
rì miǎn
  • corona
日冕 [rì miǎn]
  • [corona] 太阳大气的最外层稀薄部分,由太阳表面伸展出数百万公里,包含着铁、镍和其他气体的极高度电离的原子,这表明温度有几百万度,日全食时肉眼观看它的外貌像是环绕月亮黑色圆盘的珍珠灰色光环,但在其他时候要用日冕仪才可观测到

日冕[rì miǎn]
  1. 从日冕中射来的相当大一部分可见光看来也是由电子散射产生的。

    Much of visible light reaching us from the solar corona also seems to be due to scattering by electrons .

  2. TypeⅡ针状物可以迅速加热到过渡区温度甚至日冕温度。

    Type ⅱ spicule can be heated to the transition region temperature or corona temperature in a very short time .

  3. 晕状日冕物质抛射~(14)C激发态中子晕

    Neutron Halo of the Excited States in ~ ( 14 ) C

  4. 日冕物质抛射与米波射电Ⅱ型爆发和Hα耀斑的关系

    Coronal Mass Ejection Associated with Solar Type ⅱ Radio Bursts

  5. 从微波爆和X射线爆联合估算日冕磁场

    The estimation of coronal magnetic field from the microwave and X-ray bursts

  6. 太阳风在日冕磁漏斗状结构中的起源&介绍一篇Science,Vol3082005上的研究论文

    Solar Wind Origin in Coronal Funnels : An Introduction of the Article Published in Science , Vol 308 , 2005

  7. 太阳硬X射线爆发揭示的日冕振荡

    The Coronal Oscillations Revealed by Solar Hard X-ray Bursts

  8. 1997年3月9日的日冕偏振CCD观测

    Polarimetry of the Solar Corona at the 1997 March 9 Eclipse

  9. 位于日冕微波区的微波III型爆发界面频率的发现

    A Separatrix Frequency of Microwave Type III Burst Found in Microwave Range in Corona

  10. 太阳X射线像用于研究日冕等离子体特性。

    It is well known that the X-ray images of the sun are used to study the properties of coronal plasma .

  11. 关于corona(日冕)问题

    On the Corona Problem

  12. 色球和日冕的MHD加热机制

    MHD Mechanisms of Chromospheric and Coronal Heating

  13. 大型日冕物质抛射如直接冲击地球将会造成大破坏,产生出的强大地磁风暴有可能会扰乱gps信号,广播通讯和电网。

    Big CMEs that hit Earth squarely can wreak havoc , spawning powerful geomagnetic storms with the potential to disrupt GPS signals , radio communications and power grids .

  14. 本文利用MHD波与日冕大气耦合的磁流体动力学方程组,计算得到冕洞内的日冕大气的温度T、密度N和流速V的分布。

    The distributions of . temperature T , density N and velocity V are given using the equations coupling the MHD waves with the coronal atmosphere .

  15. 光学仪器是看不见这种日冕的,通过FUSE可看到,这种日冕围绕在银河系周围,象一个蓝色足球形状的外壳。

    Invisible to optical devices , the halo can be seen by FUSE as a blue , football-shaped envelope around the galaxy .

  16. 天文学家是使用美国航空航天局的远紫外线光谱探测仪(FUSE)卫星,在我们所居住的星系边缘外发现此日冕的。

    Astronomers found the halo using NASA 's Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer ( FUSE ) satellite to peer beyond the edges of our home galaxy .

  17. Alfven波对日冕的随机湍动加热

    Turbulence stochastic heating of corona by Alfven waves

  18. 这次日冕大规模喷发由NASA的太阳能动态观察仪拍摄下来。这架航天器于二月份发射。

    the eruption called coronal mass ejection was caught on camera by NASA 's solar dynamic observatory , spacecraft that launched up back in February .

  19. 对消磁结构与日冕X-射线亮点相关的间接证据已为Harvey给出。

    The indirect evidence of the correlation between cancelling magnetic features and coronal X-ray bright points has been found by Harvey .

  20. 然后详细地叙述了目前在日冕紫外线观测上时间分辨率、空间分辨率都达到最好的空间望远镜&TRACE(TransitionRegionandCoronalExplorer)的情况以及观测资料的处理方法。

    Then , the EUV telescope with the highest spatial and temporal resolution nowadays , TRACE ( Transition Region And Coronal Explorer ), and the methods in processing TRACE data were described in detail .

  21. 在一维球坐标系下模拟了1998年11月4日至5日3个连续日冕物质抛射(CME)在行星际空间的传播和相互作用并最终形成复杂抛射的日地传输过程。

    The solar-terrestrial transit process of three successive CMEs during November 4-5 , 1998 has been investigated numerically in one-dimensional spherical geometry .

  22. 在太阳耀斑、日冕物质抛射(CME)和其他太阳活动现象中,磁重联一直都扮演着至关重要的作用。

    Magnetic reconnection plays a very important role in solar flares , corona mass ejections ( CME ), and other solar activities .

  23. 我们也详细研究了CME在外日冕中的后脉冲相加速度。

    We also examine in detail the post-impulsive-phase acceleration of CMEs in the propagation phase , immediately following the main impulsive acceleration phase .

  24. 通过观测日冕物质的喷发,SOHO上的一台望远镜能提前三到四天预报太阳的重大活动。

    One telescope aboard SOHO can provide three or four days ' warning of major solar events by spotting coronal mass ejections .

  25. 本文从MHD方程组出发,在不同的初态日冕中,数值模拟了日冕底部新磁通量喷发和热压力扰动两种驱动机制的日冕响应。

    In different initial corona , this paper simulates the coronal response to new magnetic flux eruption and thermal energy release at the coronal base .

  26. 戈达德试图将戏剧性的红色极光与太阳的日冕物质抛射联系起来,而后者在SOHO图像上根本不存在。

    Goddard tried to relate the dramatic red auroras to a CME on the Sun , which was nonexistent in the SOHO images .

  27. 统计分析了23周太阳活动峰年期间(1998.12~2002.12)记录到的米波Ⅱ型爆发,与Hα耀斑和日冕物质抛射(CME)事件的关系。

    The statistical analyses of the metric type ⅱ bursts , Coronal mass ejection ( CME ) and H α flares duration the 23rd solar cycle are carried out in this paper .

  28. 本文分析了第1733&1742Carrington周的太阳耀斑、行星际闪烁(IPS)、太阳风及K-日冕资料,对二维太阳风速度结构进行了综合研究。

    The two-dimensional structure of solar wind speed with Carrington latitudes and longitudes is studied based on the analyses of the observations of flares , interplanetary scintillations .

  29. 采用球坐标下二维三分量理想MHD模型,研究部分开放多极背景磁场中日冕磁绳的灾变现象。

    Using a2.5-dimantional ideal MHD model in spherical coordinates , the catastrophe of a coronal magnetic flux rope embedded in a partly-open multipolar background magnetic field has been studied .

  30. NASA的詹姆斯·韦伯太空望远镜(JamesWebbSpaceTelescope)将于2018年发射,它上面也将安装一台能看到木星大小的行星的日冕仪,但现在已经来不及对它进行调整,使它能使用遮星板。

    NASA 's James Webb Space Telescope , due for a 2018 launch , will have a coronagraph capable of seeing Jupiter-size planets , but it is too late to adapt it to a star shade .