
rì jūn
  • Japanese troops
  1. 传说关公显灵助战,援朝的中国明军大败日军,取得胜利。

    It is said that Guang Yu exercised magic power in the Ming dynasty to help Chinese army defeat Japanese troops .

  2. 1937年6月底,驻扎在丰台的日军第一联军开始了不分昼夜的军事演习。

    The first regiment of the Japanese troops stationed in Fengtai started military drills day and night from late June 1937 .

  3. 澳大利亚小说家理查德·弗拉纳根于周二凭小说《通往深远北方的窄路》(TheNarrowRoadtotheDeepNorth)获得布克奖,小说讲述了一位被拘押在日军战俘营,被迫修建泰缅铁路的澳大利亚外科医生的悲惨故事。

    The Australian novelist Richard Flanagan was awarded the Man Booker Prize on Tuesday for " The Narrow Road to the Deep North , " which tells the harrowing story of an Australian surgeon who is held in a Japanese P.O.W. camp and is forced to work on the Thailand-Burma Railway .

  4. HMAS雅拿号负责护送一支护航队到澳大利亚,但在3月4日被三艘日军巡洋舰和二艘驱逐舰阻拦。

    HMAS Yarra was given the responsibility of escorting a small convoy to Australia , but on4 March was intercepted by a force of three Japanese cruisers and two destroyers .

  5. 1942年后期,美国海军在太平洋成功遏制了日军的扩张,英国军队在北非击败了隆美尔(rommel),而苏军在斯大林格勒包围了德军。

    In late 1942 , the American Navy halted Japanese expansion in the Pacific , the British army defeated Rommel in North Africa and Russian troops were encircling the German forces at Stalingrad .

  6. 多产的独立电影导演小阿多弗•亚历克斯(AdolfoAlixJr.)执导的这部影片讲述的是二战期间,被日军俘虏的菲律宾和美国士兵被迫忍受恶劣的条件,在死亡、疾病和饥饿的威胁下的悲惨遭遇。

    Prolific indie director Adolfo Alix Jr. " s World War II drama is about how Philippine and U.S. soldiers are forced to endure brutal conditions at the mercy of the Japanese army , and their downward spiral amid death , disease and starvation .

  7. 在他眼里,比较少人知道的诺门坎战役对整个二战有着深远的影响。日军计划利用这场战役以满洲为据点夺取苏联的领土,但却在1939年夏天被苏联红军中最伟大、最无情的将军朱可夫(GeorgiZhukov)破坏了。

    Thus the relatively little-known Battle of Khalkhin-Gol , in which Japan 's plans to grab Soviet territory from its base in Manchuria were undone in the summer of 1939 by the Red Army 's greatest and most ruthless general , Georgi Zhukov , had profound consequences .

  8. 朱莉追求快速的进展,拍完遥远的蓝色天际,她马上就让你进入B-24轰炸机幽闭恐惧般的世界,很快又受到日军的袭击。

    Ms. Jolie is a fast worker . After her inaugural nod at the wide blue yonder , she thrusts you inside the claustrophobic confines of a B-24 bomber that 's soon under Japanese attack .

  9. 中国曾提出请求,希望日本允许深圳号驱逐舰的官兵参观日军一艘宙斯盾级(Aegis-class)驱逐舰。但知情人士表示,五角大楼告诉日本,鉴于小鹰号事件,这样做不合适。

    China had requested that the sailors on the Shenzhen be allowed to tour an Aegis-class destroyer , but a person familiar with the Japanese decision said the Pentagon had told Japan that the move would not be appropriate , given the Kitty Hawk incident .

  10. 确定了日军对待战俘的政策。

    Dictating the Japanese army 's policy toward prisoners of war .

  11. 被日军惨杀的中国人的头颅。

    Japan 's Imperial Army cut off this man 's head .

  12. 日军曾经占领了中国的东北。

    The northeast of China used to be occupied by japanese .

  13. 大量的民居和商业用房,都被日军闯入,洗劫一空。

    Very many residential and commercial properties were entered and looted .

  14. 1914年日军占领青岛后,在青岛设立军政署进行统治。

    After occupying Qingdao , Japanese army established military department .

  15. 日军在滇西的细菌战

    The Bacteria War Launched by the Japanese Invaders in Western Yunnan Province

  16. 国际法透视下的日军慰安妇问题

    Issue Of Japanese Army " Comfort Women " In International Law Perspective

  17. 山梁的前后左右都是日军的遗尸。

    There were dead Japanese lying all about this ridge .

  18. 如果日军突破了你,就直奔我们而来。

    Any Japanese reinforcements get through you , they get to us .

  19. 1944年侵华日军发动一号作战,河南省中西部几乎全部沦陷。

    In April 1944 , the Japanese invaders launched the Henan Campaign .

  20. 但日军主力却完整无缺,仍未败退。

    But japan 's main armies were still intact , and undefeated .

  21. 日军早晚都会把他抓回来的。

    The Japs are gonna catch him sooner or later .

  22. 侵华日军对广东的轰炸及其性质

    A preliminary study of the Japanese bombing of Guangdong and its nature

  23. 由于日军在亚洲的大规模部署,妓女很快就供不应求。

    The mass deployment in Asia quickly exceeded the supply of prostitutes .

  24. 略论侵华日军对淮盐的掠夺

    On the Plunder of Japanese Soldiers to the Huai Salt

  25. 日军入侵之前台湾地区城市发展状况概述

    Summarize of the city development in Taiwan before Japan occupied

  26. 以防日军从甲万那端市调兵增援。

    In case the Japs send reinforcements from Cabanatuan city .

  27. 二次大战期间,炮台曾被日军占据。

    During World War ii , the Japanese army occupied the fort .

  28. 芷江战役是日军在中国境内的最后一次大规模进攻。

    The Chihchiang campaign was the last major Japanese offensive in China .

  29. 12月13日,日军在坦克的掩护下进攻中华门。

    December 13 , Japanese troops attacking the Zhonghua Gate of Nanking .

  30. 一遭到这样的伏击,日军就龟缩作一因。

    Thus attacked , the Japanese would be afraid to split up .