
nóng lín mù fù yú
  • farming, forestry, animal husbandry, side-line production and fishery;farming,forestry,animal husbandry,side-line production and fishery
农林牧副渔 [nóng lín mù fù yú]
  • [farming,forestry,animal husbandry,side-line production and fishery] 农业、林业、畜牧业、副产品加工业和渔业

农林牧副渔[nóng lín mù fù yú]
  1. 现在我们要大力提倡立体化农业,使农林牧副渔综合发展。

    Now we must call for comprehensive agriculture to vigorously develop forestation , herding , fishing and comprehensive third industries .

  2. 广义农业地质学是研究包含农林牧副渔的大农业与地质环境相互依存、相互作用和相互制约关系的一门新兴边缘学科。

    It is a branch of geology relating the great agriculture ( agriculture , forestry , animal husbandry , side - line and fishery ) to the geological environment , their interdependence and interaction .

  3. 现在我们要大力提倡立体化农业,使农林牧副渔综合发展。农牧民个人和集体上市出售、交换农牧副和手工业产品,一律不收税。

    Now we must call for comprehensive agriculture to vigorously develop forestation , herding , fishing and comprehensive third industries . Farmers and herdsmen , individually or collectively , need pay no taxes for selling or exchanging their farm produce , livestock products or handicrafts .

  4. 城郊旅游就是利用城郊的田园风光、自然生态及环境资源,结合农林牧副渔生产、经营活动、乡村文化、农家生活等资源,为人们提供观光体验、休闲度假、品尝购物等娱乐项目的旅游。

    Suburbs tourism utilize the rural scenery , natural ecology and environmental resources , combine the farming production , forestry , animal husbandry , sideline production and fishery , business activities , rural culture , peasant family and living etc , offer the amusement projects , tasting , shopping etc.