
nónɡ yè jí tǐ huà
  • Agricultural collectivization;collectivization of agriculture
  1. 苏联农业集体化运动指导思想剖析

    Exercise . On Guiding Ideology of the Soviet Union 's Collectivization of Agriculture

  2. 因此,可以说苏联农业集体化道路并不是一次成功的改造农业的社会主义道路。

    So we think the road of the Soviet Union 's collectivization of agriculture was not a successful socialism road in remaking agriculture .

  3. 但在上世纪30年代斯大林(Stalin)的农业集体化时代,他的父亲被视为阶级敌人,他们家失去了自己的土地。

    But during Stalin 's agricultural collectivization in 1930 , his father was deemed a class enemy and the family lost its land .

  4. 斯大林农业集体化运动是苏联历史的必要选择

    Stalin 's agricultural collectivization movement being the necessary choice of USSR 's history

  5. 第二部分论述了自留地经营在我国农业集体化时期存在与发展的历史必然性。

    The second part discusses the Individual Plots management about the inevitability to its existence .

  6. 第三部分分析了农业集体化时期自留地经营发展变化的历程及其特点。

    The third part analyzes the development process and its characteristics of the Individual Plots management .

  7. 戈:斯大林强制乌克兰的农民们在“农业集体化”的口号下向苏联政府交出自己的田园。

    BECK : Stalin forced peasants to give up their farms under the banner of collectivization .

  8. 它在农业集体化时期曾经发挥了特殊的重要作用和影响。

    It has played a special important role and influence during the period of the agricultural collectivization .

  9. 列宁《论合作社》因历史原因,长期被人们误解为是一部论述农业集体化的论著。

    For a long time , On Cooperative by Lenin has been understood as a work on addressing agricultural collectivization .

  10. 经济战略包括社会主义工业化和农业集体化,目的在于实现国家的巩固和强大。

    Economic strategy , including the socialist industrialization and agricultural collectivization , the aim of achieving the consolidation and powerful country .

  11. 在农村,则因为农业集体化结束,正式组织调控能力下降导致组织真空。

    In the country , a vacuum of organization has resulted from the close of collective agriculture and declining control capacity of formal organizations .

  12. 类似的冲动也明显体现在斯大林在1928年作出的抉择中:打击富农并推行农业集体化。

    A similar impulse was evident in Stalin 's decision in 1928 to attack Russia 's richer peasants - or kulaks - and collectivise agriculture .

  13. 在1956&1984年我国农业集体化时期,广大农村同时存在着自留地经营制度。

    From 1956 to 1984 when the collectivization of agriculture was underway in China , the private-plot system remained to exist in the rural areas .

  14. 我国农业集体化时期的自留地经营的存在和发展既符合马克思主义的基本理论,也受到苏联经验和我国封建私有制观念的影响;

    Its existence and development not only accord with Marxist basic theories , but also effected by the idea of feudalism privately owned system in our country .

  15. 在农业集体化时期,以权力为根本的乡村治理,始终表现为国家、集体和农民3种政治主体之间的利益博弈。

    In the collectivization time of agriculture , village administration based on authority appeared as benefit gambling among political main bodies of nation , collective and peasant .

  16. 如果斯大林在20世纪20年代就死于结核病,那么苏联就不会被野蛮地驱赶着被迫完成了农业集体化和工业化。

    Had Stalin died of tuberculosis in the early 1920s then the Soviet Union would not have been brutally frogmarched through the collectivisation of agriculture and forced industrialisation .

  17. 当这种农业集体化体制形成并深深扎根在农民心中的时候,包产到户的改革浪潮给大寨带来了巨大的冲击。

    When the system of the agricultural collectivization had been deeply rooted in the farmers ' hearts , the tide of Household reform brought huge impact to Dazhai village .

  18. 在过去的80年里,山东邹平县经历过乡村建设实验、农业集体化,现在又在进行全新的发展探索。探讨它的发展历程,可以为今天的新农村建设提供有益的启发。

    Zouping County , Shandong Province is now experiencing a new-period development just as what it has done in the past 80 years , going through the rural constructive experiment and agricultural collectivization , etc.

  19. 对于中国农业集体化经济绩效的解释,既有文献的主要结论是集体农业内部平均主义的分配方式导致对有效劳动投入的激励不足。

    As for the explanation on economic performance of the Agricultural Co-operation in China , the dominating conclusion of existing works is that equalitarianism within collective agriculture damaged the peasants and exerted negative impact on their incentive .

  20. 试评斯大林的农业全盘集体化运动

    A Comment on Stalin 's Wholesale Agricultural Collectivization

  21. 他推行一个接一个农业、工业集体化五年计划,手段凶残,被监禁被谋杀者数以百万计。

    His five-year plans for the collectivisation of agriculture and industry were implemented with such brutality that millions were imprisoned or murdered .

  22. 1953年,中国的农业走上了集体化的道路。

    In1953 , Chinese agriculture took the path of collective farming .

  23. 同时,土改所形成的一个更为均平的个体农民经济,为国家推行农业现代化计划以及集体化提供了基础。

    The formation of a homogeneous fanner production pattern provided the foundation for agricultural modernization and collectivization .

  24. 中俄两国农业改革的基本内容,都是打破原有的高度集中管理的农业集体化经营模式,建立新的农业生产经营管理形式。

    The basic contents of the agricultural reforms in both China and Russia are breakthroughs in the original highly concentrated collective agricultural mode of management and the setting up of a new agricultural production and operational management mode .

  25. 农业互助组是新中国50年代农业生产的主要组织形式,也是中国社会主义农业集体化的过渡形式。

    Agricultural mutual aid groups is 50 years of New China , the main organizational form of agricultural production and also the Transitional form of Socialist collectivization of agriculture of china .