
jí tǐ nónɡ zhuānɡ
  • collective farm;kolkhoz
  1. 我们另找时间访问那所集体农庄。

    We 'll visit the collective farm another time .

  2. (《红星集体农庄的远景规划》一文按语)

    ( Note to " The Long-Range Plan of the Red Star Collective Farm ")

  3. 哈药集团发展生物制药创新机制研究哈哈米夏山口集体农庄

    The Research on Biopharmaceutical Innovation Mechanism of Harbin Pharmaceutical Group

  4. 我们在一个集体农庄里工作。

    We are working in a collective farm .

  5. 加兰特说,很显然,这些激进分子原来计划袭击基布兹集体农庄或者绑架一名军人。

    He said the militants were apparently planning to attack a kibbutz collective farm or to kidnap a soldier .

  6. 粮农组织和世界动物卫生组工作组访问了若干集体农庄,以及国家兽医实验室和多个实地动物卫生站。

    The FAO-OIE mission visited several collective farms as well as the national veterinary laboratory and various animal health field stations .

  7. 第二部分参观了红旗渠,还有河南的集体农庄,以及古城苏州。

    The second part visits the Red Flag canal and a collective farm in Henan , as well as the old city of Suzhou .

  8. 纳粹在乌克兰保留了集体农庄制度,系统地执行了对犹太人的种族灭绝政策以及驱赶大批乌克兰人至德国成为苦力。

    Nazis preserved the collective-farm system , systematically carried out genocidal policies against Jews , and deported others ( mainly Ukrainians ) to work in Germany .

  9. 集体农庄和个体农户每年必须按照国家规定的义务交售的数量和价格向国家提供农产品。

    Under it the collective farms and individual peasant households were required to sell their agricultural products annually to the state in quantities and at prices fixed by the state .

  10. 受以色列集体农庄的道德教育实践的启示及对涂尔干的集体道德教育理论的吸收,科尔伯格提出了更符合实际的公正团体模式。

    Enlightened by middle schools moral education practices of collective democracy in Israel and Durkheim 's collective moral educational theory , Kohlberg puts forward a more practical and just community model .

  11. 俄罗斯则实行大规模的农业私有化改革,改组了集体农庄和国营农场,建立了股份公司、农业生产合作社和个体农户经济等新的农业生产经营形式。

    Russia implemented an agricultural privatization reform on a large scale , reorganized the collective farms and state farms , and set up new agricultural production management forms such as stock companies , agricultural producers ' cooperatives and individual agricultural household economies .