天将一对大熊猫赠予了日本天皇。

    The practice dates back to the 7 century , when Empress Wu Zetian delivered a pair of pandas to the emperor of Japan .

  15. 如果有一天日本天皇可以摘下他沉重的皇冠,成为一个普通人,他会做些什么呢?

    What would the emperor of Japan do if he could shed his weighty crown for a day and roam freely among the common people ?

  16. 奥巴马前往中国途中访问东京时,在日本天皇面前鞠躬的照片,引发了这些相互冲突的观点。

    The photograph of Obama bowing in front of the Japanese emperor on his visit to Tokyo en route to China captures these conflicting perspectives .

  17. 日本天皇也向去往前线的军官御赐日本刀,进一步增加日本刀的神圣感。

    Emperor of Japan to go front-line officers coming to a decision of the Japanese sword , to further increase the sense of the sacred Japanese sword .

  18. 东京——近两个世纪以来的第一次,有日本天皇决定在离世前退位。

    TOKYO - For the first time in nearly two centuries , an emperor of Japan has said that he will abdicate the throne before he dies .

  19. 这条微型醽虎鱼几乎不算是宠物,但是它与日本天皇绝妙的关系为它在本文赢得一席之地。

    This tiny goby fish rarely makes much of a pet , but its fascinating relationship with the Emperor of Japan earns it a place on this list .

  20. 而且记载了日本天皇系谱的《王年代记》,将有关日本遣唐使的记载插入相对应的天皇内容之下。

    And recorded the Emperor of Japan pedigree " King Chronicle ", will be sent to the Tang Dynasty records under the insert corresponds to the Emperor about Japan .

  21. 而上周在和韩国学生进行谈话时李明博又进一步加剧了紧张形势。他说,如果日本天皇访问韩国,天皇应该向那些因抗击日本人而死去的韩国人真诚地道歉。

    He further raised the tension with remarks in a talk to students last week that if Japan 's emperor visited Korea , he should ' make a genuine apology ' over the Koreans who died fighting the Japanese .

  22. 第一次系统地记载了大体上至唐代末年的日本天皇的系谱,文中提到了神武立,更以‘天皇’为号。神武天皇是传说中日本第一代天皇。

    The first systematic record of the genealogy in general to the Tang Dynasty , Emperor of Japan , mentioned in the text already been taken to establish the switch to the emperor No. The reading of God is the first generation of the Emperor in the legendary Japanese .

  23. 战后日本象征天皇制的确立及其存续的原因

    On the reasons of the establishment and Continuity of the Japan 's Symbolic Mikado System after the Second World War

  24. 我们这个时代的故事,可以追溯到日本明治天皇统治时期(1867至1912年),那时“别的国家”终于开始下载学习。

    The story of our time , which can be traced back to the reign of the Meiji Emperor in Japan ( 1867-1912 ), is that the Rest finally began to download them .

  25. 欧元兑美元继续加强,交易区间为1.3935至1.4019,而美元兑日元几乎没什么变动(区间为90.13至90.36),这是因为日本因天皇生日而休市一天。

    The EURUSD continued to strengthen and traded a range of1.3935 – 1.4019 , while the USDJPY barely moved ( 90.13 – 90.36 ) as Japan is closed for the Emperor 's Birthday holiday .

  26. 日本的明仁天皇已在东京登基。

    Emperor Akihito of Japan has been enthroned in Tokyo

  27. 即使是日本的裕仁天皇也不会忘记在1920年代访欧的旅程中,被英国王室排场惊吓到的情形。

    Even the Japanese Emperor Hirohito never forgot being overawed by the style of his British Royal hosts on his first trip to Europe in the1920s .

  28. 明治维新后,日本建立了天皇制国家,较快地实现了近代化,而蔑视中国及其他亚洲国家的理论也应运而生。

    After Ming Zhi Wei Xing , the nation of Mikado dominating everything was established in Japan and realized modernization very soon , meanwhile the theory despising China and other Asian countries also emerged as the times demand .

  29. 论中国道教、日本神道对古代天皇制的影响

    On the Influence of China Taoism and Japan Shinto upon Ancient Mikado System

  30. 从大江文学看战后日本文学中的天皇制禁忌

    The Emperor System Portrayed in Postwar Japanese Literature The Contemporary Militarism under the Regime of Mikado