
jí zhōng yíng
  • concentration camp;prison camp
集中营 [jí zhōng yíng]
  • [concentration camp] 人们(如战俘、政治犯、难民或外侨)被拘留或禁闭,有时还受到身心上的虐待和侮辱的营地

集中营[jí zhōng yíng]
  1. 这是一本描写关押在纳粹集中营的人受苦受难的小说。

    This is a novel depicting the bitter sufferings of the inmates in a Nazi concentration camp .

  2. 奥辛威茨集中营总是让世人想起大屠杀。

    The Auschwitz concentration camp always remind the world of the holocaust .

  3. 集中营里每天大约有五十人饿死。

    Around fifty people die of hunger every day in the camp .

  4. 他在丹麦上空被击落,在集中营呆了3年。

    He was shot down over Denmark and spent three years in a prison camp .

  5. 集中营之所以著名,因为对初次社交来说它就像是的一个开场戏

    For it was as the curtain raiser for society debutantes that Almack 's was famous .

  6. 他已经将维生素C带到了集中营,现在他又想办法从黑市上弄到了一些马麦。

    He 'd already smuggled vitamin C into the camp , and now he managed to get hold of supplies of marmite on the black market .

  7. 来自WIKI关于1945年奥斯维辛集中营中的儿童生还者的照片

    Child survivors photographed at Auschwitz in 1945 . ( Wikimedia )

  8. 想想看,AuschwitzChamberlain集中营

    Think of it ... Camp Auschwitz Chamberlain .

  9. 一些消息说他在特雷布林卡集中营(Treblinkacamp)被毒气杀死,也有人说他活了下来。

    Some sources say he was gassed to death at Treblinka camp , while others say he survived .

  10. 第二天早上,含维他命B12的物资被送到了集中营,犯人开始恢复。

    And the next morning , supplies of vitamin B12 are delivered to the camp , and the prisoners begin to recover .

  11. 批评家们赞扬了KateWinslet的表演,她扮演汉娜,一个在二战中在纳粹死亡集中营里任警卫的女人。

    Critics have praised Winslet 's performance as Hannah , a woman who worked as a guard at a Nazi German death camp during World War Two .

  12. 弗兰克尔是一名维也纳临床心理学家,他还是一名奥斯维辛集中营(Auschwitz)的幸存者。他在这本书里告诉我们,人即使在最无望的境地下也能找到生存意义。

    A Viennese psychiatrist and Auschwitz survivor , Frankl taught that one could find meaning in the most unpromising places .

  13. Mila有一些吉普赛人亲人在集中营中丧命,作为自身业力解除的结果,她第一手地理解他们所遭受的苦难。

    Mila has relations that were gypsies that ended up in the camps , and understands their suffering first hand as a result of her own karmic release .

  14. 不过很多活动都是秘密进行的,1944年的奥运会在沃尔登堡(Woldenberg)的一个集中营举办。另外一场在波兰博尔内苏利诺沃(GrossBorn)的集中营举办,这一场规模更大。

    While many of the events were held in secret , the 1944 Woldenberg Olympics , held at the camp in Woldenberg , and another held at the camp in Gross Born ( both in Poland ) , were held on a much larger scale .

  15. 那篇文章将欧元区危机与奥斯维辛集中营(Auschwitz)联系起来,对德国的傲慢提出警告,还说德国已把单一货币变成了一种武器。

    The piece links the euro crisis to Auschwitz , warns of German arrogance and says that Germany has turned the single currency into a weapon .

  16. 她嫁给了让-皮埃尔·梅耶斯(Jean-PierreMeyers),后者是在奥斯威辛集中营遇害的一名拉比的孙辈,她改信丈夫的宗教,并将儿子培养成了犹太教徒。

    She married Jean-Pierre Meyers , the grandson of a rabbi killed at Auschwitz , adopted her husband 's religion and raised her sons in Judaism .

  17. 艾萨克赫尔德于二战结束三年后出生在德国一座难民营里。母亲在奥斯威辛集中营(Auschwitz)里幸免于难。

    Isaac Held was born in a German refugee camp three years after the end of the second world war , to a mother who had survived Auschwitz .

  18. 1999年,一个叫亚伯拉罕(AvrahimZeilinwarger)的男士联系了以色列博物馆,说这个小男孩是他的儿子利瓦伊(LeviZeilinwarger)已于1943年死于集中营的毒气室。

    In 1999 , a man named Avrahim Zeilinwarger contacted an Israeli museum saying that the boy was his son , Levi Zeilinwarger , who was gassed to death in a concentration camp in 1943 .

  19. 当S-21集中营变成纪念柬埔寨国家自我屠杀博物馆后,他看到墙上挂着自己的一些作品。

    When S-21 was turned into a museum of the national self-genocide he had witnessed , some of his pictures hung on the walls .

  20. Anu人采取了摧毁老人、残疾人、神智错乱者或神智分裂者的手段,将他们拖到看来象奥斯威辛集中营的地方。

    The Anu resorted to destroying the old , aged , deformed , insane or disruptive in nature by hauling them off to what would appear to be an Auschwitz concentration camp .

  21. 埃米斯提到了奥斯维辛集中营(Auschwitz)幸存者普里莫•莱维(PrimoLevi)的著作。集中营的一位看守曾告诉莱维:“这儿没有为什么(Hieristkeinwarum)”。

    Amis referred to the writings of Primo Levi , a survivor of Auschwitz , who was told by one camp guard : " Hier ist kein warum " ( There is no why here ) .

  22. 后来,作为少数几位前线女摄影师之一,她跟随美军记录了诺曼底登陆之后的情况,盟军的前进,以及达豪集中营(Dachau)和布痕瓦尔德集中营(Buchenwald)的最后解放。

    Later , as one of a handful of female front-line photographers , she accompanied American forces to document the D-Day aftermath , Allied advance and eventual liberation of the Dachau and Buchenwald concentration camps .

  23. 他父亲在二战期间被征到犹太人劳工营,而他和母亲辗转于匈牙利各地以免遭到拘捕,像许多匈牙利犹太人那样被抓起来送往奥斯维辛集中营(Auschwitz)。

    His father was conscripted into a Jewish labour battalion during the second world war while he and his mother moved around Hungary to avoid detention and the fate that befell many Hungarian Jews who were rounded up and sent to Auschwitz .

  24. 生于匈牙利的犹太作家、大屠杀(Holocaust)集中营的幸存者、同为诺贝尔文学奖得主的凯尔泰斯•伊姆雷(KertészImre)说:“虽然我们不曾涉猎同样的题材,但我们是朋友,我们相互尊重。”

    Imre Kertesz , a Hungarian-born ­ Jewish writer and Holocaust concentration camp survivor who also won a literature Nobel , said : " We did not deal with the same subjects but we were friends and we had mutual respect . "

  25. 现在国际刑事法庭对前红色高棉领袖康克由作出了里程碑式的首次判决。他经营着一个叫做S-21的集中营,相当于波布尔特政权一半的力量。

    Today , a , the first conviction in an International War Crimes trial , that 's of Kaing Guek Eav , alias comrade Duch , who ran a secret torture camp called S-21 of the half of Pol Pot 's Regime .

  26. 就好像他在集中营里受到过的一样。

    Similar to what he 'd endured in a concentration camp .

  27. 上千的人被抓起来投入了监狱集中营。

    Thousands of persons were arrested and put into prison camps .

  28. 纳粹集中营里的人们惨遭毒气杀害。

    People in Nazi concentration camps were slaughtered using toxic gas .

  29. 在集中营的那些难民如何了?

    A : How were those refugees in the concentration camp ?

  30. 集中营的存在使犹太人充满恐惧。

    The existence of the camps filled the Jews with terror .