
  • 网络areal type of agriculture
  1. 中国绿色农业地域类型与发展对策

    Regional Differentiation and Development Countermeasures of Green Agriculture in China

  2. 滇黔桂岩溶地区农业地域类型分区之研究

    On zoning areal types of agriculture of the karst areas in yunnan , Guizhou and Guangxi

  3. 指标综合法及山区农业地域类型划分

    The methods for synthesizing indexes and the division of regional types of agriculture in mountainous regions

  4. 东北地区农业地域结构类型划分研究

    Types Division of Agricultural Region Structure in Northeast China

  5. 应用模糊聚类分析划分黔中岩溶山区农业地域系统类型

    Application of The Fuzzy Cluster Analysis on Dividing Agricultural Territorial System Types in The Middle Karst Mountain Region of Guizhou Province

  6. 城郊农业是一个特殊的农业生产地域类型。

    Sub urban agriculture is a special type of regional agriculture .

  7. 主要的传统研究是以地域为单元来探讨农业生态、土地利用、粮食生产与供应,农业地域类型和农业区划,编写区域农业地理志和农业图集等。

    The tradition was to approach the agroecology , land utilization , grain problem and supply , land types and regionalization of agriculture , regional agricultural geography and thematic mapping for agriculture , from the region as a unit .

  8. 都市农业是在乡村农业、城郊农业的基础上,经历了长时间的孕育、准备阶段而逐步成长、发展起来的一种现代农业地域类型。

    Urban agriculture is a modern agriculture territorial type , one developed gradually from the embryonic and preparational stage and on the basis of rural and suburb agriculture .