
Rì běn hǎi
  • Sea of Japan
  1. 根据过去一年收集的数据,并于上周发布的经修订估算显示,日本海(SeaofJapan)海底储藏有大量甲烷水合物。

    Revised estimates , based on data collected over the last year and released last week , say there are massive deposits of methane hydrate below the sea of Japan .

  2. 与日本海和鄂霍茨克海斑海豹相比,辽东湾斑海豹线粒体DNA的16296位点有1个碱基的插入,这个插入可以区分这几个海区斑海豹种群。

    Compared with spotted seals along Sea of Japan and Sea of Okhotsk , Spotted seals of Liaodong Guif had one base insertion at site 16296 of mtDNA , which prove to be marker between these two populations .

  3. 华北冬季气温与我国近海和日本海的SST存在较好的正相关关系。

    There was good relationship between winter temperature of North China and SST along the offshore of China .

  4. 在空间上,K2O的含量大体与日本海裂谷带玄武岩相当,而远远高于日本岛弧玄武岩的含量。

    At space , the content of potassium oxide ( K_2O ) is as many as that of the basalt of Japan Sea rift belt , but is much higher than that of Japan Island arc .

  5. 这架EC-121飞机在日本海上空被击落。

    The EC-121 had been attacked and shot down over the sea of Japan .

  6. 他为沙皇夺取了黑龙江下游,然后是Sikhote-Alin山脉以东及海岸线。剥夺了中国在日本海的出海口。

    He secured the Amur basin for the tsar and then the eastern side of the Sikhote-Alin mountains and the coastline beyond , denying China access to the Sea of Japan ( East Sea ) .

  7. 极地到格陵兰岛附近、西南欧洲到地中海地区、贝加尔湖到日本海以及北美洲东南部地区是500hPa高度场上环流异常的主要发生地区;

    The regions of from polar to Greenland , from Southwest Europe to Etesian , from Baikal lake to the Japanese Sea and the Southeastern of North America are the major occurring areas of 500 hPa circulation anomaly over Northern Hemisphere .

  8. 日本海,他们在给经度和纬度。

    Sea of japan . they 're giving longitude and latitude .

  9. 日本海弧以较小的速率继续扩张。

    The back basin of Japan sea arc is continuously extending slowly ;

  10. 除此之外,日本海需要新的稀土矿来源。

    Japan also needs a fresh source of rare earths .

  11. 你们的军舰已经开到了日本海。

    Youruss Ronald Reagan has made wayto the sea ofjapan .

  12. 日本海鱿钓作业技术初探

    On the fishing technique angling in the sea of Japan

  13. 而在日本海的对面,却是一个显而易见的、生机勃勃的市场。

    Whereas just across the Japan Sea is an obvious dynamic market .

  14. 傍晚,已经进入了日本海。

    Evening , we 're on the sea of Japan .

  15. 日本海中深源地震的活动特征

    Some seismicity characteristic of intermediate and deep earthquakes in and near Japan Sea

  16. 浅析日本海中南部海域太平洋褶柔鱼的一些生物学特性

    Studies on some biological parameters of Todarodes pacificus in the Central-Southern Japan Sea

  17. 日本海环流研究综述

    Review of Study on Circulation in the Japan Sea

  18. 这条河流注入日本海。

    The river extends to the Japan Sea .

  19. 但是目前在日本海的应用还比较薄弱。

    However , the application of multi-biomarkers in the Japan Sea is still limited .

  20. 日本海是一个广阔的边缘海,四周被大陆架所围。

    Jppan Sea is a vast marginal sea and is surrounded by continental shelf .

  21. 日本海重力场与深部构造研究

    Gravity field and deep structure in Japan Sea

  22. 日本海及中国东北地震的深度分布及其应力状态

    The distribution of earthquakes and stress state in the Japan Sea and the Northeast China

  23. 日本海自然环境特征及生物资源开发利用

    Characteristics of Natural Environment and the Exploitation of Biological Resources in the Sea of Japan

  24. 承运人转而向举行远在日本海演习的一部分。

    The carrier instead took part in maneuvers held farther away in the Sea of Japan .

  25. 对一个日本海极地低压的观测与数值模拟研究

    Analyses and Numerical Modeling of a Polar Low over the Japan Sea on 19 December 2003

  26. 2003年12月19日日本海极地低压个例的观测研究

    An Observational Study of a Polar Low over the Japan Sea on December 19 , 2003

  27. 中方则视罗津港为进入日本海的一个机会。

    The Chinese see Rajin as an opportunity to gain access to the sea of Japan .

  28. 日本海俯冲带的热结构及热源的影响

    On the thermal structure of the Japan Sea subduction zone and the effect of the heat sources

  29. 日本海富山深海水道堤坝大型泥波的成因

    The formation of large mud-waves on the levees of Toyama Deep-sea Channel in the Sea of Japan

  30. 相反,一个广泛的槽中低压会旋转通过北部日本海。

    Instead , a broad trough of low pressure will rotate through the northern Sea of Japan .